Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chapter 7 A Teaching on the Death Penalty

The D.C. Sniper has been executed today 11-11-09 prompting this question Do You Believe in the Death Penalty? This is my reply

There is no DEATH. The soul does not die when the house it temporarily lives in is cast off. Jesus disproved that lie and yet it persists. When are people going to "get it"? We are not our bodies. Our soul functions through the body to gain mastery over the use of God's energy. We must learn compassion not sympathy.

YES. If a soul “kills” and disrupts the progress of another soul by prematurely causing the house (body) of another to be cast off, "killed", then yes the offender should have his opportunity for further experience in the earth terminated also. It teaches the offending soul a valuable lesson and the soul can plead for opportunity to again embody and correct the wrong in a future embodiment by serving to protect and preserve life. He may even be required to give birth to the soul he "killed". Those souls who have committed such offenses and are allowed to remain in embodiment while imprisoned often grow more resentful and rebellious because they do not receive the immediate consequences for their action.

Compassion for the souls involved has to take into account the lessons the soul needs to learn. The soul that was "killed" needs to learn the lesson of "watchfulness" and "attunement" so that it learns to listen to the warnings of "The Inner Man of the Heart", our Holy Christ Self. God placed within our heart a spark of His Eternal Fire, an Unfed Threefold Flame of Power (Blue, Father), Wisdom (Yellow, Son) and Love (Pink, Holy Spirit). This 3-Fold Flame is our portal to the kingdom of heaven (Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is within us). The Crystal Cord or River of Life connects the 3-Fold Flame to our Higher Mind, our Real Self, our Holy Christ Self which is that Inner Man of the Heart. That is the voice of conscience and the voice of warning we need to learn to listen to. The Crystal Cord continues from the heart of our Holy Christ Self to connect with the Presence of God individualized for each of His sons and daughters. It is named the Mighty I Am Presence after the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, that was given to Moses on Mt Sinai as a testament and a memorial forever.

The soul was created in Spirit in the image and likeness of God (our God is a consuming fire) as a living potential. The soul must "prove" that potential by putting on that mind that was also in Christ Jesus, our Christ Mind, our Holy Christ Self. When this is accomplished then we can fulfill the prophecy of Jesus that the things that he did, we would do and greater things would we do. When the soul has fulfilled its Divine Blueprint and Plan and "put on" its Christhood, balanced at least 51% of its karma, and balanced and expanded its ThreeFold Flame then it becomes a candidate for the Ascension. The karma of the souls of God goes before them unto repentance and becomes balanced by service to life and prayer and invocation to the Light of God for transmutation. The Ascension is the Ritual whereby the soul who is now one with its Holy Christ Self becomes permanently fused to God, the Mighty I Am Presence. To this Victorious One is granted all power in heaven and in earth and dominion over the Creation. If the soul did not balance all of its karma while in the earth then it must continue to balance the remaining percentage from the Ascended state.

The soul that took the "life" of another soul must also learn the lesson that we are our brother’s keeper. We are One. What we do to another we have really done to ourselves and we will experience what the other soul experienced when it was "killed". Jesus said that whatsoever you do to the least of these my brethren you have done to him. God is not mocked. The law of karma dictates the return of energy in due course, in a present or future embodiment. If the soul refuses to learn the lesson then eventually opportunity for further embodiment for the purpose of advancement is terminated. The Second Death is the cancelling out of the identity of the soul and all energy that was a part of it is recycled to the Great Unmanifest Pool of God's Energy. The soul as an identity is no more.

Jesus understood this principle; that is why he allowed his body to be crucified on the Cross. The action against him resulted in a great karma to be upon those responsible for terminating his embodiment. This also allowed him to teach his disciples that there is no death when he resurrected his body. There are fallen angels in embodiment and Lucifer created an anti-Christ, godless, soulless creation that Jesus called "the tares among the wheat". They have no conscience, no guilt, no shame, no remorse and no real identity apart from the Collective. They are like ants in an anthill; they move about independently but they serve the Socialist goal of the Collective. Their karma accumulates until it reaches a "tipping point" and the judgment descends upon them and they can be removed from the earth forever. We are in a time when this "tipping point" is being reached and many of the rebellious ones and their anti-Christ creation are running out of time.

This is the patience of the Saints. We are the sacrificial lambs, slain from the foundation of the earth, who have allowed ourselves to be "killed" so that these fallen ones can finally be removed and the planet freed from their influence. Those who suffered in the Holocaust and other such events did not 'die' in vain. Hitler and those responsible have met their judgment. Lucifer and Satan are no more. Some of the fallen angels have repented, asked for forgiveness, and have been restored to God and are now part of a band of angels called "the restored angels". But, there are many "die hards" who refuse to repent and seek forgiveness. Their time in the earth is very short.

Those who meet out the "death penalty" upon an innocent person will have to balance that karma. Every effort should be taken to prove guilt and that duty should not be taken lightly. We have a personal and civic duty to protect and preserve life and when necessary to take the life of one who tries to take or threatens to take our life or the lives of others. Krishna expounded on that duty (dharma) to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. Life has hard lessons. We are here to learn, and the most important lesson is forgiveness and mercy; mostly to ourselves but also to others. Forgiveness frees us from the attachment to another who has or who we perceive has, wronged us. Holding a grudge against another only serves to bind us to them. We must never condemn ourselves or take on the belief that we are unworthy. Even the most hardened criminal, fallen angel or arch deceiver can and will receive forgiveness when they ask God to forgive them. In fact God has already forgiven them, they just need to ask for that forgiveness to descend upon them by asking for forgiveness.

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