I remember when I was quite young and had not yet learned how to swim. My mother would take us to the public pool on hot summer days. I would become bold and take to moving around the pool by hanging on to the edge but not quite ready to let go. One day a man was teaching his son to swim and I bothered him by going back and forth along the edge. Impulsively he pushed me away from the edge and out into deeper water. I was frightened and struggled with all of my might to make it back to the edge. I was quite relieved to be back to the safety of the edge but I was also exhilarated that I had actually swum. I began letting go of the edge more and more often at first going out only a little way and then farther and farther. I eventually became a very good swimmer.
Courage is derived from two words which are "cour" (French for heart) and "age" and it means "the coming of age of the heart".
We are spiritual beings in a vast ocean of Spirit. The earth is like the public pool. Religion offers us a safe "edge" for us to hold onto while we are learning and becoming stronger "spiritual swimmers". We don't have to swim far from the edge to build our confidence. Every little excursion away from the edge builds confidence and courage. Maybe I have nudged you a little way from the edge but you made it back and are safe. Take courage and keep on trying. Keep experimenting with your new found knowledge and strength. To paraphrase; the journey across the pool begins with a single stroke.
Therefore I say to you; take courage and be courageous seekers of truth.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Chapter 8: Back at the Conference and My Re-encounter with the Light of God
As a reminder: In the winter of 1972 I was greatly burdened and on my knees in prayer when I was engulfed in a brilliant Light unlike any light on earth. The Light was pure Love in answer to my prayer and it bestowed upon me a great sense of Peace and an awareness that I would be shown where to go and what to do. The Light quickened and awakened spiritual senses and faculties within me and it gave me a standard, a measuring rod, to discern spiritual things. For two years my spiritual discernment was tested and tried as I was "seeking", "asking" and "knocking" in my search for someone who knew more than I did and who could show me how to help God solve the problems on planet earth.
Now, April 10, 1974, I was at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles attending a spiritual conference put on by The Summit Lighthouse. By spiritual discernment of the Light in the auras of the people who were coming to attend, I determined that I had finally found what I was looking for. I felt at home and these were my long lost brothers and sisters. My determination was further being confirmed in the Teaching that was being delivered in the lectures. I experienced the release of power and Light in giving Decrees; a new form of combined mantra and prayer called The Science of the Spoken Word. I was astounded, happy and joyous at what I was experiencing but I could never have expected what would happen next.
A petite and beautiful woman came onto the stage. It was the same woman who I saw in the poster that led me to this conference. I could sense that she had great Light and great Power and she radiated a tremendous Love. Her name was Elizabeth Clare Prophet (she recently made her transition and Ascension on October 15, 2009) and she was affectionately called Mother or Mother of the Flame. The title Mother of the Flame is bestowed upon the one who best represents the Light of the World Mother in the earth. Several years later the Ascended Master Padma Sambhava bestowed upon her the title of Guru Ma (she had been his chief disciple Yeshe Tsogyal in that life). Mother talked about her early childhood experiences with Jesus, the Angels and with the Light of God. She told of how she found Saint Germain (formerly embodied as St Joseph the father of Jesus, and Samuel the Prophet) and how she was led to meet her future husband and Twin Flame, Mark L. Prophet. She told of how Mark Prophet (now the Ascended Master Lanello who had been embodied as Lot, Lancelot and Longfellow) had been contacted in 1958 by the Ascended Master El Morya (Abraham, King Arthur, Thomas Becket and Thomas More) and was instructed to found The Summit Lighthouse organization.
Mother told how El Morya had instructed her to meet Mark Prophet in order to be trained to become a Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood (the White refers to the White Light that surrounds them). She explained that Mark Prophet was her Twin Flame and that he was coming to the conclusion of his mission as a Messenger and that she had to be trained in order to carry on the activity. These are the Two Witnesses of the Book of Revelation. She explained that the training to become a Messenger spans many embodiments. She had been Martha, the sister of Mary and Lazarus, whom Jesus liked to visit. She had been Saint Clare who worked with Saint Francis to establish their holy order. She had been Saint Catharine of Sienna and had taken dictation from Jesus while her secretaries wrote them down. Now she was called in the tradition of the Old Testament Prophets to speak the Word of the Lord unto His people.
Mother was preparing to give the first Dictation scheduled for the Conference from the Ascended Lady Master Kuan Yin. Kuan Yin is known as the Bodhisattva of Compassion and the Goddess of Mercy. A God or Goddess is an Ascended Son or Daughter of God who has evolved on the earth as we are and who have put on their Christhood and who have Ascended back to God, the Mighty I Am Presence, and have become permanently fused with God as His Ascended Sons and Daughters. All power in Heaven and in earth is given to them and they have dominion over all of the Creation. This is not a pantheon of gods; there is only One God. The title of God or Goddess is bestowed upon the one who has become One With God. Kuan Yin is a member of the governing board of the planet called The Great Karmic Board. They are responsible for holding and distributing the karma for billions of souls on the planet. After each embodiment and prior to the next, the soul goes before a review of the Great Karmic Board to assess how they had done in the life just ended and what they were to accomplish in the life yet to begin. They have a very great responsibility.
Mother then explained the process of giving a Dictation from Ascended or Cosmic Beings. The Messenger must raise her consciousness to the level of her Holy Christ Self. The Ascended Master lowers their consciousness to meet the Messenger at that level of the Holy Christ Self. There are two ways in which a Dictation can be delivered by the Ascended Master. The method of receiving a dictation ex cathedra (in the authority of the Office of Messenger) involves the delivery of Letters of Living Fire to the Messenger which when read by her releases the Light and Fohat (Energy) of the Master. The other method involves the Ascended Master superimposing their Electronic Light Body over the Messenger and delivering the Word directly through her. In either method there is a tremendous release of Light and Energy; Power, Wisdom and Love. When the Dictation is electronically recorded it contains all of that energy so that when it is replayed it is as if the original Dictation were being given again with the full release of all of that Light and Energy. This is a tremendous dispensation and boon to the evolutions of earth. If you were not able to be there when the original Release was given you can still experience it. There are thousands of hours of such recordings which you can access from
Mother then instructed us in our role in receiving a Dictation. We needed to remain alert and erect in our chairs and with our feet uncrossed and flat on the floor. Our hands should be cupped and resting in our lap. The Light of the Master would be poured into our four lower bodies and chakras. We would become the Light bearers to the world as the leaven that leavened the whole lump of the human consciousness. This was the means by which Heaven may work with embodied souls to raise an entire evolution to a higher level of consciousness. It was also a means by which Heaven may enact the judgment upon the fallen angels and their corrupt creation. This was a tremendous action and work. This was the work of the ages. We would be standing on the line where Light meets darkness and swallows it up. That is why we were taught decrees to invoke a Mighty Tube of Light around us and to invoke the protection of the Mighty Archangel Michael and Hosts of the Lord. Because we are in the earth, we would become the targets for the attacks of the fallen angels and the "tares", and other foul and unclean spirits. This was not a work for the faint of heart. This is what my preparation had been all about for the past two years.
The Messenger then led us in a beautiful musical meditation, the lights dimmed and the Dictation began.
It was beautiful beyond words. The Light that was released in the Dictation was the same Light that I had experienced while on my knees at work in my computer room two years before. I was in ecstasy. There was no doubt, no question; this is the one that I had been searching for and I never wanted to leave her. The Drill Sargent in me wanted to protect and defend her at all cost. The rest of the lectures, meditations, decrees, and Dictations built on one another to a crescendo. I came expecting the usual crumbs of teachings. Instead I was at the table of the Lord and a mighty banquet indeed.
They had a University of the Spirit named Ascended Master University which was later renamed Summit University. I was only two months from graduation and yet I wanted to quit school and go to their University. This was not to be. After the Conference I returned back to school and graduated receiving a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. The Fall Quarter of Ascended Master University would be sponsored by the Ascended Master Serapis Bey, Chohan (Lord) of the Fourth Ray, the White Ray of Purity. I could hardly wait for September.
Now, April 10, 1974, I was at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles attending a spiritual conference put on by The Summit Lighthouse. By spiritual discernment of the Light in the auras of the people who were coming to attend, I determined that I had finally found what I was looking for. I felt at home and these were my long lost brothers and sisters. My determination was further being confirmed in the Teaching that was being delivered in the lectures. I experienced the release of power and Light in giving Decrees; a new form of combined mantra and prayer called The Science of the Spoken Word. I was astounded, happy and joyous at what I was experiencing but I could never have expected what would happen next.
A petite and beautiful woman came onto the stage. It was the same woman who I saw in the poster that led me to this conference. I could sense that she had great Light and great Power and she radiated a tremendous Love. Her name was Elizabeth Clare Prophet (she recently made her transition and Ascension on October 15, 2009) and she was affectionately called Mother or Mother of the Flame. The title Mother of the Flame is bestowed upon the one who best represents the Light of the World Mother in the earth. Several years later the Ascended Master Padma Sambhava bestowed upon her the title of Guru Ma (she had been his chief disciple Yeshe Tsogyal in that life). Mother talked about her early childhood experiences with Jesus, the Angels and with the Light of God. She told of how she found Saint Germain (formerly embodied as St Joseph the father of Jesus, and Samuel the Prophet) and how she was led to meet her future husband and Twin Flame, Mark L. Prophet. She told of how Mark Prophet (now the Ascended Master Lanello who had been embodied as Lot, Lancelot and Longfellow) had been contacted in 1958 by the Ascended Master El Morya (Abraham, King Arthur, Thomas Becket and Thomas More) and was instructed to found The Summit Lighthouse organization.
Mother told how El Morya had instructed her to meet Mark Prophet in order to be trained to become a Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood (the White refers to the White Light that surrounds them). She explained that Mark Prophet was her Twin Flame and that he was coming to the conclusion of his mission as a Messenger and that she had to be trained in order to carry on the activity. These are the Two Witnesses of the Book of Revelation. She explained that the training to become a Messenger spans many embodiments. She had been Martha, the sister of Mary and Lazarus, whom Jesus liked to visit. She had been Saint Clare who worked with Saint Francis to establish their holy order. She had been Saint Catharine of Sienna and had taken dictation from Jesus while her secretaries wrote them down. Now she was called in the tradition of the Old Testament Prophets to speak the Word of the Lord unto His people.
Mother was preparing to give the first Dictation scheduled for the Conference from the Ascended Lady Master Kuan Yin. Kuan Yin is known as the Bodhisattva of Compassion and the Goddess of Mercy. A God or Goddess is an Ascended Son or Daughter of God who has evolved on the earth as we are and who have put on their Christhood and who have Ascended back to God, the Mighty I Am Presence, and have become permanently fused with God as His Ascended Sons and Daughters. All power in Heaven and in earth is given to them and they have dominion over all of the Creation. This is not a pantheon of gods; there is only One God. The title of God or Goddess is bestowed upon the one who has become One With God. Kuan Yin is a member of the governing board of the planet called The Great Karmic Board. They are responsible for holding and distributing the karma for billions of souls on the planet. After each embodiment and prior to the next, the soul goes before a review of the Great Karmic Board to assess how they had done in the life just ended and what they were to accomplish in the life yet to begin. They have a very great responsibility.
Mother then explained the process of giving a Dictation from Ascended or Cosmic Beings. The Messenger must raise her consciousness to the level of her Holy Christ Self. The Ascended Master lowers their consciousness to meet the Messenger at that level of the Holy Christ Self. There are two ways in which a Dictation can be delivered by the Ascended Master. The method of receiving a dictation ex cathedra (in the authority of the Office of Messenger) involves the delivery of Letters of Living Fire to the Messenger which when read by her releases the Light and Fohat (Energy) of the Master. The other method involves the Ascended Master superimposing their Electronic Light Body over the Messenger and delivering the Word directly through her. In either method there is a tremendous release of Light and Energy; Power, Wisdom and Love. When the Dictation is electronically recorded it contains all of that energy so that when it is replayed it is as if the original Dictation were being given again with the full release of all of that Light and Energy. This is a tremendous dispensation and boon to the evolutions of earth. If you were not able to be there when the original Release was given you can still experience it. There are thousands of hours of such recordings which you can access from
Mother then instructed us in our role in receiving a Dictation. We needed to remain alert and erect in our chairs and with our feet uncrossed and flat on the floor. Our hands should be cupped and resting in our lap. The Light of the Master would be poured into our four lower bodies and chakras. We would become the Light bearers to the world as the leaven that leavened the whole lump of the human consciousness. This was the means by which Heaven may work with embodied souls to raise an entire evolution to a higher level of consciousness. It was also a means by which Heaven may enact the judgment upon the fallen angels and their corrupt creation. This was a tremendous action and work. This was the work of the ages. We would be standing on the line where Light meets darkness and swallows it up. That is why we were taught decrees to invoke a Mighty Tube of Light around us and to invoke the protection of the Mighty Archangel Michael and Hosts of the Lord. Because we are in the earth, we would become the targets for the attacks of the fallen angels and the "tares", and other foul and unclean spirits. This was not a work for the faint of heart. This is what my preparation had been all about for the past two years.
The Messenger then led us in a beautiful musical meditation, the lights dimmed and the Dictation began.
It was beautiful beyond words. The Light that was released in the Dictation was the same Light that I had experienced while on my knees at work in my computer room two years before. I was in ecstasy. There was no doubt, no question; this is the one that I had been searching for and I never wanted to leave her. The Drill Sargent in me wanted to protect and defend her at all cost. The rest of the lectures, meditations, decrees, and Dictations built on one another to a crescendo. I came expecting the usual crumbs of teachings. Instead I was at the table of the Lord and a mighty banquet indeed.
They had a University of the Spirit named Ascended Master University which was later renamed Summit University. I was only two months from graduation and yet I wanted to quit school and go to their University. This was not to be. After the Conference I returned back to school and graduated receiving a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. The Fall Quarter of Ascended Master University would be sponsored by the Ascended Master Serapis Bey, Chohan (Lord) of the Fourth Ray, the White Ray of Purity. I could hardly wait for September.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Chapter 7 A Teaching on the Death Penalty
The D.C. Sniper has been executed today 11-11-09 prompting this question Do You Believe in the Death Penalty? This is my reply
There is no DEATH. The soul does not die when the house it temporarily lives in is cast off. Jesus disproved that lie and yet it persists. When are people going to "get it"? We are not our bodies. Our soul functions through the body to gain mastery over the use of God's energy. We must learn compassion not sympathy.
YES. If a soul “kills” and disrupts the progress of another soul by prematurely causing the house (body) of another to be cast off, "killed", then yes the offender should have his opportunity for further experience in the earth terminated also. It teaches the offending soul a valuable lesson and the soul can plead for opportunity to again embody and correct the wrong in a future embodiment by serving to protect and preserve life. He may even be required to give birth to the soul he "killed". Those souls who have committed such offenses and are allowed to remain in embodiment while imprisoned often grow more resentful and rebellious because they do not receive the immediate consequences for their action.
Compassion for the souls involved has to take into account the lessons the soul needs to learn. The soul that was "killed" needs to learn the lesson of "watchfulness" and "attunement" so that it learns to listen to the warnings of "The Inner Man of the Heart", our Holy Christ Self. God placed within our heart a spark of His Eternal Fire, an Unfed Threefold Flame of Power (Blue, Father), Wisdom (Yellow, Son) and Love (Pink, Holy Spirit). This 3-Fold Flame is our portal to the kingdom of heaven (Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is within us). The Crystal Cord or River of Life connects the 3-Fold Flame to our Higher Mind, our Real Self, our Holy Christ Self which is that Inner Man of the Heart. That is the voice of conscience and the voice of warning we need to learn to listen to. The Crystal Cord continues from the heart of our Holy Christ Self to connect with the Presence of God individualized for each of His sons and daughters. It is named the Mighty I Am Presence after the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, that was given to Moses on Mt Sinai as a testament and a memorial forever.
The soul was created in Spirit in the image and likeness of God (our God is a consuming fire) as a living potential. The soul must "prove" that potential by putting on that mind that was also in Christ Jesus, our Christ Mind, our Holy Christ Self. When this is accomplished then we can fulfill the prophecy of Jesus that the things that he did, we would do and greater things would we do. When the soul has fulfilled its Divine Blueprint and Plan and "put on" its Christhood, balanced at least 51% of its karma, and balanced and expanded its ThreeFold Flame then it becomes a candidate for the Ascension. The karma of the souls of God goes before them unto repentance and becomes balanced by service to life and prayer and invocation to the Light of God for transmutation. The Ascension is the Ritual whereby the soul who is now one with its Holy Christ Self becomes permanently fused to God, the Mighty I Am Presence. To this Victorious One is granted all power in heaven and in earth and dominion over the Creation. If the soul did not balance all of its karma while in the earth then it must continue to balance the remaining percentage from the Ascended state.
The soul that took the "life" of another soul must also learn the lesson that we are our brother’s keeper. We are One. What we do to another we have really done to ourselves and we will experience what the other soul experienced when it was "killed". Jesus said that whatsoever you do to the least of these my brethren you have done to him. God is not mocked. The law of karma dictates the return of energy in due course, in a present or future embodiment. If the soul refuses to learn the lesson then eventually opportunity for further embodiment for the purpose of advancement is terminated. The Second Death is the cancelling out of the identity of the soul and all energy that was a part of it is recycled to the Great Unmanifest Pool of God's Energy. The soul as an identity is no more.
Jesus understood this principle; that is why he allowed his body to be crucified on the Cross. The action against him resulted in a great karma to be upon those responsible for terminating his embodiment. This also allowed him to teach his disciples that there is no death when he resurrected his body. There are fallen angels in embodiment and Lucifer created an anti-Christ, godless, soulless creation that Jesus called "the tares among the wheat". They have no conscience, no guilt, no shame, no remorse and no real identity apart from the Collective. They are like ants in an anthill; they move about independently but they serve the Socialist goal of the Collective. Their karma accumulates until it reaches a "tipping point" and the judgment descends upon them and they can be removed from the earth forever. We are in a time when this "tipping point" is being reached and many of the rebellious ones and their anti-Christ creation are running out of time.
This is the patience of the Saints. We are the sacrificial lambs, slain from the foundation of the earth, who have allowed ourselves to be "killed" so that these fallen ones can finally be removed and the planet freed from their influence. Those who suffered in the Holocaust and other such events did not 'die' in vain. Hitler and those responsible have met their judgment. Lucifer and Satan are no more. Some of the fallen angels have repented, asked for forgiveness, and have been restored to God and are now part of a band of angels called "the restored angels". But, there are many "die hards" who refuse to repent and seek forgiveness. Their time in the earth is very short.
Those who meet out the "death penalty" upon an innocent person will have to balance that karma. Every effort should be taken to prove guilt and that duty should not be taken lightly. We have a personal and civic duty to protect and preserve life and when necessary to take the life of one who tries to take or threatens to take our life or the lives of others. Krishna expounded on that duty (dharma) to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. Life has hard lessons. We are here to learn, and the most important lesson is forgiveness and mercy; mostly to ourselves but also to others. Forgiveness frees us from the attachment to another who has or who we perceive has, wronged us. Holding a grudge against another only serves to bind us to them. We must never condemn ourselves or take on the belief that we are unworthy. Even the most hardened criminal, fallen angel or arch deceiver can and will receive forgiveness when they ask God to forgive them. In fact God has already forgiven them, they just need to ask for that forgiveness to descend upon them by asking for forgiveness.
There is no DEATH. The soul does not die when the house it temporarily lives in is cast off. Jesus disproved that lie and yet it persists. When are people going to "get it"? We are not our bodies. Our soul functions through the body to gain mastery over the use of God's energy. We must learn compassion not sympathy.
YES. If a soul “kills” and disrupts the progress of another soul by prematurely causing the house (body) of another to be cast off, "killed", then yes the offender should have his opportunity for further experience in the earth terminated also. It teaches the offending soul a valuable lesson and the soul can plead for opportunity to again embody and correct the wrong in a future embodiment by serving to protect and preserve life. He may even be required to give birth to the soul he "killed". Those souls who have committed such offenses and are allowed to remain in embodiment while imprisoned often grow more resentful and rebellious because they do not receive the immediate consequences for their action.
Compassion for the souls involved has to take into account the lessons the soul needs to learn. The soul that was "killed" needs to learn the lesson of "watchfulness" and "attunement" so that it learns to listen to the warnings of "The Inner Man of the Heart", our Holy Christ Self. God placed within our heart a spark of His Eternal Fire, an Unfed Threefold Flame of Power (Blue, Father), Wisdom (Yellow, Son) and Love (Pink, Holy Spirit). This 3-Fold Flame is our portal to the kingdom of heaven (Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is within us). The Crystal Cord or River of Life connects the 3-Fold Flame to our Higher Mind, our Real Self, our Holy Christ Self which is that Inner Man of the Heart. That is the voice of conscience and the voice of warning we need to learn to listen to. The Crystal Cord continues from the heart of our Holy Christ Self to connect with the Presence of God individualized for each of His sons and daughters. It is named the Mighty I Am Presence after the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, that was given to Moses on Mt Sinai as a testament and a memorial forever.
The soul was created in Spirit in the image and likeness of God (our God is a consuming fire) as a living potential. The soul must "prove" that potential by putting on that mind that was also in Christ Jesus, our Christ Mind, our Holy Christ Self. When this is accomplished then we can fulfill the prophecy of Jesus that the things that he did, we would do and greater things would we do. When the soul has fulfilled its Divine Blueprint and Plan and "put on" its Christhood, balanced at least 51% of its karma, and balanced and expanded its ThreeFold Flame then it becomes a candidate for the Ascension. The karma of the souls of God goes before them unto repentance and becomes balanced by service to life and prayer and invocation to the Light of God for transmutation. The Ascension is the Ritual whereby the soul who is now one with its Holy Christ Self becomes permanently fused to God, the Mighty I Am Presence. To this Victorious One is granted all power in heaven and in earth and dominion over the Creation. If the soul did not balance all of its karma while in the earth then it must continue to balance the remaining percentage from the Ascended state.
The soul that took the "life" of another soul must also learn the lesson that we are our brother’s keeper. We are One. What we do to another we have really done to ourselves and we will experience what the other soul experienced when it was "killed". Jesus said that whatsoever you do to the least of these my brethren you have done to him. God is not mocked. The law of karma dictates the return of energy in due course, in a present or future embodiment. If the soul refuses to learn the lesson then eventually opportunity for further embodiment for the purpose of advancement is terminated. The Second Death is the cancelling out of the identity of the soul and all energy that was a part of it is recycled to the Great Unmanifest Pool of God's Energy. The soul as an identity is no more.
Jesus understood this principle; that is why he allowed his body to be crucified on the Cross. The action against him resulted in a great karma to be upon those responsible for terminating his embodiment. This also allowed him to teach his disciples that there is no death when he resurrected his body. There are fallen angels in embodiment and Lucifer created an anti-Christ, godless, soulless creation that Jesus called "the tares among the wheat". They have no conscience, no guilt, no shame, no remorse and no real identity apart from the Collective. They are like ants in an anthill; they move about independently but they serve the Socialist goal of the Collective. Their karma accumulates until it reaches a "tipping point" and the judgment descends upon them and they can be removed from the earth forever. We are in a time when this "tipping point" is being reached and many of the rebellious ones and their anti-Christ creation are running out of time.
This is the patience of the Saints. We are the sacrificial lambs, slain from the foundation of the earth, who have allowed ourselves to be "killed" so that these fallen ones can finally be removed and the planet freed from their influence. Those who suffered in the Holocaust and other such events did not 'die' in vain. Hitler and those responsible have met their judgment. Lucifer and Satan are no more. Some of the fallen angels have repented, asked for forgiveness, and have been restored to God and are now part of a band of angels called "the restored angels". But, there are many "die hards" who refuse to repent and seek forgiveness. Their time in the earth is very short.
Those who meet out the "death penalty" upon an innocent person will have to balance that karma. Every effort should be taken to prove guilt and that duty should not be taken lightly. We have a personal and civic duty to protect and preserve life and when necessary to take the life of one who tries to take or threatens to take our life or the lives of others. Krishna expounded on that duty (dharma) to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. Life has hard lessons. We are here to learn, and the most important lesson is forgiveness and mercy; mostly to ourselves but also to others. Forgiveness frees us from the attachment to another who has or who we perceive has, wronged us. Holding a grudge against another only serves to bind us to them. We must never condemn ourselves or take on the belief that we are unworthy. Even the most hardened criminal, fallen angel or arch deceiver can and will receive forgiveness when they ask God to forgive them. In fact God has already forgiven them, they just need to ask for that forgiveness to descend upon them by asking for forgiveness.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Chapter 6 Fallen Angels and the "Tares" Among Us
This is copied from an earlier post I made to in response to a question about what inspires us. I have added additional information at the end of the original post having to do with the Fourth (and succeeding) Root Race.
"What one man can do, another can do."This statement has profound meaning
....the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do...(John 14:12)
...for behold the kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:21)
Within our Heart of hearts (the Secret Chamber of the Heart Chakra) God placed a spark of His Sacred Fire (our God is a consuming fire). We are the children of God. Our souls were created in Spirit in His image and likeness out of His Sacred Fire. This spark of God's Fire in our Heart of hearts is an Unfed Threefold Flame (Blue, Yellow, and Pink) that springs from a cube of White Fire. Each of the three petals of the Threefold Flame is an attribute of God. The Blue Flame represents, and is, the Father and His Power and Will. The Yellow Flame represents, and is, the Wisdom of the Son. The Pink Flame represents, and is, the Love of the Holy Spirit. This Threefold Flame is the portal to the kingdom of God.The 3-Fold Flame is connected by the Crystal Cord or River of Life to our Higher Mind which is that Mind that was also in Christ Jesus. This Higher Mind is our Real Self, our Holy Christ Self and the 3-Fold Flame is also known as the Holy Christ Flame. From there the Crystal Cord connects us to the Heart of the Presence of God individualized for each of us. God told Moses on Mt. Sinai that His name is I AM THAT I AM and this name is a testament and memorial forever. The individualized Presence of God is called The Mighty I Am Presence. God nourishes our heart and physical vessels over the Crystal Cord (Jesus said that we do not live by bread alone) somewhat like a spiritual umbilical cord. God sustains our heartbeat by an impulse from His Own Heart.
Long ago and through disobedience to God and by ignoring His laws written in our inward parts, we broke our connection to God, the Mighty I Am Presence. We snuffed out our 3-Fold Flame. Our bodies densified and we became "cave man". We are not animals and did not evolve from the animal kingdom. We devolved to an animal-like state and we have been evolving back from that state thanks to the rescue efforts of The Ancient of Days (Sanat Kumara) and 144,000 of his Saints that volunteered to "Keep the Flame of Life" on behalf of earth's evolutions.The Prophets and Saints of East and West were those who were a part of this rescue mission. They were sent into the earth to provide a "Teaching" and a path for souls to follow out of their own self-created darkness. Each of the world's major religions were founded to reach certain groups of souls. Jesus, Rama, Krishna, Zarathustra, Abraham, Issac, Moses, Gautama Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Mohamed, Kwan Yin, Padma Sambhava and many others came as part of the rescue mission. Jesus had a special mission to re-ignite and connect our heart, and the 3-Fold Flame within the heart, back to God's Heart. Through devotion to Jesus, Jesus establishes a connection from our heart to His Sacred Heart and thence to the Heart of God. That is why no man can come to the Father but through Jesus. Over time Jesus re-introduces us to our own Holy Christ Self and works with us to strengthen the "Tie that Binds" so that Jesus can be free to rescue other souls.
There is no animosity or competition among the Saints of Heaven. They all work for the common goal of re-uniting souls with God. There are fallen angels who fell with Lucifer in the great rebellion who are still in the earth. Lucifer created an anti-Christ creation that Jesus called "the tares among the wheat" to oppose God's children in the earth. They are godless, soulless beings with no connection to God since they were created in the earth and not in Spirit. They are not of God and have never known God therefore they deny the existence of God and refuse to accept the authority of God's Christs in the earth. They have no conscience, no remorse, no guilt, no shame, no compassion; none of the attributes of Christ or of Buddha. They are like ants in an anthill, a Socialist collective, who only live to serve and further the colony. They genetically contain all of the hatred, malice, animosity and anger of Lucifer toward God and His children. They seek power for power's sake and work themselves into positions of power "by hook or by crook". They are the source of all schism and division and the cause of the disconnect from our heart to the Heart of God. Their sole purpose and goal is to prevent the children of God from realizing their Christ Identity and returning to God in the ritual of the Ascension.
The souls of God must complete their evolution by putting on that mind that was also in Christ Jesus as Saint Paul said. They are most vulnerable in the earth while they are in the process of accomplishing this feat. The Christ of each child of God is a unique personality in God and our Christ Self is our True and Real Self. God is not interested in human perfection; the human can never be perfected. Perfection already exists in our Christ Self. We must put off the human consciousness and all of its nonsense and put on our Christ Perfection. We must put off corruption and put on incorruption; we must put off mortality and put on immortality. We are intended to be immortal God free beings.
The Fall of Lucifer and his angels and the creation of "the tares among the wheat" occurred during the time of the Fourth Root Race (4th RR). The souls of the Fourth Root Race had great powers of creation. When Lucifer fell he and his angels still had a great momentum in the use of God's Light and Energy. They managed to beguile and confuse the souls of the 4th RR. Distorted creations of half man half animal, dinosaurs and animal forms housing imprisoned elementals began to distort the creative intent of the Father. The souls of the 4th RR were creating a tremendous amount of negative karma. In order to prevent the total destruction of the 4th RR, the Great Karmic Board declared an edict that reduced the ThreeFold Flame of the heart to one sixteenth of an inch and decreased the amount of Light and Energy flowing over the Crystal Cord. The bodies of the 4th RR densified and they became as "cave men" as they were cast out of Eden.
Eventually even the reduced ThreeFold Flame got snuffed out and souls even forgot the use of fire. Things on the earth became dire. The purpose of a planet is to house souls who are evolving into their Christ Reality and ascending back to God. There is a requirement that at least one soul must ascend each year in order to maintain the planet as a schoolroom for souls. When no souls were able to meet the requirement, Cosmic Councils declared that the purpose of the planet ceased to be met. They therefore decreed the destruction of the planet. At the last possible moment a Great Soul, Sanat Kumara (known as the Ancient of Days) stepped forth and volunteered to exile himself to earth in order to Keep the Flame of Life for the evolutions of earth until the fire in their hearts could be rekindled and they began to ascend again. Sanat Kumara is the Hierarch of the planet Venus and he left his Twin Flame, the Lady Master Venus, for what turned out to be an exile of millions of years.
One hundred and forty four thousand souls of Venus volunteered to come with Sanat Kumara to help Keep the Flame and to embody among earth's evolutions to help teach them the way back to God. They did not know what they were bargaining for as they had to take on the same dense bodies of the evolutions at that time. It was an excruciating experience. Their first outpost was established at Shamballa on an island in the Gobi Sea which is now the Gobi desert. Again and again advanced souls of their bands tried to establish a body of Teaching to help guide souls back to God and again and again they were murdered.
The Fifth Root Race and then the Sixth Root Race came into embodiment in the earth. They also became entangled in the maya of earth and got stuck here. To compound the situation even more, souls of other planets were brought to planet earth. They had succumbed to the fallen angels and their divide and conquer tactics. During great wars they managed to blow-up their planets. Only one third of the souls of the planet Maldek (now the Asteroid Belt) were salvagable and they were allowed to embody on earth. The other two thirds went through the Second Death. The same thing happened on the planet Hedron which was between Mercury and the Sun. This is why planet earth has such a varied populace and seems so overcrowded. And now the souls of the Seventh Root Race are starting to embody.
Souls must re-embody with souls they have created karma with. They must work out that karma and learn to help each other evolve back to God. Karma is plotted astrologically as a cyclic return of energy. As planets and stars align a certain portion of karma descends. It is like collanders within collanders and as their holes align a certain portion of energy passes through. There is a very precise timing involved. The problem with abortion, besides creating more karma, is that it interferes with God's timing and it is a denial of God in the soul that is taking embodiment. Abortion is ultimate selfishness. We have debts to pay to other souls and sometimes that debt is a debt of life. We have to give life to souls to whom we have denied life. We have to learn to nurture life and God in each other. Karma is never convenient and it severely tests the souls obedience to God. There is a great drama to the interplay of souls on planet earth. We take on different roles as players on a stage. Sometimes we are parent, sometimes we are child. Sometimes we are helper and sometimes we are antagonist. We have friends from past embodiments who take on burdens such as a beggar in the street so that we will learn compassion for the less fortunate. We rub against each other, as diamonds in the rough, knocking off chips of karmic debris and so we learn to "let the chips fall where they may".
For their part, the fallen angels and "tares" accumulate karma for their attacks against the souls of God in the earth. They are karma dodgers. They do not bear the burden of their karma on a daily basis in order to balance it. They seem to get away with murder. Actually, for each attack against a son or daughter of God, they lose momentums of energy as percentages of their attainment and energy are reduced. O how the mighty have fallen. They are like a fan whose plug has been pulled. The fan continues to spin as it gradually begins to slow down. Then like a light bulb just before it burns out, they flash bright, and then they are no more. Or, they become like the moon reflecting the light of the suns of God back to them so that they appear to have light when in fact they have none. They have learned to sustain themselves by stealing light from the children of the Light. They cannot receive Light directly from God as they are cut off. They cause children of the Light to misqualify their light and turn it into darkness which the fallen ones then are able to use. We must learn to remain harmonious no matter what assails us. We must be as a Lighthouse that continues to beam its light into the night no matter how mighty storm tossed seas may batter against us.
"What one man can do, another can do."This statement has profound meaning
....the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do...(John 14:12)
...for behold the kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:21)
Within our Heart of hearts (the Secret Chamber of the Heart Chakra) God placed a spark of His Sacred Fire (our God is a consuming fire). We are the children of God. Our souls were created in Spirit in His image and likeness out of His Sacred Fire. This spark of God's Fire in our Heart of hearts is an Unfed Threefold Flame (Blue, Yellow, and Pink) that springs from a cube of White Fire. Each of the three petals of the Threefold Flame is an attribute of God. The Blue Flame represents, and is, the Father and His Power and Will. The Yellow Flame represents, and is, the Wisdom of the Son. The Pink Flame represents, and is, the Love of the Holy Spirit. This Threefold Flame is the portal to the kingdom of God.The 3-Fold Flame is connected by the Crystal Cord or River of Life to our Higher Mind which is that Mind that was also in Christ Jesus. This Higher Mind is our Real Self, our Holy Christ Self and the 3-Fold Flame is also known as the Holy Christ Flame. From there the Crystal Cord connects us to the Heart of the Presence of God individualized for each of us. God told Moses on Mt. Sinai that His name is I AM THAT I AM and this name is a testament and memorial forever. The individualized Presence of God is called The Mighty I Am Presence. God nourishes our heart and physical vessels over the Crystal Cord (Jesus said that we do not live by bread alone) somewhat like a spiritual umbilical cord. God sustains our heartbeat by an impulse from His Own Heart.
Long ago and through disobedience to God and by ignoring His laws written in our inward parts, we broke our connection to God, the Mighty I Am Presence. We snuffed out our 3-Fold Flame. Our bodies densified and we became "cave man". We are not animals and did not evolve from the animal kingdom. We devolved to an animal-like state and we have been evolving back from that state thanks to the rescue efforts of The Ancient of Days (Sanat Kumara) and 144,000 of his Saints that volunteered to "Keep the Flame of Life" on behalf of earth's evolutions.The Prophets and Saints of East and West were those who were a part of this rescue mission. They were sent into the earth to provide a "Teaching" and a path for souls to follow out of their own self-created darkness. Each of the world's major religions were founded to reach certain groups of souls. Jesus, Rama, Krishna, Zarathustra, Abraham, Issac, Moses, Gautama Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Mohamed, Kwan Yin, Padma Sambhava and many others came as part of the rescue mission. Jesus had a special mission to re-ignite and connect our heart, and the 3-Fold Flame within the heart, back to God's Heart. Through devotion to Jesus, Jesus establishes a connection from our heart to His Sacred Heart and thence to the Heart of God. That is why no man can come to the Father but through Jesus. Over time Jesus re-introduces us to our own Holy Christ Self and works with us to strengthen the "Tie that Binds" so that Jesus can be free to rescue other souls.
There is no animosity or competition among the Saints of Heaven. They all work for the common goal of re-uniting souls with God. There are fallen angels who fell with Lucifer in the great rebellion who are still in the earth. Lucifer created an anti-Christ creation that Jesus called "the tares among the wheat" to oppose God's children in the earth. They are godless, soulless beings with no connection to God since they were created in the earth and not in Spirit. They are not of God and have never known God therefore they deny the existence of God and refuse to accept the authority of God's Christs in the earth. They have no conscience, no remorse, no guilt, no shame, no compassion; none of the attributes of Christ or of Buddha. They are like ants in an anthill, a Socialist collective, who only live to serve and further the colony. They genetically contain all of the hatred, malice, animosity and anger of Lucifer toward God and His children. They seek power for power's sake and work themselves into positions of power "by hook or by crook". They are the source of all schism and division and the cause of the disconnect from our heart to the Heart of God. Their sole purpose and goal is to prevent the children of God from realizing their Christ Identity and returning to God in the ritual of the Ascension.
The souls of God must complete their evolution by putting on that mind that was also in Christ Jesus as Saint Paul said. They are most vulnerable in the earth while they are in the process of accomplishing this feat. The Christ of each child of God is a unique personality in God and our Christ Self is our True and Real Self. God is not interested in human perfection; the human can never be perfected. Perfection already exists in our Christ Self. We must put off the human consciousness and all of its nonsense and put on our Christ Perfection. We must put off corruption and put on incorruption; we must put off mortality and put on immortality. We are intended to be immortal God free beings.
The Fall of Lucifer and his angels and the creation of "the tares among the wheat" occurred during the time of the Fourth Root Race (4th RR). The souls of the Fourth Root Race had great powers of creation. When Lucifer fell he and his angels still had a great momentum in the use of God's Light and Energy. They managed to beguile and confuse the souls of the 4th RR. Distorted creations of half man half animal, dinosaurs and animal forms housing imprisoned elementals began to distort the creative intent of the Father. The souls of the 4th RR were creating a tremendous amount of negative karma. In order to prevent the total destruction of the 4th RR, the Great Karmic Board declared an edict that reduced the ThreeFold Flame of the heart to one sixteenth of an inch and decreased the amount of Light and Energy flowing over the Crystal Cord. The bodies of the 4th RR densified and they became as "cave men" as they were cast out of Eden.
Eventually even the reduced ThreeFold Flame got snuffed out and souls even forgot the use of fire. Things on the earth became dire. The purpose of a planet is to house souls who are evolving into their Christ Reality and ascending back to God. There is a requirement that at least one soul must ascend each year in order to maintain the planet as a schoolroom for souls. When no souls were able to meet the requirement, Cosmic Councils declared that the purpose of the planet ceased to be met. They therefore decreed the destruction of the planet. At the last possible moment a Great Soul, Sanat Kumara (known as the Ancient of Days) stepped forth and volunteered to exile himself to earth in order to Keep the Flame of Life for the evolutions of earth until the fire in their hearts could be rekindled and they began to ascend again. Sanat Kumara is the Hierarch of the planet Venus and he left his Twin Flame, the Lady Master Venus, for what turned out to be an exile of millions of years.
One hundred and forty four thousand souls of Venus volunteered to come with Sanat Kumara to help Keep the Flame and to embody among earth's evolutions to help teach them the way back to God. They did not know what they were bargaining for as they had to take on the same dense bodies of the evolutions at that time. It was an excruciating experience. Their first outpost was established at Shamballa on an island in the Gobi Sea which is now the Gobi desert. Again and again advanced souls of their bands tried to establish a body of Teaching to help guide souls back to God and again and again they were murdered.
The Fifth Root Race and then the Sixth Root Race came into embodiment in the earth. They also became entangled in the maya of earth and got stuck here. To compound the situation even more, souls of other planets were brought to planet earth. They had succumbed to the fallen angels and their divide and conquer tactics. During great wars they managed to blow-up their planets. Only one third of the souls of the planet Maldek (now the Asteroid Belt) were salvagable and they were allowed to embody on earth. The other two thirds went through the Second Death. The same thing happened on the planet Hedron which was between Mercury and the Sun. This is why planet earth has such a varied populace and seems so overcrowded. And now the souls of the Seventh Root Race are starting to embody.
Souls must re-embody with souls they have created karma with. They must work out that karma and learn to help each other evolve back to God. Karma is plotted astrologically as a cyclic return of energy. As planets and stars align a certain portion of karma descends. It is like collanders within collanders and as their holes align a certain portion of energy passes through. There is a very precise timing involved. The problem with abortion, besides creating more karma, is that it interferes with God's timing and it is a denial of God in the soul that is taking embodiment. Abortion is ultimate selfishness. We have debts to pay to other souls and sometimes that debt is a debt of life. We have to give life to souls to whom we have denied life. We have to learn to nurture life and God in each other. Karma is never convenient and it severely tests the souls obedience to God. There is a great drama to the interplay of souls on planet earth. We take on different roles as players on a stage. Sometimes we are parent, sometimes we are child. Sometimes we are helper and sometimes we are antagonist. We have friends from past embodiments who take on burdens such as a beggar in the street so that we will learn compassion for the less fortunate. We rub against each other, as diamonds in the rough, knocking off chips of karmic debris and so we learn to "let the chips fall where they may".
For their part, the fallen angels and "tares" accumulate karma for their attacks against the souls of God in the earth. They are karma dodgers. They do not bear the burden of their karma on a daily basis in order to balance it. They seem to get away with murder. Actually, for each attack against a son or daughter of God, they lose momentums of energy as percentages of their attainment and energy are reduced. O how the mighty have fallen. They are like a fan whose plug has been pulled. The fan continues to spin as it gradually begins to slow down. Then like a light bulb just before it burns out, they flash bright, and then they are no more. Or, they become like the moon reflecting the light of the suns of God back to them so that they appear to have light when in fact they have none. They have learned to sustain themselves by stealing light from the children of the Light. They cannot receive Light directly from God as they are cut off. They cause children of the Light to misqualify their light and turn it into darkness which the fallen ones then are able to use. We must learn to remain harmonious no matter what assails us. We must be as a Lighthouse that continues to beam its light into the night no matter how mighty storm tossed seas may batter against us.
Chapter 5: Who Are We? Why and How Does Sound Impact Us? The Creation Story.
The word religion comes from the Latin root religio or religo meaning to bind, especially to what is perceived as a higher power, usually by the practice of certain tenets of a doctrine or dogma. St. Paul said, "Are ye so foolish? Having begun in the spirit are ye now made perfect in the flesh?" We are, first and foremost, spiritual beings. It is built into us at the quantum level and beyond. According to Quantum Physics, everything is "frequency". What we call "physical" is not as "solid" as you think. Everything animate and inanimate is composed of molecules containing one or more atoms. At the atomic level the space between the nucleus and the electrons is equivalent to the distance between the sun and the planets. At the quantum, subatomic level there is even more space and instead of "particles" there are "vibrating energy waves" oscillating between a physical and non-physical matrix (spirit/matter, matter/spirit). It may be due to the "vibration" of the waves or the "oscillation" between physical and non-physicality or it may be just the nature of what is there, everything has an "energy field", a "frequency", a "vibration" that is unique to it. Some "see" this energy field vibration as a rainbow like "aura" or "halo". These "auras" or energy fields influence and are influenced by other "auras" and are not blocked by clothing or other "physical" things. Just like electricity, these "energy fields" or "auras" have always been there and some have been able to "see" them, but we have all been able to "sense" them at one level or another. Have you ever gotten a "gut" feeling, an "intuition", a "premonition", a good or bad "feeling" ("good vibes", "bad vibes"), or a "funny feeling" about something or someone? Or, have you ever used an expression like "that sounds fishy", or "something smells rotten about that", or "that rings true"? These are more than mere feelings or expressions. We all know what you are talking about when you say them. These figures of speech are an attempt to relate something that is not "physical", but "vibrational" (at the quantum level), to one of our physical senses.
Because of the discoveries in Quantum Physics we are now "beginning" to understand this finer, more powerful source of energy and how it intricately interconnects and intertwines with us all at every level of our being. And, we are multi-dimensional beings, the densest, least powerful (but not least important) being the physical. Just as we have organs that correspond to our physical being, we also have organs that correspond at the quantum level. A Sanskrit name for them is "chakras". Chakra means wheel and chakras are whirling vortices of energy. They are like step-down transformers that step down the energy from the quantum level to the physical level to the physical organs (man does not live by bread alone). They help us connect with each other and all life at a very deep and basic level. There are seven major chakras (the 7 Churches in the temple of man) and 144 minor chakras throughout the body. There are 5 Secret Ray chakras, one in each hand and foot and one at the spleen. These are the points at which the Lord Jesus Christ was pierced while on the cross, and these are the points where the Stigmata has appeared in certain of the Saints. And, there is one special chakra known as "The Secret Chamber of the Heart" also called our "Heart of hearts". This is the location of the "Interior Castle" that St. Therese of Avila spoke of in her writings. Within that "Castle" is a majestic "Cathedral" or "Temple". On the high altar of that "Cathedral of the Heart" burns a triune "Unfed Flame" which is our "Seat of Authority" and our direct connection with the "Most High" Creator, I Am That I Am, Yahweh, El Shadai, Adonai, Elohim, Brahman, Allah, the Tao. Each "name" of God is a frequency, a connection by and through which we may understand a portion of His infinity. Remember, Jesus said, "the Kingdom of God is within you". "Did not our hearts burn within us" was the comment of the disciples as they walked with the Lord after his Resurrection. This Sacred Flame in our hearts sets us apart from all other parts of the creation. It is a Fleur-de-Lis of Power, Wisdom and Love. We are not animals and did not evolve from the animal creation. We are not mere humans but spiritual beings temporarily housed in a physical body. At the quantum level, there is only Unity, everything is ONE. Past, present, and future are the same. Time and Space are an illusion. Everything is HERE, everything is NOW.
All paths up the mountain lead to the summit although they may start at seemingly far distant points. If your path, your doctrine or your dogma is helping you grow spiritually that is good. But do not cast dispersion on the path of another. Remember, "ye are brethren", "we are one". All paths eventually lead to the "One Source" whatever name you choose to give it. Paths intersect, cross, merge, diverge in an ever ascending spiral. Some paths go up, some go down and some are dead ends. We learn the lesson we need to learn and then move on so fear not. We often learn more from our mistakes than our successes. Even science is included in this process.
As we are presented with new information we are forced to make a choice to accept, reject or somehow merge it into our awareness and understanding. "When I was a child I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." (Cor 12:11-12). Often what we first perceived as "truth" may, in the light of new understanding, seem "childish" or less complete. That is a maturation process we all must go through. It is not a put down or denial of any faith. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen". What are we not seeing? Do you see the wind, or the atom or the quantum wavelengths that make up all of matter? Yet we are all profoundly influenced by the unseen every moment of our lives. Why not embrace that fact and use it to our mutual benefit?
When we get to the core of creation, the "cause behind the effect", even beyond Quantum Physics what do you have? Everything is composed of God's Light, Energy, Consciousness and has Innate Intelligence. We were created in the image and likeness of God, "our God is a consuming fire", and we are spirit sparks of the One Flame temporarily housed in a physical body. When the energy that is contained in the heart of the atom is forcibly released it can result in the destructive power of the atom bomb. But when it is contained and expanded by love it has great, unlimited, creative potential. Life forms and reforms itself in infinite patterns and dimensions. We exist in a "womb" consisting of coordinates of time and space in specific frequencies that enable us to develop certain faculties needed in yet higher planes of existence.
This planet is a nursery or school room among many such nurseries and school rooms in the universe. Life is nurturing. Life is ever expanding its awareness of itself. We are given free will to choose the right use (righteous use) of energy. We reap what we sow, both the good and the bad. The law of karma (the cyclic return of energy) is exceedingly exact and exacting. No one is exempt. What goes around comes around. The law of reincarnation and the law of karma go hand in hand. We cannot experience the results of all of our sowings in one embodiment. Karma and reincarnation are teaching tools of the Father, they are not "punishment". We must learn the correct use of His energy because we are being prepared to become the Christs, the Sons and Daughters of God who will have all power in heaven and in earth as co-creators with God and with dominion over all of the Creation.
The primordial "Sound", the "Word" or "Logos" was intoned and formed all that we know and experience. God spoke the fiat: "Let there be Light" and there was light. We were created of the Light and Sound Ray of God. All of the planning, thoughts and intents of God's Heart went into the fiat. The sounds we make (including thoughts and feelings) also impact on life. Look at this You Tube video of the power of sound to effect material changes in physical substances Dr Hans Jenny created the Science of Cymatics - the study of wave phenomena on which the experiments in the YouTube video were based. Read more about him and see some of his original experiments here
When Dr Jenny had someone sing or "sound" a sustained AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMM (AUM or OM) at sand it formed a series of interlaced triangles that looked like progressively larger "Stars of David" with a border around it (9 ascending and descending isosceles triangles). This same pattern appears in an ancient Yantra. A Yantra is a geometric form, often a painting or carving, on which Hindus and Buddhists meditated while intoning the AUM (OM or other mantras) in order to raise consciousness (this is the same "mandala" that the movie "The Last Mimzy" emphasized, you can see it there) or click this link to see the Shree (Sri) Yantra that is formed when you say the OM or AUM.
Frequency, vibration, sound can raise consciousness to a higher state of evolution. It can also cause consciousness to devolve and decline. We are continuously being bombarded by all kinds of sounds and frequencies. There are UHF and VHF TV frequencies and AM, FM and Short Wave radio frequencies. There is Radar and Microwave. And even more sinister, there are HAARP and Psycotronic energy waves and others. And who knows what forms of energy, sounds etc., that are being carried over those frequencies. And beware of the negative thoughts and feelings of others known or unknown to you. You have great need to spiritually strengthen and protect your aura. "Whatever you ask for in my name, I will give it unto you" was the advice and counsel of Jesus. Ask him or your favorite Master or Saint (Gautama, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Mother Mary, Shiva, Krishna, etc, etc) to establish a mighty sphere of Light in, through and around you as spiritual protection.
In the same time frame as Dr. Jenny, Dr. Denis did studies involving muscle kinesiology and the effect of sound on muscle strength. He found that certain rhythms increased strength and certain rhythms reduced strength dramatically. The rhythm of the Waltz, the three quarter time, increased strength. The syncopated beat, which is the rhythm of voodoo, jazz music and rock, immediately and dramatically reduced strength. That rhythm also forces open the chakras causing an energy rush sensation much like a drug high, causing an addiction to the sound and great harm to the individual. Heavy Metal, RAP, etc are like progressively stronger drugs. To counteract negative sounds and rhythms and to protect your home and environment, the Nine Symphonies of Beethoven and Mahler's Ninth Symphony are recommended. They can be played at a low level in the background. The music of Mozart helps raise consciousness. Waltz music is the music of freedom and liberation and it corresponds to the color Violet (a pastel purple/pink color). Each instrument in the orchestra corresponds to a certain chakra as do certain pieces of music. The Ancient Greeks knew the power of Pure Art and Music to raise consciousness and they used it to raise their civilization to a high pinnacle. They passed laws prohibiting distortions in art or music with a penalty of exile for offenders. Distortions did eventually creep in and we know the result. Is that what is happening to America and the world today? Additionally, the power of the Spoken Word wields tremendous power for good or for ill. When correctly used there is no condition on earth that cannot be corrected by the power of "The Science of the Spoken Word", invoking spiritual fire from the heart of God to cleanse, protect and purify the earth and all thereon.
As "co-creators with God" we created the distortions and imbalances we are experiencing in our lives and we can un-create them by the proper use of (Spiritual) Light, Sound and Energy through the Science of the Spoken Word. Life is self adjusting, self balancing, self-correcting all of the time. Though the sin be forgiven every jot and tittle of the karma (law) must be balanced, that is a work that only we can do because that is how we learn the application of spiritual law. If Jesus or anyone else took that opportunity from us it would be a great injustice to the development of our souls. New dispensations come, new awakenings, new understanding, and new spiritual tools are given to those who will accept them. Life ever prefers the gentler way but stubborn man often resists the help and the helper.
With the dawning of the Aquarian Age came new dispensations. The prior requirement of balancing 100% of your karma before ascending back to the Father was reduced to 51% allowing for the remaining 49% to be balanced from the Ascended Octaves. The knowledge and use of God's Violet Flame was also granted. The Violet Flame is the Universal Solvent for all negative karma and is invoked from the Heart of God using the Violet Flame Mantra: "I am a being of Violet Fire, I am the Purity God desires". The mantra uses the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, that was given to Moses on Mt Sinai as a testament and memorial forever. The name of God, I AM THAT I AM, is an affirmation of True Being, as above so below, God is above as God is below. We can also use this name as an affirmation that where I am, God is there also. When we say "I am" we are really saying "God in me is". "I am" (God in me is) "that" same "I am" (God that is above). When we say and affirm the Violet Flame Mantra, "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires", we are saying: God in me (as the Holy Spirit) is the violet flame action of his cosmic eraser that is transmuting and changing all negative energy and negative karma back into the purity that God desires. Visualize yourself (the planet, a loved one, a condition) bathed in violet flame (a pastel purple-pink color)as you give the mantra for 15 minutes daily without interruption (or as much as you can). Give it while taking a shower, washing the dishes, cleaning house, driving to work, etc. For more on this visit ,
or watch this YouTube video (click the "Play" button in the middle of the screen and on the bottom left if it hasn't started). .
The work of Dr. Emoto further illuminates the power of sound, thoughts and words on a substance as simple as water. Our bodies are about 70% water so his discoveries have a profound effect on us. He places a word or phrase on a container of water. He then freezes the water and observes the crystalline structure of the water under a microscope. What he found will amaze you. You can see it following this link to Here are five videos of Dr Emoto producing water crystals with music, thoughts, spoken and written words
The following is an overview of the Creation story, an introduction, and is the subject of thousands of hours of recorded lectures and dictations; some of which have been published and many which are still waiting transcription and editing in preparation for publication.
God was. When he decided to expand His awareness of Himself, He started the process that we call the Creation. He individed Himself into a Positive and Negative polarity, Male and Female, Alpha and Omega. He became the Father/Mother God. He further divided Himself into the Son (Word, Logos, Christ) and the Holy Spirit (Breath). Using these archetypes of Himself, He began the preparations for the creation of His Sons and Daughters, His Christs. Everything in creation is composed of God's Light, Energy and Consciousness and has Innate Intelligence. These are the building blocks for all Life. God created Cosmic Beings, Elohim, Archangels, Angels, Seraphim, Cherubim and elemental builders of form: the salamanders (fire), sylphs (air), undines (water) and gnomes (earth). He determined that there would be a division between the Spiritual realms and the realms of "physicality".
Spirit (Spiritual Fire) is the domain of the Father and Matter (physical/material) is the domain of the Mother. The physical dimensions are a womb, with coordinates of time and space, for the souls development. The "Physical" domain is composed of four levels or quadrants of being: the Etheric Quadrant (fire) is closest to the Spiritual realms; the Mental Quadrant (air) contains the Mind of God; the Emotional Quadrant (water) contains the Desires of God; and the Physical Quadrant (earth) is the anchor point of physical expression, the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
God created Souls in His image and in His likeness, male and female, out of His Sacred Fire in the pattern of His Christ (Son) with the Living Potential to become His Christs. Jesus said that we were with him in the beginning and he taught us to pray to Our Father who art in Heaven. We are one in and with the Body of Christ which is broken for each of us. Christ is the Light (the Candle) that lights every man and woman who comes into the world (whorl of energy densified). One candle can light billions of other candles without itself being diminished. And, billions of candles intensify and magnify the Light of God. Each candle or star differs from another in glory as the soul develops and puts on its unique identity in Christ. The soul is a potential in as much as it must complete its development in the Physical domains and "put on that Mind that was also in Christ Jesus" as St Paul said. The soul evolved for eons in Spirit putting on skeins of God's Consciousness in preparation for its decent into physicality.
The soul is intended to become the fullness of its Christ Reality. The planets are schoolrooms and laboratories for the soul in which the soul performs its experiments with the Light and Energy of God. The soul is learning to become the fullness of Christ so that it may return again to the Father in Spirit as a Christ, a permanent Son or Daughter of God, and be given dominion and authority over all of the Creation with all power in Heaven and in earth given to it. To prevent miscreations from entering the kingdom of heaven there is a barrier of vibration between domains and heaven may not interfere with the free will choices of the soul unless the soul cries out for help and commands and demands intercession. To help the soul learn to use God's energy correctly the laws of karma and reincarnation were established as a governor to limit the extent of miscreations. The soul experiences the results of its uses of God's energy in the succeeding bodies it is given to wear and in the circumstances of each embodiment. The soul wears four lower bodies in the earth. Cor 15:40 "There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial; but the glory of the celestrial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another". These bodies are: the etheric (fire, memory), mental (air, mind), emotional (water, desire) and
physical (earth, mobility). The chakras(discussed earlier) are the organs of the etheric body.
Souls are sent into the earth in groups called Root Races and the planet is intended to be the host of one Root Race at a time. Each Root Race is composed of souls who serve under one of the Seven Rainbow Rays of God. Each color ray of the rainbow has unique qualities and powers. Here is a brief statement of each ray. Blue is the ray of power and God's will (Father); Yellow is the ray of wisdom and illumination (Son); Pink is the ray of love, divine art and creativity (Holy Spirit); White is the ray of the purity of the Mother and discipline; Green is the ray of science, truth, and healing; Purple and Gold flecked with Ruby is the ray of service and ministration; and Violet is the ray of freedom, liberty, alchemy and sacred ritual. Three Root Races have each, in their turn, come into physicality, fulfilled their divine purpose and plan, put on their Christhood and returned to the Father in the ritual of the ascension.
Things were going well until the Archangel Lucifer, in his arrogant pride, refused to recognize the Christs of God as being over him in authority. Lucifer had bands of angels under his command. There was war in Heaven and Saint Michael the Archangel, the Prince of Angels and Captain of the Lords Hosts, and his Angels fought with Lucifer and his angels. Lucifer and his angels were cast out of heaven and into the "physical" domains. This is when things started to get "messed up" in the earth.
Because of the discoveries in Quantum Physics we are now "beginning" to understand this finer, more powerful source of energy and how it intricately interconnects and intertwines with us all at every level of our being. And, we are multi-dimensional beings, the densest, least powerful (but not least important) being the physical. Just as we have organs that correspond to our physical being, we also have organs that correspond at the quantum level. A Sanskrit name for them is "chakras". Chakra means wheel and chakras are whirling vortices of energy. They are like step-down transformers that step down the energy from the quantum level to the physical level to the physical organs (man does not live by bread alone). They help us connect with each other and all life at a very deep and basic level. There are seven major chakras (the 7 Churches in the temple of man) and 144 minor chakras throughout the body. There are 5 Secret Ray chakras, one in each hand and foot and one at the spleen. These are the points at which the Lord Jesus Christ was pierced while on the cross, and these are the points where the Stigmata has appeared in certain of the Saints. And, there is one special chakra known as "The Secret Chamber of the Heart" also called our "Heart of hearts". This is the location of the "Interior Castle" that St. Therese of Avila spoke of in her writings. Within that "Castle" is a majestic "Cathedral" or "Temple". On the high altar of that "Cathedral of the Heart" burns a triune "Unfed Flame" which is our "Seat of Authority" and our direct connection with the "Most High" Creator, I Am That I Am, Yahweh, El Shadai, Adonai, Elohim, Brahman, Allah, the Tao. Each "name" of God is a frequency, a connection by and through which we may understand a portion of His infinity. Remember, Jesus said, "the Kingdom of God is within you". "Did not our hearts burn within us" was the comment of the disciples as they walked with the Lord after his Resurrection. This Sacred Flame in our hearts sets us apart from all other parts of the creation. It is a Fleur-de-Lis of Power, Wisdom and Love. We are not animals and did not evolve from the animal creation. We are not mere humans but spiritual beings temporarily housed in a physical body. At the quantum level, there is only Unity, everything is ONE. Past, present, and future are the same. Time and Space are an illusion. Everything is HERE, everything is NOW.
All paths up the mountain lead to the summit although they may start at seemingly far distant points. If your path, your doctrine or your dogma is helping you grow spiritually that is good. But do not cast dispersion on the path of another. Remember, "ye are brethren", "we are one". All paths eventually lead to the "One Source" whatever name you choose to give it. Paths intersect, cross, merge, diverge in an ever ascending spiral. Some paths go up, some go down and some are dead ends. We learn the lesson we need to learn and then move on so fear not. We often learn more from our mistakes than our successes. Even science is included in this process.
As we are presented with new information we are forced to make a choice to accept, reject or somehow merge it into our awareness and understanding. "When I was a child I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." (Cor 12:11-12). Often what we first perceived as "truth" may, in the light of new understanding, seem "childish" or less complete. That is a maturation process we all must go through. It is not a put down or denial of any faith. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen". What are we not seeing? Do you see the wind, or the atom or the quantum wavelengths that make up all of matter? Yet we are all profoundly influenced by the unseen every moment of our lives. Why not embrace that fact and use it to our mutual benefit?
When we get to the core of creation, the "cause behind the effect", even beyond Quantum Physics what do you have? Everything is composed of God's Light, Energy, Consciousness and has Innate Intelligence. We were created in the image and likeness of God, "our God is a consuming fire", and we are spirit sparks of the One Flame temporarily housed in a physical body. When the energy that is contained in the heart of the atom is forcibly released it can result in the destructive power of the atom bomb. But when it is contained and expanded by love it has great, unlimited, creative potential. Life forms and reforms itself in infinite patterns and dimensions. We exist in a "womb" consisting of coordinates of time and space in specific frequencies that enable us to develop certain faculties needed in yet higher planes of existence.
This planet is a nursery or school room among many such nurseries and school rooms in the universe. Life is nurturing. Life is ever expanding its awareness of itself. We are given free will to choose the right use (righteous use) of energy. We reap what we sow, both the good and the bad. The law of karma (the cyclic return of energy) is exceedingly exact and exacting. No one is exempt. What goes around comes around. The law of reincarnation and the law of karma go hand in hand. We cannot experience the results of all of our sowings in one embodiment. Karma and reincarnation are teaching tools of the Father, they are not "punishment". We must learn the correct use of His energy because we are being prepared to become the Christs, the Sons and Daughters of God who will have all power in heaven and in earth as co-creators with God and with dominion over all of the Creation.
The primordial "Sound", the "Word" or "Logos" was intoned and formed all that we know and experience. God spoke the fiat: "Let there be Light" and there was light. We were created of the Light and Sound Ray of God. All of the planning, thoughts and intents of God's Heart went into the fiat. The sounds we make (including thoughts and feelings) also impact on life. Look at this You Tube video of the power of sound to effect material changes in physical substances Dr Hans Jenny created the Science of Cymatics - the study of wave phenomena on which the experiments in the YouTube video were based. Read more about him and see some of his original experiments here
When Dr Jenny had someone sing or "sound" a sustained AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMM (AUM or OM) at sand it formed a series of interlaced triangles that looked like progressively larger "Stars of David" with a border around it (9 ascending and descending isosceles triangles). This same pattern appears in an ancient Yantra. A Yantra is a geometric form, often a painting or carving, on which Hindus and Buddhists meditated while intoning the AUM (OM or other mantras) in order to raise consciousness (this is the same "mandala" that the movie "The Last Mimzy" emphasized, you can see it there) or click this link to see the Shree (Sri) Yantra that is formed when you say the OM or AUM.
Frequency, vibration, sound can raise consciousness to a higher state of evolution. It can also cause consciousness to devolve and decline. We are continuously being bombarded by all kinds of sounds and frequencies. There are UHF and VHF TV frequencies and AM, FM and Short Wave radio frequencies. There is Radar and Microwave. And even more sinister, there are HAARP and Psycotronic energy waves and others. And who knows what forms of energy, sounds etc., that are being carried over those frequencies. And beware of the negative thoughts and feelings of others known or unknown to you. You have great need to spiritually strengthen and protect your aura. "Whatever you ask for in my name, I will give it unto you" was the advice and counsel of Jesus. Ask him or your favorite Master or Saint (Gautama, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Mother Mary, Shiva, Krishna, etc, etc) to establish a mighty sphere of Light in, through and around you as spiritual protection.
In the same time frame as Dr. Jenny, Dr. Denis did studies involving muscle kinesiology and the effect of sound on muscle strength. He found that certain rhythms increased strength and certain rhythms reduced strength dramatically. The rhythm of the Waltz, the three quarter time, increased strength. The syncopated beat, which is the rhythm of voodoo, jazz music and rock, immediately and dramatically reduced strength. That rhythm also forces open the chakras causing an energy rush sensation much like a drug high, causing an addiction to the sound and great harm to the individual. Heavy Metal, RAP, etc are like progressively stronger drugs. To counteract negative sounds and rhythms and to protect your home and environment, the Nine Symphonies of Beethoven and Mahler's Ninth Symphony are recommended. They can be played at a low level in the background. The music of Mozart helps raise consciousness. Waltz music is the music of freedom and liberation and it corresponds to the color Violet (a pastel purple/pink color). Each instrument in the orchestra corresponds to a certain chakra as do certain pieces of music. The Ancient Greeks knew the power of Pure Art and Music to raise consciousness and they used it to raise their civilization to a high pinnacle. They passed laws prohibiting distortions in art or music with a penalty of exile for offenders. Distortions did eventually creep in and we know the result. Is that what is happening to America and the world today? Additionally, the power of the Spoken Word wields tremendous power for good or for ill. When correctly used there is no condition on earth that cannot be corrected by the power of "The Science of the Spoken Word", invoking spiritual fire from the heart of God to cleanse, protect and purify the earth and all thereon.
As "co-creators with God" we created the distortions and imbalances we are experiencing in our lives and we can un-create them by the proper use of (Spiritual) Light, Sound and Energy through the Science of the Spoken Word. Life is self adjusting, self balancing, self-correcting all of the time. Though the sin be forgiven every jot and tittle of the karma (law) must be balanced, that is a work that only we can do because that is how we learn the application of spiritual law. If Jesus or anyone else took that opportunity from us it would be a great injustice to the development of our souls. New dispensations come, new awakenings, new understanding, and new spiritual tools are given to those who will accept them. Life ever prefers the gentler way but stubborn man often resists the help and the helper.
With the dawning of the Aquarian Age came new dispensations. The prior requirement of balancing 100% of your karma before ascending back to the Father was reduced to 51% allowing for the remaining 49% to be balanced from the Ascended Octaves. The knowledge and use of God's Violet Flame was also granted. The Violet Flame is the Universal Solvent for all negative karma and is invoked from the Heart of God using the Violet Flame Mantra: "I am a being of Violet Fire, I am the Purity God desires". The mantra uses the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, that was given to Moses on Mt Sinai as a testament and memorial forever. The name of God, I AM THAT I AM, is an affirmation of True Being, as above so below, God is above as God is below. We can also use this name as an affirmation that where I am, God is there also. When we say "I am" we are really saying "God in me is". "I am" (God in me is) "that" same "I am" (God that is above). When we say and affirm the Violet Flame Mantra, "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires", we are saying: God in me (as the Holy Spirit) is the violet flame action of his cosmic eraser that is transmuting and changing all negative energy and negative karma back into the purity that God desires. Visualize yourself (the planet, a loved one, a condition) bathed in violet flame (a pastel purple-pink color)as you give the mantra for 15 minutes daily without interruption (or as much as you can). Give it while taking a shower, washing the dishes, cleaning house, driving to work, etc. For more on this visit ,
or watch this YouTube video (click the "Play" button in the middle of the screen and on the bottom left if it hasn't started). .
The work of Dr. Emoto further illuminates the power of sound, thoughts and words on a substance as simple as water. Our bodies are about 70% water so his discoveries have a profound effect on us. He places a word or phrase on a container of water. He then freezes the water and observes the crystalline structure of the water under a microscope. What he found will amaze you. You can see it following this link to Here are five videos of Dr Emoto producing water crystals with music, thoughts, spoken and written words
The following is an overview of the Creation story, an introduction, and is the subject of thousands of hours of recorded lectures and dictations; some of which have been published and many which are still waiting transcription and editing in preparation for publication.
God was. When he decided to expand His awareness of Himself, He started the process that we call the Creation. He individed Himself into a Positive and Negative polarity, Male and Female, Alpha and Omega. He became the Father/Mother God. He further divided Himself into the Son (Word, Logos, Christ) and the Holy Spirit (Breath). Using these archetypes of Himself, He began the preparations for the creation of His Sons and Daughters, His Christs. Everything in creation is composed of God's Light, Energy and Consciousness and has Innate Intelligence. These are the building blocks for all Life. God created Cosmic Beings, Elohim, Archangels, Angels, Seraphim, Cherubim and elemental builders of form: the salamanders (fire), sylphs (air), undines (water) and gnomes (earth). He determined that there would be a division between the Spiritual realms and the realms of "physicality".
Spirit (Spiritual Fire) is the domain of the Father and Matter (physical/material) is the domain of the Mother. The physical dimensions are a womb, with coordinates of time and space, for the souls development. The "Physical" domain is composed of four levels or quadrants of being: the Etheric Quadrant (fire) is closest to the Spiritual realms; the Mental Quadrant (air) contains the Mind of God; the Emotional Quadrant (water) contains the Desires of God; and the Physical Quadrant (earth) is the anchor point of physical expression, the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
God created Souls in His image and in His likeness, male and female, out of His Sacred Fire in the pattern of His Christ (Son) with the Living Potential to become His Christs. Jesus said that we were with him in the beginning and he taught us to pray to Our Father who art in Heaven. We are one in and with the Body of Christ which is broken for each of us. Christ is the Light (the Candle) that lights every man and woman who comes into the world (whorl of energy densified). One candle can light billions of other candles without itself being diminished. And, billions of candles intensify and magnify the Light of God. Each candle or star differs from another in glory as the soul develops and puts on its unique identity in Christ. The soul is a potential in as much as it must complete its development in the Physical domains and "put on that Mind that was also in Christ Jesus" as St Paul said. The soul evolved for eons in Spirit putting on skeins of God's Consciousness in preparation for its decent into physicality.
The soul is intended to become the fullness of its Christ Reality. The planets are schoolrooms and laboratories for the soul in which the soul performs its experiments with the Light and Energy of God. The soul is learning to become the fullness of Christ so that it may return again to the Father in Spirit as a Christ, a permanent Son or Daughter of God, and be given dominion and authority over all of the Creation with all power in Heaven and in earth given to it. To prevent miscreations from entering the kingdom of heaven there is a barrier of vibration between domains and heaven may not interfere with the free will choices of the soul unless the soul cries out for help and commands and demands intercession. To help the soul learn to use God's energy correctly the laws of karma and reincarnation were established as a governor to limit the extent of miscreations. The soul experiences the results of its uses of God's energy in the succeeding bodies it is given to wear and in the circumstances of each embodiment. The soul wears four lower bodies in the earth. Cor 15:40 "There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial; but the glory of the celestrial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another". These bodies are: the etheric (fire, memory), mental (air, mind), emotional (water, desire) and
physical (earth, mobility). The chakras(discussed earlier) are the organs of the etheric body.
Souls are sent into the earth in groups called Root Races and the planet is intended to be the host of one Root Race at a time. Each Root Race is composed of souls who serve under one of the Seven Rainbow Rays of God. Each color ray of the rainbow has unique qualities and powers. Here is a brief statement of each ray. Blue is the ray of power and God's will (Father); Yellow is the ray of wisdom and illumination (Son); Pink is the ray of love, divine art and creativity (Holy Spirit); White is the ray of the purity of the Mother and discipline; Green is the ray of science, truth, and healing; Purple and Gold flecked with Ruby is the ray of service and ministration; and Violet is the ray of freedom, liberty, alchemy and sacred ritual. Three Root Races have each, in their turn, come into physicality, fulfilled their divine purpose and plan, put on their Christhood and returned to the Father in the ritual of the ascension.
Things were going well until the Archangel Lucifer, in his arrogant pride, refused to recognize the Christs of God as being over him in authority. Lucifer had bands of angels under his command. There was war in Heaven and Saint Michael the Archangel, the Prince of Angels and Captain of the Lords Hosts, and his Angels fought with Lucifer and his angels. Lucifer and his angels were cast out of heaven and into the "physical" domains. This is when things started to get "messed up" in the earth.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Chapter 4: Registration for "Convocation of the New Birth in the City of the Angels Easter 1974"
The Ambassador Hotel was located at 3400 Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles California (it has since been demolished). Registration for "Convocation of the New Birth in the City of the Angels Easter 1974" was set to begin at 9:00 AM. I lived in the San Fernando Valley so I got up early and put on my blue suit with a light violet shirt and a yellow with purple dot tie. I drove to the conference and arrived early. The opening of registration was delayed. I stood off to one side as the room began to fill with people coming to attend.
I had attended many different kinds of lectures and seminars during the past two years. While they were interesting and informative there was nothing particularly remarkable about them. The people that attended seemed to be just ordinary people with some general interest or curiosity about the subject. I had never experienced what I was experiencing now. The people that were coming to this conference had a tremendous amount of light in their auras. These were not ordinary people. These were people who knew who they were. These were people who were here for a definite purpose; they had a mission. I had not yet engaged in conversation with any of them and yet I knew them. These were my long lost brothers and sisters (Mat 12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother). I felt as if I were home at last; this is what I had been searching for over the past two years. I could hardly wait for the five day conference to begin.
The first lecture was given by a member of the Board of Directors of The Summit Lighthouse. The Summit Lighthouse was the organization putting on the conference. It was titled "The True Image of Self as Seen through the All Seeing Eye of God, How You Can Recognize and Put On Your True Image". I was astounded. Things that I knew and had discovered for myself, things that other people just did not understand, these things and more were presented in clear and concise terms. This is what I had been missing; a terminology and a lexicon of the spirit to describe what I had experienced and knew.
Often when I attended the presentations of other groups there was a certain amount of information that was presented as a kind of teaser. Their more "esoteric" teaching was not presented and they would feed you crumbs to keep you following along. What I was getting from this lecture (and others that were to follow) were not just crumbs but the whole loaf. It was amazing. Questions that I had and that no one else was able to answer were being answered in full as were questions that I did not even know that I had. Nothing was held back and nothing was left out. For a person with a voracious appetite for spiritual knowledge I was being well fed.
In between lectures there were beautiful slide shows and musical meditations. They taught an advanced form of combined prayer and mantra called decrees. These were worded formulas that when spoken with authority invoked light from on high. Spiritual Fire is not resident on the earth but it is desperately needed to clear the spiritual/material pollution from our bodies, souls and minds and from the planet as a whole. Still being alert to deception I carefully studied the words and found them pure and unsullied. They expressed a clear and purposeful intent to bring certain aspects of God's Spiritual Fire into specific conditions in the earth. They called this The Science of the Spoken Word (they have a book by this title available at major bookstores and from and it was a fulfillment of the word of God that said "thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee". For the Spiritual Fire of God to flow from spirit to matter a command and demand must be made by an embodied son or daughter of God.
God is the decree. The words come from advanced beings, sons and daughters of God who have gained mastery over the earth. They have come out of every nation and people on earth, and every race and religion, and have put on "that mind that was also in Christ Jesus". They are known as Ascended Masters because after they had put on their Christ Reality, the Word Incarnate, they ascended to the heart of God and had become fused with Him as immortal beings. They are our elder brothers and sisters and they continue to guide us. They formulated the words of the decrees to become chalices of light. Each time a decree is given an increment of light is released into our being and into the earth.
God is the decree er. The Father worketh hitherto and I work. God in me doeth the work. God is in us and it is by the Power and Authority of His Son, Jesus Christ with our own Holy Christ Self that we have the authority to speak the words that invoke His Light. We are not ourselves but we have been bought with a price. Jesus paid the price for us in order for us to be able to gain the realization of who we are in Christ. I will explain more about this in a little while.
God is the answer to the decree. The decree is a sacred formula that invokes God's Light as Spiritual Fire. When that Fire enters the planes of earth it bursts forth as a spiritual flame. Depending on the action and quality of the flame invoked, the light and energy released flows through us and out into the world to perform its perfect work. Each one of the Rainbow Rays of God is a specific quality of God's Light and has a specific action in Heaven and in earth. The Violet Band of the Rainbow has the quality of Freedom and Liberation, of Spiritual Alchemy and of Sacred Ritual. The Violet Flame is known as the Universal Solvent. It is closest in vibration to the earth and has the ability to free trapped energy. The Violet Flame can be invoked using the Violet Flame Mantra.
The name of God that was given to Moses on Mt. Sinai was I AM THAT I AM. This name of God is a testament and memorial forever. When we say "I am" we are using God's name. What ever you say after saying "I am" is an affirmation that God in you is that thing. A lot of the time we take God's name "I am" in vain by saying after it things like: sick, tired, poor, angry, etc. God then fulfills that affirmation in us. This is one way that we misuse or misqualify God's light and energy. The misqualified energy densifies and gets trapped here in the earth and in our bodies and is the cause of decay and death and every problem of man. The Violet Flame Mantra invokes the Universal Solvent of the violet flame into that misqualified energy and frees it so that it can complete its return cycle back to God. The Violet Flame Mantra uses the name of God "I am" as follows: "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires'. It should be given in sets of three in honor of the Father. the Son and the Holy Spirit. As you say the words visualize a bonfire of violet flame in, through and around you. This fire is not hot or destructive like physical fire is. It actually feels cool. You can give the Violet Flame Mantra as you meditate or while doing chores such as washing the dishes, taking a shower, driving to work, etc. There is a tremendous action if you can give it for 15 minutes without interruption. This is not vain repetition since you remain engaged and understand that you are drawing down God's light through the chalices of the words that you are saying. A water pump works by rapidly pushing a small quantity of water in each stroke of the engine. You are the engine that is pumping a small quantity of God's Light into the earth with each repetition of the mantra.
There is so much more about this subject. Fortunately, the book "The Science of the Spoken Word" from Summit University Press covers this topic in detail and is available from many major book stores and
What I was learning and experiencing so far was beyond my wildest expectations. What happened next was almost inconceivable; a re-experiencing of the Light, the same Light that I experienced two years before while on my knees at work.
I had attended many different kinds of lectures and seminars during the past two years. While they were interesting and informative there was nothing particularly remarkable about them. The people that attended seemed to be just ordinary people with some general interest or curiosity about the subject. I had never experienced what I was experiencing now. The people that were coming to this conference had a tremendous amount of light in their auras. These were not ordinary people. These were people who knew who they were. These were people who were here for a definite purpose; they had a mission. I had not yet engaged in conversation with any of them and yet I knew them. These were my long lost brothers and sisters (Mat 12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother). I felt as if I were home at last; this is what I had been searching for over the past two years. I could hardly wait for the five day conference to begin.
The first lecture was given by a member of the Board of Directors of The Summit Lighthouse. The Summit Lighthouse was the organization putting on the conference. It was titled "The True Image of Self as Seen through the All Seeing Eye of God, How You Can Recognize and Put On Your True Image". I was astounded. Things that I knew and had discovered for myself, things that other people just did not understand, these things and more were presented in clear and concise terms. This is what I had been missing; a terminology and a lexicon of the spirit to describe what I had experienced and knew.
Often when I attended the presentations of other groups there was a certain amount of information that was presented as a kind of teaser. Their more "esoteric" teaching was not presented and they would feed you crumbs to keep you following along. What I was getting from this lecture (and others that were to follow) were not just crumbs but the whole loaf. It was amazing. Questions that I had and that no one else was able to answer were being answered in full as were questions that I did not even know that I had. Nothing was held back and nothing was left out. For a person with a voracious appetite for spiritual knowledge I was being well fed.
In between lectures there were beautiful slide shows and musical meditations. They taught an advanced form of combined prayer and mantra called decrees. These were worded formulas that when spoken with authority invoked light from on high. Spiritual Fire is not resident on the earth but it is desperately needed to clear the spiritual/material pollution from our bodies, souls and minds and from the planet as a whole. Still being alert to deception I carefully studied the words and found them pure and unsullied. They expressed a clear and purposeful intent to bring certain aspects of God's Spiritual Fire into specific conditions in the earth. They called this The Science of the Spoken Word (they have a book by this title available at major bookstores and from and it was a fulfillment of the word of God that said "thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee". For the Spiritual Fire of God to flow from spirit to matter a command and demand must be made by an embodied son or daughter of God.
God is the decree. The words come from advanced beings, sons and daughters of God who have gained mastery over the earth. They have come out of every nation and people on earth, and every race and religion, and have put on "that mind that was also in Christ Jesus". They are known as Ascended Masters because after they had put on their Christ Reality, the Word Incarnate, they ascended to the heart of God and had become fused with Him as immortal beings. They are our elder brothers and sisters and they continue to guide us. They formulated the words of the decrees to become chalices of light. Each time a decree is given an increment of light is released into our being and into the earth.
God is the decree er. The Father worketh hitherto and I work. God in me doeth the work. God is in us and it is by the Power and Authority of His Son, Jesus Christ with our own Holy Christ Self that we have the authority to speak the words that invoke His Light. We are not ourselves but we have been bought with a price. Jesus paid the price for us in order for us to be able to gain the realization of who we are in Christ. I will explain more about this in a little while.
God is the answer to the decree. The decree is a sacred formula that invokes God's Light as Spiritual Fire. When that Fire enters the planes of earth it bursts forth as a spiritual flame. Depending on the action and quality of the flame invoked, the light and energy released flows through us and out into the world to perform its perfect work. Each one of the Rainbow Rays of God is a specific quality of God's Light and has a specific action in Heaven and in earth. The Violet Band of the Rainbow has the quality of Freedom and Liberation, of Spiritual Alchemy and of Sacred Ritual. The Violet Flame is known as the Universal Solvent. It is closest in vibration to the earth and has the ability to free trapped energy. The Violet Flame can be invoked using the Violet Flame Mantra.
The name of God that was given to Moses on Mt. Sinai was I AM THAT I AM. This name of God is a testament and memorial forever. When we say "I am" we are using God's name. What ever you say after saying "I am" is an affirmation that God in you is that thing. A lot of the time we take God's name "I am" in vain by saying after it things like: sick, tired, poor, angry, etc. God then fulfills that affirmation in us. This is one way that we misuse or misqualify God's light and energy. The misqualified energy densifies and gets trapped here in the earth and in our bodies and is the cause of decay and death and every problem of man. The Violet Flame Mantra invokes the Universal Solvent of the violet flame into that misqualified energy and frees it so that it can complete its return cycle back to God. The Violet Flame Mantra uses the name of God "I am" as follows: "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires'. It should be given in sets of three in honor of the Father. the Son and the Holy Spirit. As you say the words visualize a bonfire of violet flame in, through and around you. This fire is not hot or destructive like physical fire is. It actually feels cool. You can give the Violet Flame Mantra as you meditate or while doing chores such as washing the dishes, taking a shower, driving to work, etc. There is a tremendous action if you can give it for 15 minutes without interruption. This is not vain repetition since you remain engaged and understand that you are drawing down God's light through the chalices of the words that you are saying. A water pump works by rapidly pushing a small quantity of water in each stroke of the engine. You are the engine that is pumping a small quantity of God's Light into the earth with each repetition of the mantra.
There is so much more about this subject. Fortunately, the book "The Science of the Spoken Word" from Summit University Press covers this topic in detail and is available from many major book stores and
What I was learning and experiencing so far was beyond my wildest expectations. What happened next was almost inconceivable; a re-experiencing of the Light, the same Light that I experienced two years before while on my knees at work.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Chapter 3: I Digress a Bit.
There is so much to say about this experience and about my life. To put it in linear fashion would probably be too boring. As I recall things I will include them in this blog. Sometimes I write things in response to articles in Scientific American Online or to Political sites, or to other Social Networking sites all of which I link to on my Twitter site and then I may include them here.
Growing up, I was ambivalent about God. I was not interested in religion. I had feelings and experiences that I could not explain that probably should have indicated a spiritual connection but that is not where my interests were. I loved to play in and with Nature. I lived in East Los Angeles in the town of Rivera which later became Pico Rivera. There was a ditch behind my house that was part of the Los Angeles River drainage system. I loved to play with the poly wogs and tadpoles, frogs and bull frogs, crayfish, guppies, water spiders and all that was there. These were my friends. I put too much sugar on my cereal which made me hyperactive in school. I was always getting into trouble. In the First Grade my teacher put me outside of the classroom on a porched area. Under the row of windows was a little ledge and under the ledge were several black widow spiders and their nests. I was not afraid of them and they did not bother me but a voice in my head cautioned me about what might happen if another child was put there and they could get bitten. I did not have anything to kill them with so I made a fist and used the heel of my hand to smash the spiders and their egg sacks. When I was about 7 years old I was playing miles from home in the "Wash", the dry river bed of the Los Angeles River, when I heard my mother calling me. I rushed home. She said she hadn't called me but was about to. Sitting in church I often felt that I should be doing what the minister was doing at the altar but this did not make me want to seek the ministry as a profession. On the football field in High School I was on defense as the last person between the ball carrier and the goal line. I stood in front of the ball carrier but did not touch him. In my head I heard a very loud voice saying "where are you going to run, I am everywhere". The ball carrier stopped and just stood there until the Referee finally blew the whistle. The voice was so loud I thought everyone in the stands could hear it (the other player certainly did). Still, I didn't make anything of it and just continued in the game.
When I was in Hawaii I was surfing at Haleiwa on the North Shore of Oahu in the Fall. We were surfing the breaks about a quarter mile offshore when we saw larger waves start to "hump-up" about a quarter to a half mile further out. We turned our boards and started paddling to get beyond their breaking point. I was paddling up the face of a wave that must have been between 15 and 20 feet tall when it broke on me. The force of tons of water drove me to the bottom and drug me along with it for what seemed like an eternity. I kept feeling something bump me. At first I thought is was my surfboard but that was impossible as the board is much more buoyant and rose to the surface long ago. I could not see in all of the foam and turmoil that the wave caused but I knew that it had to be a dolphin and it pushed me to the surface saving my life. I had a long and difficult swim and I finally pulled myself up and onto the rocks that formed and sheltered the bay. A fisherman retrieved my board from the bay and returned it to me.
Both of my parents smoked and sometimes one of them would have me carry a lighted cigarette from one to the other on the other side of the house. I was very young and curious and so I would try to "smoke it". Of course I got my slobber all over it so they knew what I did but they did not punish me. When I was five or six years old some builders tore out a huge Orange Grove of trees near my home and built El Rancho High School. We made orange juice from our own four trees and sold it to the workers. I would pick up the butts of their cigars and cigarettes and smoke them. I bought my first pack of cigarettes from a vending machine. When I got caught by the gas station attendant I told him that I was buying them for my sick father. I was finally able to "kick the habit" after my spiritual experience.
I think that if I would have stayed in the Army that I would have become an alcoholic. The NCO Club was only about six or seven blocks from my barracks and mixed drinks were only 35 cents. Booze by the bottle was very cheap. Company parties always featured lots of beer. Alcohol relieved the stress, the lonliness and was just a part of Army life.
I was also very curious about sex and would play "doctor" with the girls when I was just five or six years old. I thought that what they had was far more interesting than what I had. That curiosity and fascination has never really left me. In all of physical creation there is nothing more wonderful, beautiful and fascinating than the anatomy of a woman. It is something that is always there. It is a part of life. It is something that I have had to reconcile and deal with as I have awakened to my spiritual nature. As I move closer and closer to God the things that I was and did must recede and fade as I begin to merge with my spiritual Reality. As I learned later, the word sex is an abbreviation for "sacred" or (sacral) "energy" for Christ (or the birth of the Christ). As we move toward our Christhood we must gain mastery over all forms of energy, including the "sex" energy. For some it is not a problem, for others it may be more difficult.
Forgiveness is the key. We all have our ups and downs. We vow to God that we will not make the same mistake again and then we slip and make that mistake again. God does not condemn us, he has forgiven us almost before we ask. We must not fall into the trap of condemning ourselves. The greatest sin against God is to declare ourselves unworthy. When we hold the concept of unworthiness about ourselves (or another), God cannot reach us; we set ourselves outside the circle of His protection. God in us is worthy. We are not sinners beyond sin with no hope of redemption. Even the most hardened criminal, arch deciever or fallen angel can and will be forgiven; all we need to do is ask. We are not this flesh and blood body. Our soul is fire of God's fire. He has placed His Unfed Flame in our hearts (more on this later). We must forgive ourselves and others and keep trying.
If anything, I feel even more in the company of Saints. Gautama Buddha lived in a luxurious palace with all manner of diversions before he had his awakening. Saint Francis of Assisi was a reveler before he was awakened. Saint Paul persecuted the Christians before the Light of Christ blinded his eyes and awakened him. God finds us where we are and His Light leads us out of our darkness. But, we need to learn how to work with Him and not against Him.
For the past two years since my experience with the Light and my awakening I had been tested and tried. There was a need to sharpen my sense of discernment of spirits as there are many that try to deceive and lead us astray. The first hitch hiker that I took to San Francisco was one. Much later I picked up another hitch hiker, this time a female, and she began to point out certain signs in me that indicated that I was an advanced spiritual being according to a certain book that I had read. She was sent by her guru to entice me into following them. They knew who I was and where I would be and that I would likely pick her up. There were many such occurrences and I had become very wary as I continued my quest to know and understand who I was, why the Light had awakened me, what it was that I was becoming, what it was that God wanted me to do for Him. I had an ever growing sense that there was a special someone that I needed to find, a person who knew more than I did, a person who could answer unanswered questions, a person who could guide me, teach me and show me how to serve God and to help save this planet and people.
On Tuesday, April 9, 1974 I was in the office of a Judge signing the Final Declaration for Dissolution of my marriage. I thought my life had ended. Even though we had been legally separated for a year according to the law, I still felt sad and depressed that I would not see my wife and children again. The next day I decided to go to the spiritual conference that I had learned about from the flyer on the bulletin board at school I was in the Registration area at the Ambassador Hotel, Wednesday, April 10, 1974 and my senses were tingling with excitement.
Growing up, I was ambivalent about God. I was not interested in religion. I had feelings and experiences that I could not explain that probably should have indicated a spiritual connection but that is not where my interests were. I loved to play in and with Nature. I lived in East Los Angeles in the town of Rivera which later became Pico Rivera. There was a ditch behind my house that was part of the Los Angeles River drainage system. I loved to play with the poly wogs and tadpoles, frogs and bull frogs, crayfish, guppies, water spiders and all that was there. These were my friends. I put too much sugar on my cereal which made me hyperactive in school. I was always getting into trouble. In the First Grade my teacher put me outside of the classroom on a porched area. Under the row of windows was a little ledge and under the ledge were several black widow spiders and their nests. I was not afraid of them and they did not bother me but a voice in my head cautioned me about what might happen if another child was put there and they could get bitten. I did not have anything to kill them with so I made a fist and used the heel of my hand to smash the spiders and their egg sacks. When I was about 7 years old I was playing miles from home in the "Wash", the dry river bed of the Los Angeles River, when I heard my mother calling me. I rushed home. She said she hadn't called me but was about to. Sitting in church I often felt that I should be doing what the minister was doing at the altar but this did not make me want to seek the ministry as a profession. On the football field in High School I was on defense as the last person between the ball carrier and the goal line. I stood in front of the ball carrier but did not touch him. In my head I heard a very loud voice saying "where are you going to run, I am everywhere". The ball carrier stopped and just stood there until the Referee finally blew the whistle. The voice was so loud I thought everyone in the stands could hear it (the other player certainly did). Still, I didn't make anything of it and just continued in the game.
When I was in Hawaii I was surfing at Haleiwa on the North Shore of Oahu in the Fall. We were surfing the breaks about a quarter mile offshore when we saw larger waves start to "hump-up" about a quarter to a half mile further out. We turned our boards and started paddling to get beyond their breaking point. I was paddling up the face of a wave that must have been between 15 and 20 feet tall when it broke on me. The force of tons of water drove me to the bottom and drug me along with it for what seemed like an eternity. I kept feeling something bump me. At first I thought is was my surfboard but that was impossible as the board is much more buoyant and rose to the surface long ago. I could not see in all of the foam and turmoil that the wave caused but I knew that it had to be a dolphin and it pushed me to the surface saving my life. I had a long and difficult swim and I finally pulled myself up and onto the rocks that formed and sheltered the bay. A fisherman retrieved my board from the bay and returned it to me.
Both of my parents smoked and sometimes one of them would have me carry a lighted cigarette from one to the other on the other side of the house. I was very young and curious and so I would try to "smoke it". Of course I got my slobber all over it so they knew what I did but they did not punish me. When I was five or six years old some builders tore out a huge Orange Grove of trees near my home and built El Rancho High School. We made orange juice from our own four trees and sold it to the workers. I would pick up the butts of their cigars and cigarettes and smoke them. I bought my first pack of cigarettes from a vending machine. When I got caught by the gas station attendant I told him that I was buying them for my sick father. I was finally able to "kick the habit" after my spiritual experience.
I think that if I would have stayed in the Army that I would have become an alcoholic. The NCO Club was only about six or seven blocks from my barracks and mixed drinks were only 35 cents. Booze by the bottle was very cheap. Company parties always featured lots of beer. Alcohol relieved the stress, the lonliness and was just a part of Army life.
I was also very curious about sex and would play "doctor" with the girls when I was just five or six years old. I thought that what they had was far more interesting than what I had. That curiosity and fascination has never really left me. In all of physical creation there is nothing more wonderful, beautiful and fascinating than the anatomy of a woman. It is something that is always there. It is a part of life. It is something that I have had to reconcile and deal with as I have awakened to my spiritual nature. As I move closer and closer to God the things that I was and did must recede and fade as I begin to merge with my spiritual Reality. As I learned later, the word sex is an abbreviation for "sacred" or (sacral) "energy" for Christ (or the birth of the Christ). As we move toward our Christhood we must gain mastery over all forms of energy, including the "sex" energy. For some it is not a problem, for others it may be more difficult.
Forgiveness is the key. We all have our ups and downs. We vow to God that we will not make the same mistake again and then we slip and make that mistake again. God does not condemn us, he has forgiven us almost before we ask. We must not fall into the trap of condemning ourselves. The greatest sin against God is to declare ourselves unworthy. When we hold the concept of unworthiness about ourselves (or another), God cannot reach us; we set ourselves outside the circle of His protection. God in us is worthy. We are not sinners beyond sin with no hope of redemption. Even the most hardened criminal, arch deciever or fallen angel can and will be forgiven; all we need to do is ask. We are not this flesh and blood body. Our soul is fire of God's fire. He has placed His Unfed Flame in our hearts (more on this later). We must forgive ourselves and others and keep trying.
If anything, I feel even more in the company of Saints. Gautama Buddha lived in a luxurious palace with all manner of diversions before he had his awakening. Saint Francis of Assisi was a reveler before he was awakened. Saint Paul persecuted the Christians before the Light of Christ blinded his eyes and awakened him. God finds us where we are and His Light leads us out of our darkness. But, we need to learn how to work with Him and not against Him.
For the past two years since my experience with the Light and my awakening I had been tested and tried. There was a need to sharpen my sense of discernment of spirits as there are many that try to deceive and lead us astray. The first hitch hiker that I took to San Francisco was one. Much later I picked up another hitch hiker, this time a female, and she began to point out certain signs in me that indicated that I was an advanced spiritual being according to a certain book that I had read. She was sent by her guru to entice me into following them. They knew who I was and where I would be and that I would likely pick her up. There were many such occurrences and I had become very wary as I continued my quest to know and understand who I was, why the Light had awakened me, what it was that I was becoming, what it was that God wanted me to do for Him. I had an ever growing sense that there was a special someone that I needed to find, a person who knew more than I did, a person who could answer unanswered questions, a person who could guide me, teach me and show me how to serve God and to help save this planet and people.
On Tuesday, April 9, 1974 I was in the office of a Judge signing the Final Declaration for Dissolution of my marriage. I thought my life had ended. Even though we had been legally separated for a year according to the law, I still felt sad and depressed that I would not see my wife and children again. The next day I decided to go to the spiritual conference that I had learned about from the flyer on the bulletin board at school I was in the Registration area at the Ambassador Hotel, Wednesday, April 10, 1974 and my senses were tingling with excitement.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Chapter 2: A Prayer Answered; Now What? Life After Death
God not only heard the prayer of a "sinner" like me, but He answered in no uncertain terms. In response to my prayer, and my request to help God (instead of the other way around) the Light of God enfolded me with such Love and a loving caress that the words come to mind: " and I will pour out a blessing upon them that they will not be able to contain" . Was I somehow unique, a freak of nature? It seemed so natural and yet so unnatural as this sort of thing had never happened to me before. Was this what it was like for St. Paul when Jesus met him on the road to Damascus and blinded his eyes with the Light of his magnificence? There were certainly similarities but there were differences also. God is no respecter of persons and He has no favorite sons. It is written in scripture that God has written his laws in our inward parts. I felt a quickening within me that there are no words to describe. Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." What were God's plans for me now? I had certainly "asked for it".
There are parts of us that lay dormant, like a woman when she conceives a child, that become quickened when the occasion arises. Parts of the woman that were dormant become quickened at conception and progress throughout pregnancy. A muscle that she barely knew she had forms a womb to nourish and protect the child developing within her. When it is time for the child to come into the world, that muscle takes over to expel the child from the womb. Previously she had no knowledge of that muscle or how to use it but it was there and it, and her body, "knew" what to do. It is a miracle and a process of nature that we sometimes take for granted, and that some have come to despise. Looking back, with years of experience behind me, the only way that I can describe what happened to me with the Light of God is to say that Christ was quickened in me. Christ in me would know what to do. I had to trust the process. It was not all revealed at once, it would be revealed over time. I had to follow the mandate in Luke 11:9 "And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
I had asked God to show me how to help Him solve the problems of the world. This was no time to become a hermit or to seek a cloistered life. It was necessary for me to remain engaged with the world through outer work while at the same time performing the inner spiritual work to liberate a planet and a people. I tried to follow the principles set forth by Christ and Buddha in seeking Right Livelihood, and multiplying my skills and talents. I needed to stay in school and get my degree.
In all of my years in school when asked the question: "what do you want to do in life, what profession, what career?'; I had no answer. I was in college as a Business major because I wanted to learn how to run a business; I did not know which one or what it would involve. I had been a Drill Instructor, now I was a Computer Operator on IBM 360 Series computers (you find these in Computer Museums now). Now I had new decisions to make and I needed to understand what had happened to me and what I was supposed to do. Using the analogy of the pregnant woman, I needed to understand what the process was all about.
I had a knowing within me that I would not find the answer in orthodoxy alone. Nevertheless, I started taking Religious Studies courses as electives. One of the courses was squeezed into an unusual two month winter break. It was taught by a man from India and the subject was Houston Smith's book "The Religions of Man" published by Mentor Books. We were required to visit a Church, Synagogue or Temple that was different from what we normally attended. When I was in High School I babysat for a young boy. "Out of the blue", his mother contacted me and invited me to attend his Bar Mitzvah which I was most happy to do. In the hills above Hollywood, I visited the Vedanta Society and experienced a Hindu ceremony.
Our University also had an "Experimental College". Anyone could obtain classroom space for free and present a lecture or a course on any topic. I attended as many different lectures and courses as I could. One lecture was given by Shafica Karagulla, a medical doctor and psychiatrist, on her book on"Higher Sense Perception, HSP" entitled Breakthrough to Creativity.
After the lecture we had a question and answer session. People were pressing all around her asking questions rapid fire. I wanted to know if it were possible for people to develop higher faculties. I could not get the question asked but held it strongly in my mind. Suddenly she turned to me and answered the question in the negative. Then she paused, stunned, because she realized what had just happened. She knew that she had received my question telepathically.
The Light had sensitized or activated certain spiritual faculties within me and I was experimenting. I was able to "read" or sense things in people. I was able to contact souls who had passed from the "physical" screen of life and who were now on the other side of the veil. A mother and daughter, both of their names were Mary, wanted me to contact their husband/father to tell him how sorry they were for how they had treated him. They had me go into the school library to a section I had never been to before, and take a certain book off of a certain shelf, and turn to a certain page, and read a certain entry. It was kind of a Who's Who book. I called the phone number listed in the book and got a nurse. I explained why I was calling and who I wanted to talk to. She declined to let me speak to the man who was now very old and frail. I contacted other "departed souls" and found that for the most part they were very confused, disoriented, and not very spiritually developed. I later learned why they are confused and why it is not a good idea to "channel" spirits or to participate with others in such activities. I will explain more about this in later entries.
The Ascended Masters sponsored the Spritualist Movement of the 1800's to let people know that there is life after death. I proved that there is life after death for myself by contacting those whose bodies had "died" but their souls were very much alive. Because of this I could understand people who had "near death" experiences and could validate their stories for myself. Some of the more interesting and well known cases are those of Danion Brinkley, Mellen Thomas Benedict and Betty Edie.
Another Experimental College course that I took was on Self Hypnosis. Again, I had to learn the hard way that any form of hypnosis is dangerous to the soul as it violates certain protections set in place. Dr. Helen Wambach wrote a book entitled "Life Before Life" and the book "Mass Dreams of the Future" was based on her work. She originally set out to debunk the idea of reincarnation but instead scientifically proved that it was real. There is life after death and there is life before birth; the life of the soul is a continuum. To Dr. Wambach's credit, she had the "sense" to ask permission of the person's Higher Self before revealing details of past lives under hypnosis.
I had a voracious appetite and "need to know" for all things spiritual. I read many books and talked to many people. The least helpful people turned out to be ministers in Christian Churches. They were like blind leaders of the blind. They could quote chapter and verse but they had no understanding of the words they were quoting. In my last semester in college I had a Religious Studies course on the Bible. When I did an exegesis of a biblical passage, the Holy Spirit revealed things that astounded my professor and fellow classmates. There was a two week seminar at a local Junior College on religious leaders and spiritual communities from around the world. I ditched my regular college classes and attended the seminar. Remember, this was my last semester in college and I going to graduate in June. It was hard to maintain an interest in the subject of "business", it seemed so mundane and unimportant.
For a long time now I kind of felt like "The Lone Ranger". I did not meet anyone else like me or who knew what I knew about God or Spirituality. This also took a toll on my wife. She had filed for divorce a year earlier. I left her lawyers office in Pasadena, CA sad and depressed about losing my family. My son was four years old and my daughter was two and a half. I headed for the freeway. I saw a hitchhiker and decided to take him wherever he wanted to go. He wanted to go to San Francisco. This was 1974, during the Carter Administration, and we were on a kind of gas rationing system based on odd or even numbers on our license plates. On the road I talked about my spiritual experiences and books I had read. It turns out that the young man was on his way to Canada to be with people who were experimenting with sleep deprivation as a kind of spiritual experience and he wanted to stop off at his home first. He invited me to come with him. We slept on the side of the road that night and I took him home the next day. While he was visiting his family, I visited the graveyard across the street. I got the sense that if I went with him I would be running away from my destiny. I returned to Los Angeles, somehow able to get gas even though I had the wrong license plate number for that day.
Now it was a year later and my wife and I had to appear before a magistrate for the Final Dissolution of Marriage. The appointment was on a Tuesday during Easter Vacation. I had seen a poster on the bulletin board in the hall by my classroom. It announced another seminar or Conference at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles that was to take place on Wednesday, the day after the Final Dissolution of Marriage meeting on Tuesday . Actually there were two posters. The first one had a picture by Dore of Angels encircling a cross and it said that the conference would be on angels, auras and other topics of interest to me. Because of the pending divorce I procrastinated registering for the Conference. The second poster convinced me that I just had to attend. It was a picture of a woman standing on top of Pikes Peak and flashing the Victory fingers. At the meeting on Tuesday I felt as if my life had ended. On Wednesday I felt as if my life was just beginning; I had found what I had been searching for over the past two years.
There are parts of us that lay dormant, like a woman when she conceives a child, that become quickened when the occasion arises. Parts of the woman that were dormant become quickened at conception and progress throughout pregnancy. A muscle that she barely knew she had forms a womb to nourish and protect the child developing within her. When it is time for the child to come into the world, that muscle takes over to expel the child from the womb. Previously she had no knowledge of that muscle or how to use it but it was there and it, and her body, "knew" what to do. It is a miracle and a process of nature that we sometimes take for granted, and that some have come to despise. Looking back, with years of experience behind me, the only way that I can describe what happened to me with the Light of God is to say that Christ was quickened in me. Christ in me would know what to do. I had to trust the process. It was not all revealed at once, it would be revealed over time. I had to follow the mandate in Luke 11:9 "And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
I had asked God to show me how to help Him solve the problems of the world. This was no time to become a hermit or to seek a cloistered life. It was necessary for me to remain engaged with the world through outer work while at the same time performing the inner spiritual work to liberate a planet and a people. I tried to follow the principles set forth by Christ and Buddha in seeking Right Livelihood, and multiplying my skills and talents. I needed to stay in school and get my degree.
In all of my years in school when asked the question: "what do you want to do in life, what profession, what career?'; I had no answer. I was in college as a Business major because I wanted to learn how to run a business; I did not know which one or what it would involve. I had been a Drill Instructor, now I was a Computer Operator on IBM 360 Series computers (you find these in Computer Museums now). Now I had new decisions to make and I needed to understand what had happened to me and what I was supposed to do. Using the analogy of the pregnant woman, I needed to understand what the process was all about.
I had a knowing within me that I would not find the answer in orthodoxy alone. Nevertheless, I started taking Religious Studies courses as electives. One of the courses was squeezed into an unusual two month winter break. It was taught by a man from India and the subject was Houston Smith's book "The Religions of Man" published by Mentor Books. We were required to visit a Church, Synagogue or Temple that was different from what we normally attended. When I was in High School I babysat for a young boy. "Out of the blue", his mother contacted me and invited me to attend his Bar Mitzvah which I was most happy to do. In the hills above Hollywood, I visited the Vedanta Society and experienced a Hindu ceremony.
Our University also had an "Experimental College". Anyone could obtain classroom space for free and present a lecture or a course on any topic. I attended as many different lectures and courses as I could. One lecture was given by Shafica Karagulla, a medical doctor and psychiatrist, on her book on"Higher Sense Perception, HSP" entitled Breakthrough to Creativity.
After the lecture we had a question and answer session. People were pressing all around her asking questions rapid fire. I wanted to know if it were possible for people to develop higher faculties. I could not get the question asked but held it strongly in my mind. Suddenly she turned to me and answered the question in the negative. Then she paused, stunned, because she realized what had just happened. She knew that she had received my question telepathically.
The Light had sensitized or activated certain spiritual faculties within me and I was experimenting. I was able to "read" or sense things in people. I was able to contact souls who had passed from the "physical" screen of life and who were now on the other side of the veil. A mother and daughter, both of their names were Mary, wanted me to contact their husband/father to tell him how sorry they were for how they had treated him. They had me go into the school library to a section I had never been to before, and take a certain book off of a certain shelf, and turn to a certain page, and read a certain entry. It was kind of a Who's Who book. I called the phone number listed in the book and got a nurse. I explained why I was calling and who I wanted to talk to. She declined to let me speak to the man who was now very old and frail. I contacted other "departed souls" and found that for the most part they were very confused, disoriented, and not very spiritually developed. I later learned why they are confused and why it is not a good idea to "channel" spirits or to participate with others in such activities. I will explain more about this in later entries.
The Ascended Masters sponsored the Spritualist Movement of the 1800's to let people know that there is life after death. I proved that there is life after death for myself by contacting those whose bodies had "died" but their souls were very much alive. Because of this I could understand people who had "near death" experiences and could validate their stories for myself. Some of the more interesting and well known cases are those of Danion Brinkley, Mellen Thomas Benedict and Betty Edie.
Another Experimental College course that I took was on Self Hypnosis. Again, I had to learn the hard way that any form of hypnosis is dangerous to the soul as it violates certain protections set in place. Dr. Helen Wambach wrote a book entitled "Life Before Life" and the book "Mass Dreams of the Future" was based on her work. She originally set out to debunk the idea of reincarnation but instead scientifically proved that it was real. There is life after death and there is life before birth; the life of the soul is a continuum. To Dr. Wambach's credit, she had the "sense" to ask permission of the person's Higher Self before revealing details of past lives under hypnosis.
I had a voracious appetite and "need to know" for all things spiritual. I read many books and talked to many people. The least helpful people turned out to be ministers in Christian Churches. They were like blind leaders of the blind. They could quote chapter and verse but they had no understanding of the words they were quoting. In my last semester in college I had a Religious Studies course on the Bible. When I did an exegesis of a biblical passage, the Holy Spirit revealed things that astounded my professor and fellow classmates. There was a two week seminar at a local Junior College on religious leaders and spiritual communities from around the world. I ditched my regular college classes and attended the seminar. Remember, this was my last semester in college and I going to graduate in June. It was hard to maintain an interest in the subject of "business", it seemed so mundane and unimportant.
For a long time now I kind of felt like "The Lone Ranger". I did not meet anyone else like me or who knew what I knew about God or Spirituality. This also took a toll on my wife. She had filed for divorce a year earlier. I left her lawyers office in Pasadena, CA sad and depressed about losing my family. My son was four years old and my daughter was two and a half. I headed for the freeway. I saw a hitchhiker and decided to take him wherever he wanted to go. He wanted to go to San Francisco. This was 1974, during the Carter Administration, and we were on a kind of gas rationing system based on odd or even numbers on our license plates. On the road I talked about my spiritual experiences and books I had read. It turns out that the young man was on his way to Canada to be with people who were experimenting with sleep deprivation as a kind of spiritual experience and he wanted to stop off at his home first. He invited me to come with him. We slept on the side of the road that night and I took him home the next day. While he was visiting his family, I visited the graveyard across the street. I got the sense that if I went with him I would be running away from my destiny. I returned to Los Angeles, somehow able to get gas even though I had the wrong license plate number for that day.
Now it was a year later and my wife and I had to appear before a magistrate for the Final Dissolution of Marriage. The appointment was on a Tuesday during Easter Vacation. I had seen a poster on the bulletin board in the hall by my classroom. It announced another seminar or Conference at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles that was to take place on Wednesday, the day after the Final Dissolution of Marriage meeting on Tuesday . Actually there were two posters. The first one had a picture by Dore of Angels encircling a cross and it said that the conference would be on angels, auras and other topics of interest to me. Because of the pending divorce I procrastinated registering for the Conference. The second poster convinced me that I just had to attend. It was a picture of a woman standing on top of Pikes Peak and flashing the Victory fingers. At the meeting on Tuesday I felt as if my life had ended. On Wednesday I felt as if my life was just beginning; I had found what I had been searching for over the past two years.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Chapter 1: My Encounter with the Light of God in 1972 and My Early Years Leading Up to It.
I had a fairly normal childhood attending Public schools in the Los Angeles City School District. I played Little League Baseball and Pop Warner Midget Football and had a leadership position in my Sea Explorer Scout Unit. In High School I played "B" and Varsity Football in the Fall and during the Spring I was a pole vaulter on our track team. I was active in student government and I was a Math Major preparing for College. I had my share of problems with authority figures and other students. I had to learn that the only way to handle a bully was to stand up to him and challenge him, and I had my share of fights, especially in Junior High School. My reputation preceded me into High School so I was usually able to talk my way out of a fight. In Junior High I worked with my mom on the John F. Kennedy presidential campaign. I was waiting for my Second Period History Teacher to arrive when his assassination was announced. My History teacher never came back to school. It was worse than having the air knocked out of you. Nothing was the same again.
Religion was not a big factor in my life although there were occasions where I tried to learn more such as when I took catechism classes at the Lutheran church we attended (but that didn't last long). While sitting in Church, I would sometimes have a strange feeling that I should be at the Altar doing what the Minister was doing. I couldn't explain it, but that is where I felt I belonged. My mother had her astrology done and all that the astrologer would tell her is that one of her children would be religious, possibly in the priesthood. She did not know who of her six children that would be and I never discussed my feelings with her. When I was in my early 20's I had my own astrology done and it showed that I was a very old soul and that the dew drop was about to merge with the Ocean. I had no idea what that meant.
I graduated from High School in June of 1964. I attended a year of Junior College and during the summer break of 1965 some friends and I decided to go to Hawaii to surf. I liked it there so much that I decided to stay. I got a job as a Desk Clerk at a hotel and did the night audit. The Viet Nam War was heating up and it didn't take long for the Draft Board to find me. I got drafted into the Army and reported to Fort Bliss Texas in January, 1966. Brrrrrrr. Shock and cold.
During Basic Training I gave in to some indoctrination program and signed up for Officer Candidate School (OCS) because I had some college. Later, I changed my mind and dropped it. This messed up my Orders for where I was supposed to go after Basic so I was held over for a couple of weeks while they tried to decide what they were going to do with me. They were going to send me to Fort Knox, Kentucky for Advanced Training in the Armor School for Tanks and then to OCS in Armor. They decided to send me there anyway for the Advanced Training. When that was done I was again held over for a few weeks until they finally decided to give me three choices. One: I could go directly to Viet Nam. Two: I could go to Germany to train with a unit that was preparing to go to Viet Nam. Three: I could go to the Non-commissioned Officer (NCO) Military Academy to train to become a Drill Instructor. This was a new program and they were about to graduate their first class. They were sending all of the experienced NCO's to Viet Nam and they needed people to train the troops. They figured that if they could turn a soldier into an Officer in six months that they could turn one into a Drill Instructor in six weeks. This meant a promotion from Private to Corporal upon graduation and no Viet Nam. I became a Drill Instructor.
I was an assistant to a Staff Sgt for one eight week Basic Training cycle after which he was sent to Viet Nam and I was on my own. I was in charge of a WWI era 2-story wooden barracks and up to 50 trainees and all of their weapons and equipment. The cracks in the walls were like mini windows. When the temperatures got down to 4 degrees F., the water in the butt cans would freeze solid by morning. I was a Drill Instructor for eighteen months and trained eight groups of men. We often had back to back eight-week training cycles where we would graduate one class on Friday and pick up another one on Monday. The Army had a program called McNamara's Hundred Thousand. They were trying to train men as quickly as possible and they were not very selective in who they drafted. I had everything from poorly educated wino's and hoods off of the street to stock brokers with advanced degrees. I became the Company First Aid NCO and Weapons NCO and was the go-to guy for all problems after hours. I also had special Riot Control training because of the campus unrest concerning the war. Two months before my honorable discharge from the Army in January, 1968 I earned the rank of Sgt. E-5 and the Good Conduct Medal with Letters of Commendation through the entire Chain of Command from the Secretary of the Army on down to our local command.
I went back to Los Angeles and got a job. What a let down and culture shock that was. I thought going into the Army was culture shock. I went from having great responsibility to performing a routine and very dull task. My best buddy from the Army got out two months before I did and one night he called to offer me his old job as a courier for a conglomerate company. At night I could train to become a computer operator as he did and I did eventually become a computer operator. In January of 1969 I went back to college, Los Angeles City College, on the GI Bill by working at night and going to school 3/4 time during the day. In the summer of 1970 I got married and started raising a family.
One day at school I noticed a lot of students milling around. Some students put on a mock play of students being killed at Kent State. From my second floor math class I could observe about a dozen people seeming to stir things up and manipulate the crowd. They were hard core and disciplined and reminded me of Che Cueverra. My military training in counter insurgency tactics helped me spot them. All of a sudden about five of them came rushing toward my building. I could hear them running up the stairs and they burst into my classroom. They were looking for someone that they thought was taking pictures. My teacher sat frozen behind his desk. I immediately walked to the front of the class and commanded them to leave telling them that what they were looking for wasn't here. To every one's surprise, they immediately left.
On another day I was sitting in the Student Union trying to study. Two guys at a table next to mine were talking about stuff that I had never heard of. I thought to myself that in all of my 23 years or so I had never heard of this stuff. They were talking about a book called "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" written by Gary Allen as a Doctoral Thesis to prove that there was no conspiracy. During his research he had to change his mind because he had uncovered proof that there was a conspiracy to undermine our Constitutional Republic, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, our Free Market Economy, our Money and all that America stands for. I had a pretty developed sense of patriotism and this really stirred me up. I got the book and read it. My own research for speeches in Speech Class confirmed some things and uncovered others. I used articles from easily obtained weekly magazines such as Time, U.S. News and World Report, Life and others. In one speech I kept calling my fellow students "comrades" because as I explained at the end of the speech, I wanted them to start getting used to the term. It kept their attention during the speech. I found out some awful stuff about Fluoride and how they used it during the Watts Riots to calm the crowd. They put the Fluoride into the water system because Fluoride makes people passive, apathetic and willing to accept authority. Think about that!
I received my Associate in Arts degree in Business in the Winter of 1971 and transferred to San Fernando Valley State College which later became California State University, Northridge before I graduated. We soon had a second child and it was rough. I was gone all of the time between work and school and then had heaps of homework on the weekend. My wife also worked. There was a lot of stress in the family and at school and at work. I kept thinking about my experiences, the assassination of Kennedy, my years in the Army, "None Dare Call It Conspiracy", problems at home, problems at school, problems at work; it all became an overwhelming burden to bear. I worked alone at night as a computer operator and one night in 1972 I collapsed to my knees. A friend in Junior High School had taught me the "Hail Mary" and I knew the "Our Father". These were the only prayers that I knew and just kept saying them over and over for a very long time. Eventually I just started talking to God and laying all of this stuff out to Him. It just didn't make sense. When people have a problem they look for and get a solution. For some reason no solutions were coming forth and it seemed to be getting worse. Finally I just told God that if there were anything that I could do to help Him solve the problems on earth then please show me what to do.
Immediately the room became brilliant with an indescribable Light unlike any light I had ever seen. Was it a hundred or a thousand times brighter than the well lit room that I worked in? There was no comparison to it. The Light was pure Love and brilliant as the sun but it did not hurt my eyes. I felt a sense of Peace come over me. I knew my prayer was heard and God was answering; He would show me where to go and what to do.
Religion was not a big factor in my life although there were occasions where I tried to learn more such as when I took catechism classes at the Lutheran church we attended (but that didn't last long). While sitting in Church, I would sometimes have a strange feeling that I should be at the Altar doing what the Minister was doing. I couldn't explain it, but that is where I felt I belonged. My mother had her astrology done and all that the astrologer would tell her is that one of her children would be religious, possibly in the priesthood. She did not know who of her six children that would be and I never discussed my feelings with her. When I was in my early 20's I had my own astrology done and it showed that I was a very old soul and that the dew drop was about to merge with the Ocean. I had no idea what that meant.
I graduated from High School in June of 1964. I attended a year of Junior College and during the summer break of 1965 some friends and I decided to go to Hawaii to surf. I liked it there so much that I decided to stay. I got a job as a Desk Clerk at a hotel and did the night audit. The Viet Nam War was heating up and it didn't take long for the Draft Board to find me. I got drafted into the Army and reported to Fort Bliss Texas in January, 1966. Brrrrrrr. Shock and cold.
During Basic Training I gave in to some indoctrination program and signed up for Officer Candidate School (OCS) because I had some college. Later, I changed my mind and dropped it. This messed up my Orders for where I was supposed to go after Basic so I was held over for a couple of weeks while they tried to decide what they were going to do with me. They were going to send me to Fort Knox, Kentucky for Advanced Training in the Armor School for Tanks and then to OCS in Armor. They decided to send me there anyway for the Advanced Training. When that was done I was again held over for a few weeks until they finally decided to give me three choices. One: I could go directly to Viet Nam. Two: I could go to Germany to train with a unit that was preparing to go to Viet Nam. Three: I could go to the Non-commissioned Officer (NCO) Military Academy to train to become a Drill Instructor. This was a new program and they were about to graduate their first class. They were sending all of the experienced NCO's to Viet Nam and they needed people to train the troops. They figured that if they could turn a soldier into an Officer in six months that they could turn one into a Drill Instructor in six weeks. This meant a promotion from Private to Corporal upon graduation and no Viet Nam. I became a Drill Instructor.
I was an assistant to a Staff Sgt for one eight week Basic Training cycle after which he was sent to Viet Nam and I was on my own. I was in charge of a WWI era 2-story wooden barracks and up to 50 trainees and all of their weapons and equipment. The cracks in the walls were like mini windows. When the temperatures got down to 4 degrees F., the water in the butt cans would freeze solid by morning. I was a Drill Instructor for eighteen months and trained eight groups of men. We often had back to back eight-week training cycles where we would graduate one class on Friday and pick up another one on Monday. The Army had a program called McNamara's Hundred Thousand. They were trying to train men as quickly as possible and they were not very selective in who they drafted. I had everything from poorly educated wino's and hoods off of the street to stock brokers with advanced degrees. I became the Company First Aid NCO and Weapons NCO and was the go-to guy for all problems after hours. I also had special Riot Control training because of the campus unrest concerning the war. Two months before my honorable discharge from the Army in January, 1968 I earned the rank of Sgt. E-5 and the Good Conduct Medal with Letters of Commendation through the entire Chain of Command from the Secretary of the Army on down to our local command.
I went back to Los Angeles and got a job. What a let down and culture shock that was. I thought going into the Army was culture shock. I went from having great responsibility to performing a routine and very dull task. My best buddy from the Army got out two months before I did and one night he called to offer me his old job as a courier for a conglomerate company. At night I could train to become a computer operator as he did and I did eventually become a computer operator. In January of 1969 I went back to college, Los Angeles City College, on the GI Bill by working at night and going to school 3/4 time during the day. In the summer of 1970 I got married and started raising a family.
One day at school I noticed a lot of students milling around. Some students put on a mock play of students being killed at Kent State. From my second floor math class I could observe about a dozen people seeming to stir things up and manipulate the crowd. They were hard core and disciplined and reminded me of Che Cueverra. My military training in counter insurgency tactics helped me spot them. All of a sudden about five of them came rushing toward my building. I could hear them running up the stairs and they burst into my classroom. They were looking for someone that they thought was taking pictures. My teacher sat frozen behind his desk. I immediately walked to the front of the class and commanded them to leave telling them that what they were looking for wasn't here. To every one's surprise, they immediately left.
On another day I was sitting in the Student Union trying to study. Two guys at a table next to mine were talking about stuff that I had never heard of. I thought to myself that in all of my 23 years or so I had never heard of this stuff. They were talking about a book called "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" written by Gary Allen as a Doctoral Thesis to prove that there was no conspiracy. During his research he had to change his mind because he had uncovered proof that there was a conspiracy to undermine our Constitutional Republic, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, our Free Market Economy, our Money and all that America stands for. I had a pretty developed sense of patriotism and this really stirred me up. I got the book and read it. My own research for speeches in Speech Class confirmed some things and uncovered others. I used articles from easily obtained weekly magazines such as Time, U.S. News and World Report, Life and others. In one speech I kept calling my fellow students "comrades" because as I explained at the end of the speech, I wanted them to start getting used to the term. It kept their attention during the speech. I found out some awful stuff about Fluoride and how they used it during the Watts Riots to calm the crowd. They put the Fluoride into the water system because Fluoride makes people passive, apathetic and willing to accept authority. Think about that!
I received my Associate in Arts degree in Business in the Winter of 1971 and transferred to San Fernando Valley State College which later became California State University, Northridge before I graduated. We soon had a second child and it was rough. I was gone all of the time between work and school and then had heaps of homework on the weekend. My wife also worked. There was a lot of stress in the family and at school and at work. I kept thinking about my experiences, the assassination of Kennedy, my years in the Army, "None Dare Call It Conspiracy", problems at home, problems at school, problems at work; it all became an overwhelming burden to bear. I worked alone at night as a computer operator and one night in 1972 I collapsed to my knees. A friend in Junior High School had taught me the "Hail Mary" and I knew the "Our Father". These were the only prayers that I knew and just kept saying them over and over for a very long time. Eventually I just started talking to God and laying all of this stuff out to Him. It just didn't make sense. When people have a problem they look for and get a solution. For some reason no solutions were coming forth and it seemed to be getting worse. Finally I just told God that if there were anything that I could do to help Him solve the problems on earth then please show me what to do.
Immediately the room became brilliant with an indescribable Light unlike any light I had ever seen. Was it a hundred or a thousand times brighter than the well lit room that I worked in? There was no comparison to it. The Light was pure Love and brilliant as the sun but it did not hurt my eyes. I felt a sense of Peace come over me. I knew my prayer was heard and God was answering; He would show me where to go and what to do.
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