This is copied from an earlier post I made to in response to a question about what inspires us. I have added additional information at the end of the original post having to do with the Fourth (and succeeding) Root Race.
"What one man can do, another can do."This statement has profound meaning
....the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do...(John 14:12)
...for behold the kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:21)
Within our Heart of hearts (the Secret Chamber of the Heart Chakra) God placed a spark of His Sacred Fire (our God is a consuming fire). We are the children of God. Our souls were created in Spirit in His image and likeness out of His Sacred Fire. This spark of God's Fire in our Heart of hearts is an Unfed Threefold Flame (Blue, Yellow, and Pink) that springs from a cube of White Fire. Each of the three petals of the Threefold Flame is an attribute of God. The Blue Flame represents, and is, the Father and His Power and Will. The Yellow Flame represents, and is, the Wisdom of the Son. The Pink Flame represents, and is, the Love of the Holy Spirit. This Threefold Flame is the portal to the kingdom of God.The 3-Fold Flame is connected by the Crystal Cord or River of Life to our Higher Mind which is that Mind that was also in Christ Jesus. This Higher Mind is our Real Self, our Holy Christ Self and the 3-Fold Flame is also known as the Holy Christ Flame. From there the Crystal Cord connects us to the Heart of the Presence of God individualized for each of us. God told Moses on Mt. Sinai that His name is I AM THAT I AM and this name is a testament and memorial forever. The individualized Presence of God is called The Mighty I Am Presence. God nourishes our heart and physical vessels over the Crystal Cord (Jesus said that we do not live by bread alone) somewhat like a spiritual umbilical cord. God sustains our heartbeat by an impulse from His Own Heart.
Long ago and through disobedience to God and by ignoring His laws written in our inward parts, we broke our connection to God, the Mighty I Am Presence. We snuffed out our 3-Fold Flame. Our bodies densified and we became "cave man". We are not animals and did not evolve from the animal kingdom. We devolved to an animal-like state and we have been evolving back from that state thanks to the rescue efforts of The Ancient of Days (Sanat Kumara) and 144,000 of his Saints that volunteered to "Keep the Flame of Life" on behalf of earth's evolutions.The Prophets and Saints of East and West were those who were a part of this rescue mission. They were sent into the earth to provide a "Teaching" and a path for souls to follow out of their own self-created darkness. Each of the world's major religions were founded to reach certain groups of souls. Jesus, Rama, Krishna, Zarathustra, Abraham, Issac, Moses, Gautama Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Mohamed, Kwan Yin, Padma Sambhava and many others came as part of the rescue mission. Jesus had a special mission to re-ignite and connect our heart, and the 3-Fold Flame within the heart, back to God's Heart. Through devotion to Jesus, Jesus establishes a connection from our heart to His Sacred Heart and thence to the Heart of God. That is why no man can come to the Father but through Jesus. Over time Jesus re-introduces us to our own Holy Christ Self and works with us to strengthen the "Tie that Binds" so that Jesus can be free to rescue other souls.
There is no animosity or competition among the Saints of Heaven. They all work for the common goal of re-uniting souls with God. There are fallen angels who fell with Lucifer in the great rebellion who are still in the earth. Lucifer created an anti-Christ creation that Jesus called "the tares among the wheat" to oppose God's children in the earth. They are godless, soulless beings with no connection to God since they were created in the earth and not in Spirit. They are not of God and have never known God therefore they deny the existence of God and refuse to accept the authority of God's Christs in the earth. They have no conscience, no remorse, no guilt, no shame, no compassion; none of the attributes of Christ or of Buddha. They are like ants in an anthill, a Socialist collective, who only live to serve and further the colony. They genetically contain all of the hatred, malice, animosity and anger of Lucifer toward God and His children. They seek power for power's sake and work themselves into positions of power "by hook or by crook". They are the source of all schism and division and the cause of the disconnect from our heart to the Heart of God. Their sole purpose and goal is to prevent the children of God from realizing their Christ Identity and returning to God in the ritual of the Ascension.
The souls of God must complete their evolution by putting on that mind that was also in Christ Jesus as Saint Paul said. They are most vulnerable in the earth while they are in the process of accomplishing this feat. The Christ of each child of God is a unique personality in God and our Christ Self is our True and Real Self. God is not interested in human perfection; the human can never be perfected. Perfection already exists in our Christ Self. We must put off the human consciousness and all of its nonsense and put on our Christ Perfection. We must put off corruption and put on incorruption; we must put off mortality and put on immortality. We are intended to be immortal God free beings.
The Fall of Lucifer and his angels and the creation of "the tares among the wheat" occurred during the time of the Fourth Root Race (4th RR). The souls of the Fourth Root Race had great powers of creation. When Lucifer fell he and his angels still had a great momentum in the use of God's Light and Energy. They managed to beguile and confuse the souls of the 4th RR. Distorted creations of half man half animal, dinosaurs and animal forms housing imprisoned elementals began to distort the creative intent of the Father. The souls of the 4th RR were creating a tremendous amount of negative karma. In order to prevent the total destruction of the 4th RR, the Great Karmic Board declared an edict that reduced the ThreeFold Flame of the heart to one sixteenth of an inch and decreased the amount of Light and Energy flowing over the Crystal Cord. The bodies of the 4th RR densified and they became as "cave men" as they were cast out of Eden.
Eventually even the reduced ThreeFold Flame got snuffed out and souls even forgot the use of fire. Things on the earth became dire. The purpose of a planet is to house souls who are evolving into their Christ Reality and ascending back to God. There is a requirement that at least one soul must ascend each year in order to maintain the planet as a schoolroom for souls. When no souls were able to meet the requirement, Cosmic Councils declared that the purpose of the planet ceased to be met. They therefore decreed the destruction of the planet. At the last possible moment a Great Soul, Sanat Kumara (known as the Ancient of Days) stepped forth and volunteered to exile himself to earth in order to Keep the Flame of Life for the evolutions of earth until the fire in their hearts could be rekindled and they began to ascend again. Sanat Kumara is the Hierarch of the planet Venus and he left his Twin Flame, the Lady Master Venus, for what turned out to be an exile of millions of years.
One hundred and forty four thousand souls of Venus volunteered to come with Sanat Kumara to help Keep the Flame and to embody among earth's evolutions to help teach them the way back to God. They did not know what they were bargaining for as they had to take on the same dense bodies of the evolutions at that time. It was an excruciating experience. Their first outpost was established at Shamballa on an island in the Gobi Sea which is now the Gobi desert. Again and again advanced souls of their bands tried to establish a body of Teaching to help guide souls back to God and again and again they were murdered.
The Fifth Root Race and then the Sixth Root Race came into embodiment in the earth. They also became entangled in the maya of earth and got stuck here. To compound the situation even more, souls of other planets were brought to planet earth. They had succumbed to the fallen angels and their divide and conquer tactics. During great wars they managed to blow-up their planets. Only one third of the souls of the planet Maldek (now the Asteroid Belt) were salvagable and they were allowed to embody on earth. The other two thirds went through the Second Death. The same thing happened on the planet Hedron which was between Mercury and the Sun. This is why planet earth has such a varied populace and seems so overcrowded. And now the souls of the Seventh Root Race are starting to embody.
Souls must re-embody with souls they have created karma with. They must work out that karma and learn to help each other evolve back to God. Karma is plotted astrologically as a cyclic return of energy. As planets and stars align a certain portion of karma descends. It is like collanders within collanders and as their holes align a certain portion of energy passes through. There is a very precise timing involved. The problem with abortion, besides creating more karma, is that it interferes with God's timing and it is a denial of God in the soul that is taking embodiment. Abortion is ultimate selfishness. We have debts to pay to other souls and sometimes that debt is a debt of life. We have to give life to souls to whom we have denied life. We have to learn to nurture life and God in each other. Karma is never convenient and it severely tests the souls obedience to God. There is a great drama to the interplay of souls on planet earth. We take on different roles as players on a stage. Sometimes we are parent, sometimes we are child. Sometimes we are helper and sometimes we are antagonist. We have friends from past embodiments who take on burdens such as a beggar in the street so that we will learn compassion for the less fortunate. We rub against each other, as diamonds in the rough, knocking off chips of karmic debris and so we learn to "let the chips fall where they may".
For their part, the fallen angels and "tares" accumulate karma for their attacks against the souls of God in the earth. They are karma dodgers. They do not bear the burden of their karma on a daily basis in order to balance it. They seem to get away with murder. Actually, for each attack against a son or daughter of God, they lose momentums of energy as percentages of their attainment and energy are reduced. O how the mighty have fallen. They are like a fan whose plug has been pulled. The fan continues to spin as it gradually begins to slow down. Then like a light bulb just before it burns out, they flash bright, and then they are no more. Or, they become like the moon reflecting the light of the suns of God back to them so that they appear to have light when in fact they have none. They have learned to sustain themselves by stealing light from the children of the Light. They cannot receive Light directly from God as they are cut off. They cause children of the Light to misqualify their light and turn it into darkness which the fallen ones then are able to use. We must learn to remain harmonious no matter what assails us. We must be as a Lighthouse that continues to beam its light into the night no matter how mighty storm tossed seas may batter against us.
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