As a reminder: In the winter of 1972 I was greatly burdened and on my knees in prayer when I was engulfed in a brilliant Light unlike any light on earth. The Light was pure Love in answer to my prayer and it bestowed upon me a great sense of Peace and an awareness that I would be shown where to go and what to do. The Light quickened and awakened spiritual senses and faculties within me and it gave me a standard, a measuring rod, to discern spiritual things. For two years my spiritual discernment was tested and tried as I was "seeking", "asking" and "knocking" in my search for someone who knew more than I did and who could show me how to help God solve the problems on planet earth.
Now, April 10, 1974, I was at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles attending a spiritual conference put on by The Summit Lighthouse. By spiritual discernment of the Light in the auras of the people who were coming to attend, I determined that I had finally found what I was looking for. I felt at home and these were my long lost brothers and sisters. My determination was further being confirmed in the Teaching that was being delivered in the lectures. I experienced the release of power and Light in giving Decrees; a new form of combined mantra and prayer called The Science of the Spoken Word. I was astounded, happy and joyous at what I was experiencing but I could never have expected what would happen next.
A petite and beautiful woman came onto the stage. It was the same woman who I saw in the poster that led me to this conference. I could sense that she had great Light and great Power and she radiated a tremendous Love. Her name was Elizabeth Clare Prophet (she recently made her transition and Ascension on October 15, 2009) and she was affectionately called Mother or Mother of the Flame. The title Mother of the Flame is bestowed upon the one who best represents the Light of the World Mother in the earth. Several years later the Ascended Master Padma Sambhava bestowed upon her the title of Guru Ma (she had been his chief disciple Yeshe Tsogyal in that life). Mother talked about her early childhood experiences with Jesus, the Angels and with the Light of God. She told of how she found Saint Germain (formerly embodied as St Joseph the father of Jesus, and Samuel the Prophet) and how she was led to meet her future husband and Twin Flame, Mark L. Prophet. She told of how Mark Prophet (now the Ascended Master Lanello who had been embodied as Lot, Lancelot and Longfellow) had been contacted in 1958 by the Ascended Master El Morya (Abraham, King Arthur, Thomas Becket and Thomas More) and was instructed to found The Summit Lighthouse organization.
Mother told how El Morya had instructed her to meet Mark Prophet in order to be trained to become a Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood (the White refers to the White Light that surrounds them). She explained that Mark Prophet was her Twin Flame and that he was coming to the conclusion of his mission as a Messenger and that she had to be trained in order to carry on the activity. These are the Two Witnesses of the Book of Revelation. She explained that the training to become a Messenger spans many embodiments. She had been Martha, the sister of Mary and Lazarus, whom Jesus liked to visit. She had been Saint Clare who worked with Saint Francis to establish their holy order. She had been Saint Catharine of Sienna and had taken dictation from Jesus while her secretaries wrote them down. Now she was called in the tradition of the Old Testament Prophets to speak the Word of the Lord unto His people.
Mother was preparing to give the first Dictation scheduled for the Conference from the Ascended Lady Master Kuan Yin. Kuan Yin is known as the Bodhisattva of Compassion and the Goddess of Mercy. A God or Goddess is an Ascended Son or Daughter of God who has evolved on the earth as we are and who have put on their Christhood and who have Ascended back to God, the Mighty I Am Presence, and have become permanently fused with God as His Ascended Sons and Daughters. All power in Heaven and in earth is given to them and they have dominion over all of the Creation. This is not a pantheon of gods; there is only One God. The title of God or Goddess is bestowed upon the one who has become One With God. Kuan Yin is a member of the governing board of the planet called The Great Karmic Board. They are responsible for holding and distributing the karma for billions of souls on the planet. After each embodiment and prior to the next, the soul goes before a review of the Great Karmic Board to assess how they had done in the life just ended and what they were to accomplish in the life yet to begin. They have a very great responsibility.
Mother then explained the process of giving a Dictation from Ascended or Cosmic Beings. The Messenger must raise her consciousness to the level of her Holy Christ Self. The Ascended Master lowers their consciousness to meet the Messenger at that level of the Holy Christ Self. There are two ways in which a Dictation can be delivered by the Ascended Master. The method of receiving a dictation ex cathedra (in the authority of the Office of Messenger) involves the delivery of Letters of Living Fire to the Messenger which when read by her releases the Light and Fohat (Energy) of the Master. The other method involves the Ascended Master superimposing their Electronic Light Body over the Messenger and delivering the Word directly through her. In either method there is a tremendous release of Light and Energy; Power, Wisdom and Love. When the Dictation is electronically recorded it contains all of that energy so that when it is replayed it is as if the original Dictation were being given again with the full release of all of that Light and Energy. This is a tremendous dispensation and boon to the evolutions of earth. If you were not able to be there when the original Release was given you can still experience it. There are thousands of hours of such recordings which you can access from
Mother then instructed us in our role in receiving a Dictation. We needed to remain alert and erect in our chairs and with our feet uncrossed and flat on the floor. Our hands should be cupped and resting in our lap. The Light of the Master would be poured into our four lower bodies and chakras. We would become the Light bearers to the world as the leaven that leavened the whole lump of the human consciousness. This was the means by which Heaven may work with embodied souls to raise an entire evolution to a higher level of consciousness. It was also a means by which Heaven may enact the judgment upon the fallen angels and their corrupt creation. This was a tremendous action and work. This was the work of the ages. We would be standing on the line where Light meets darkness and swallows it up. That is why we were taught decrees to invoke a Mighty Tube of Light around us and to invoke the protection of the Mighty Archangel Michael and Hosts of the Lord. Because we are in the earth, we would become the targets for the attacks of the fallen angels and the "tares", and other foul and unclean spirits. This was not a work for the faint of heart. This is what my preparation had been all about for the past two years.
The Messenger then led us in a beautiful musical meditation, the lights dimmed and the Dictation began.
It was beautiful beyond words. The Light that was released in the Dictation was the same Light that I had experienced while on my knees at work in my computer room two years before. I was in ecstasy. There was no doubt, no question; this is the one that I had been searching for and I never wanted to leave her. The Drill Sargent in me wanted to protect and defend her at all cost. The rest of the lectures, meditations, decrees, and Dictations built on one another to a crescendo. I came expecting the usual crumbs of teachings. Instead I was at the table of the Lord and a mighty banquet indeed.
They had a University of the Spirit named Ascended Master University which was later renamed Summit University. I was only two months from graduation and yet I wanted to quit school and go to their University. This was not to be. After the Conference I returned back to school and graduated receiving a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. The Fall Quarter of Ascended Master University would be sponsored by the Ascended Master Serapis Bey, Chohan (Lord) of the Fourth Ray, the White Ray of Purity. I could hardly wait for September.
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