Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chapter 5: Who Are We? Why and How Does Sound Impact Us? The Creation Story.

The word religion comes from the Latin root religio or religo meaning to bind, especially to what is perceived as a higher power, usually by the practice of certain tenets of a doctrine or dogma. St. Paul said, "Are ye so foolish? Having begun in the spirit are ye now made perfect in the flesh?" We are, first and foremost, spiritual beings. It is built into us at the quantum level and beyond. According to Quantum Physics, everything is "frequency". What we call "physical" is not as "solid" as you think. Everything animate and inanimate is composed of molecules containing one or more atoms. At the atomic level the space between the nucleus and the electrons is equivalent to the distance between the sun and the planets. At the quantum, subatomic level there is even more space and instead of "particles" there are "vibrating energy waves" oscillating between a physical and non-physical matrix (spirit/matter, matter/spirit). It may be due to the "vibration" of the waves or the "oscillation" between physical and non-physicality or it may be just the nature of what is there, everything has an "energy field", a "frequency", a "vibration" that is unique to it. Some "see" this energy field vibration as a rainbow like "aura" or "halo". These "auras" or energy fields influence and are influenced by other "auras" and are not blocked by clothing or other "physical" things. Just like electricity, these "energy fields" or "auras" have always been there and some have been able to "see" them, but we have all been able to "sense" them at one level or another. Have you ever gotten a "gut" feeling, an "intuition", a "premonition", a good or bad "feeling" ("good vibes", "bad vibes"), or a "funny feeling" about something or someone? Or, have you ever used an expression like "that sounds fishy", or "something smells rotten about that", or "that rings true"? These are more than mere feelings or expressions. We all know what you are talking about when you say them. These figures of speech are an attempt to relate something that is not "physical", but "vibrational" (at the quantum level), to one of our physical senses.

Because of the discoveries in Quantum Physics we are now "beginning" to understand this finer, more powerful source of energy and how it intricately interconnects and intertwines with us all at every level of our being. And, we are multi-dimensional beings, the densest, least powerful (but not least important) being the physical. Just as we have organs that correspond to our physical being, we also have organs that correspond at the quantum level. A Sanskrit name for them is "chakras". Chakra means wheel and chakras are whirling vortices of energy. They are like step-down transformers that step down the energy from the quantum level to the physical level to the physical organs (man does not live by bread alone). They help us connect with each other and all life at a very deep and basic level. There are seven major chakras (the 7 Churches in the temple of man) and 144 minor chakras throughout the body. There are 5 Secret Ray chakras, one in each hand and foot and one at the spleen. These are the points at which the Lord Jesus Christ was pierced while on the cross, and these are the points where the Stigmata has appeared in certain of the Saints. And, there is one special chakra known as "The Secret Chamber of the Heart" also called our "Heart of hearts". This is the location of the "Interior Castle" that St. Therese of Avila spoke of in her writings. Within that "Castle" is a majestic "Cathedral" or "Temple". On the high altar of that "Cathedral of the Heart" burns a triune "Unfed Flame" which is our "Seat of Authority" and our direct connection with the "Most High" Creator, I Am That I Am, Yahweh, El Shadai, Adonai, Elohim, Brahman, Allah, the Tao. Each "name" of God is a frequency, a connection by and through which we may understand a portion of His infinity. Remember, Jesus said, "the Kingdom of God is within you". "Did not our hearts burn within us" was the comment of the disciples as they walked with the Lord after his Resurrection. This Sacred Flame in our hearts sets us apart from all other parts of the creation. It is a Fleur-de-Lis of Power, Wisdom and Love. We are not animals and did not evolve from the animal creation. We are not mere humans but spiritual beings temporarily housed in a physical body. At the quantum level, there is only Unity, everything is ONE. Past, present, and future are the same. Time and Space are an illusion. Everything is HERE, everything is NOW.

All paths up the mountain lead to the summit although they may start at seemingly far distant points. If your path, your doctrine or your dogma is helping you grow spiritually that is good. But do not cast dispersion on the path of another. Remember, "ye are brethren", "we are one". All paths eventually lead to the "One Source" whatever name you choose to give it. Paths intersect, cross, merge, diverge in an ever ascending spiral. Some paths go up, some go down and some are dead ends. We learn the lesson we need to learn and then move on so fear not. We often learn more from our mistakes than our successes. Even science is included in this process.

As we are presented with new information we are forced to make a choice to accept, reject or somehow merge it into our awareness and understanding. "When I was a child I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." (Cor 12:11-12). Often what we first perceived as "truth" may, in the light of new understanding, seem "childish" or less complete. That is a maturation process we all must go through. It is not a put down or denial of any faith. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen". What are we not seeing? Do you see the wind, or the atom or the quantum wavelengths that make up all of matter? Yet we are all profoundly influenced by the unseen every moment of our lives. Why not embrace that fact and use it to our mutual benefit?

When we get to the core of creation, the "cause behind the effect", even beyond Quantum Physics what do you have? Everything is composed of God's Light, Energy, Consciousness and has Innate Intelligence. We were created in the image and likeness of God, "our God is a consuming fire", and we are spirit sparks of the One Flame temporarily housed in a physical body. When the energy that is contained in the heart of the atom is forcibly released it can result in the destructive power of the atom bomb. But when it is contained and expanded by love it has great, unlimited, creative potential. Life forms and reforms itself in infinite patterns and dimensions. We exist in a "womb" consisting of coordinates of time and space in specific frequencies that enable us to develop certain faculties needed in yet higher planes of existence.

This planet is a nursery or school room among many such nurseries and school rooms in the universe. Life is nurturing. Life is ever expanding its awareness of itself. We are given free will to choose the right use (righteous use) of energy. We reap what we sow, both the good and the bad. The law of karma (the cyclic return of energy) is exceedingly exact and exacting. No one is exempt. What goes around comes around. The law of reincarnation and the law of karma go hand in hand. We cannot experience the results of all of our sowings in one embodiment. Karma and reincarnation are teaching tools of the Father, they are not "punishment". We must learn the correct use of His energy because we are being prepared to become the Christs, the Sons and Daughters of God who will have all power in heaven and in earth as co-creators with God and with dominion over all of the Creation.

The primordial "Sound", the "Word" or "Logos" was intoned and formed all that we know and experience. God spoke the fiat: "Let there be Light" and there was light. We were created of the Light and Sound Ray of God. All of the planning, thoughts and intents of God's Heart went into the fiat. The sounds we make (including thoughts and feelings) also impact on life. Look at this You Tube video of the power of sound to effect material changes in physical substances http://curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=862325. Dr Hans Jenny created the Science of Cymatics - the study of wave phenomena on which the experiments in the YouTube video were based. Read more about him and see some of his original experiments here http://www.unitedearth.com.au/sound.html.

When Dr Jenny had someone sing or "sound" a sustained AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMM (AUM or OM) at sand it formed a series of interlaced triangles that looked like progressively larger "Stars of David" with a border around it (9 ascending and descending isosceles triangles). This same pattern appears in an ancient Yantra. A Yantra is a geometric form, often a painting or carving, on which Hindus and Buddhists meditated while intoning the AUM (OM or other mantras) in order to raise consciousness (this is the same "mandala" that the movie "The Last Mimzy" emphasized, you can see it there) or click this link http://www.rudraksha-ratna.com/shreeyantra.htm to see the Shree (Sri) Yantra that is formed when you say the OM or AUM.

Frequency, vibration, sound can raise consciousness to a higher state of evolution. It can also cause consciousness to devolve and decline. We are continuously being bombarded by all kinds of sounds and frequencies. There are UHF and VHF TV frequencies and AM, FM and Short Wave radio frequencies. There is Radar and Microwave. And even more sinister, there are HAARP and Psycotronic energy waves and others. And who knows what forms of energy, sounds etc., that are being carried over those frequencies. And beware of the negative thoughts and feelings of others known or unknown to you. You have great need to spiritually strengthen and protect your aura. "Whatever you ask for in my name, I will give it unto you" was the advice and counsel of Jesus. Ask him or your favorite Master or Saint (Gautama, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Mother Mary, Shiva, Krishna, etc, etc) to establish a mighty sphere of Light in, through and around you as spiritual protection.

In the same time frame as Dr. Jenny, Dr. Denis did studies involving muscle kinesiology and the effect of sound on muscle strength. He found that certain rhythms increased strength and certain rhythms reduced strength dramatically. The rhythm of the Waltz, the three quarter time, increased strength. The syncopated beat, which is the rhythm of voodoo, jazz music and rock, immediately and dramatically reduced strength. That rhythm also forces open the chakras causing an energy rush sensation much like a drug high, causing an addiction to the sound and great harm to the individual. Heavy Metal, RAP, etc are like progressively stronger drugs. To counteract negative sounds and rhythms and to protect your home and environment, the Nine Symphonies of Beethoven and Mahler's Ninth Symphony are recommended. They can be played at a low level in the background. The music of Mozart helps raise consciousness. Waltz music is the music of freedom and liberation and it corresponds to the color Violet (a pastel purple/pink color). Each instrument in the orchestra corresponds to a certain chakra as do certain pieces of music. The Ancient Greeks knew the power of Pure Art and Music to raise consciousness and they used it to raise their civilization to a high pinnacle. They passed laws prohibiting distortions in art or music with a penalty of exile for offenders. Distortions did eventually creep in and we know the result. Is that what is happening to America and the world today? Additionally, the power of the Spoken Word wields tremendous power for good or for ill. When correctly used there is no condition on earth that cannot be corrected by the power of "The Science of the Spoken Word", invoking spiritual fire from the heart of God to cleanse, protect and purify the earth and all thereon.

As "co-creators with God" we created the distortions and imbalances we are experiencing in our lives and we can un-create them by the proper use of (Spiritual) Light, Sound and Energy through the Science of the Spoken Word. Life is self adjusting, self balancing, self-correcting all of the time. Though the sin be forgiven every jot and tittle of the karma (law) must be balanced, that is a work that only we can do because that is how we learn the application of spiritual law. If Jesus or anyone else took that opportunity from us it would be a great injustice to the development of our souls. New dispensations come, new awakenings, new understanding, and new spiritual tools are given to those who will accept them. Life ever prefers the gentler way but stubborn man often resists the help and the helper.

With the dawning of the Aquarian Age came new dispensations. The prior requirement of balancing 100% of your karma before ascending back to the Father was reduced to 51% allowing for the remaining 49% to be balanced from the Ascended Octaves. The knowledge and use of God's Violet Flame was also granted. The Violet Flame is the Universal Solvent for all negative karma and is invoked from the Heart of God using the Violet Flame Mantra: "I am a being of Violet Fire, I am the Purity God desires". The mantra uses the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, that was given to Moses on Mt Sinai as a testament and memorial forever. The name of God, I AM THAT I AM, is an affirmation of True Being, as above so below, God is above as God is below. We can also use this name as an affirmation that where I am, God is there also. When we say "I am" we are really saying "God in me is". "I am" (God in me is) "that" same "I am" (God that is above). When we say and affirm the Violet Flame Mantra, "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires", we are saying: God in me (as the Holy Spirit) is the violet flame action of his cosmic eraser that is transmuting and changing all negative energy and negative karma back into the purity that God desires. Visualize yourself (the planet, a loved one, a condition) bathed in violet flame (a pastel purple-pink color)as you give the mantra for 15 minutes daily without interruption (or as much as you can). Give it while taking a shower, washing the dishes, cleaning house, driving to work, etc. For more on this visit http://www.tsl.org/ ,
or watch this YouTube video (click the "Play" button in the middle of the screen and on the bottom left if it hasn't started). .

The work of Dr. Emoto further illuminates the power of sound, thoughts and words on a substance as simple as water. Our bodies are about 70% water so his discoveries have a profound effect on us. He places a word or phrase on a container of water. He then freezes the water and observes the crystalline structure of the water under a microscope. What he found will amaze you. You can see it following this link to http://www.life-enthusiast.com/twilight/research_emoto.htm. Here are five videos of Dr Emoto producing water crystals with music, thoughts, spoken and written words http://enwaterment.com/.

The following is an overview of the Creation story, an introduction, and is the subject of thousands of hours of recorded lectures and dictations; some of which have been published and many which are still waiting transcription and editing in preparation for publication.

God was. When he decided to expand His awareness of Himself, He started the process that we call the Creation. He individed Himself into a Positive and Negative polarity, Male and Female, Alpha and Omega. He became the Father/Mother God. He further divided Himself into the Son (Word, Logos, Christ) and the Holy Spirit (Breath). Using these archetypes of Himself, He began the preparations for the creation of His Sons and Daughters, His Christs. Everything in creation is composed of God's Light, Energy and Consciousness and has Innate Intelligence. These are the building blocks for all Life. God created Cosmic Beings, Elohim, Archangels, Angels, Seraphim, Cherubim and elemental builders of form: the salamanders (fire), sylphs (air), undines (water) and gnomes (earth). He determined that there would be a division between the Spiritual realms and the realms of "physicality".

Spirit (Spiritual Fire) is the domain of the Father and Matter (physical/material) is the domain of the Mother. The physical dimensions are a womb, with coordinates of time and space, for the souls development. The "Physical" domain is composed of four levels or quadrants of being: the Etheric Quadrant (fire) is closest to the Spiritual realms; the Mental Quadrant (air) contains the Mind of God; the Emotional Quadrant (water) contains the Desires of God; and the Physical Quadrant (earth) is the anchor point of physical expression, the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

God created Souls in His image and in His likeness, male and female, out of His Sacred Fire in the pattern of His Christ (Son) with the Living Potential to become His Christs. Jesus said that we were with him in the beginning and he taught us to pray to Our Father who art in Heaven. We are one in and with the Body of Christ which is broken for each of us. Christ is the Light (the Candle) that lights every man and woman who comes into the world (whorl of energy densified). One candle can light billions of other candles without itself being diminished. And, billions of candles intensify and magnify the Light of God. Each candle or star differs from another in glory as the soul develops and puts on its unique identity in Christ. The soul is a potential in as much as it must complete its development in the Physical domains and "put on that Mind that was also in Christ Jesus" as St Paul said. The soul evolved for eons in Spirit putting on skeins of God's Consciousness in preparation for its decent into physicality.

The soul is intended to become the fullness of its Christ Reality. The planets are schoolrooms and laboratories for the soul in which the soul performs its experiments with the Light and Energy of God. The soul is learning to become the fullness of Christ so that it may return again to the Father in Spirit as a Christ, a permanent Son or Daughter of God, and be given dominion and authority over all of the Creation with all power in Heaven and in earth given to it. To prevent miscreations from entering the kingdom of heaven there is a barrier of vibration between domains and heaven may not interfere with the free will choices of the soul unless the soul cries out for help and commands and demands intercession. To help the soul learn to use God's energy correctly the laws of karma and reincarnation were established as a governor to limit the extent of miscreations. The soul experiences the results of its uses of God's energy in the succeeding bodies it is given to wear and in the circumstances of each embodiment. The soul wears four lower bodies in the earth. Cor 15:40 "There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial; but the glory of the celestrial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another". These bodies are: the etheric (fire, memory), mental (air, mind), emotional (water, desire) and
physical (earth, mobility). The chakras(discussed earlier) are the organs of the etheric body.

Souls are sent into the earth in groups called Root Races and the planet is intended to be the host of one Root Race at a time. Each Root Race is composed of souls who serve under one of the Seven Rainbow Rays of God. Each color ray of the rainbow has unique qualities and powers. Here is a brief statement of each ray. Blue is the ray of power and God's will (Father); Yellow is the ray of wisdom and illumination (Son); Pink is the ray of love, divine art and creativity (Holy Spirit); White is the ray of the purity of the Mother and discipline; Green is the ray of science, truth, and healing; Purple and Gold flecked with Ruby is the ray of service and ministration; and Violet is the ray of freedom, liberty, alchemy and sacred ritual. Three Root Races have each, in their turn, come into physicality, fulfilled their divine purpose and plan, put on their Christhood and returned to the Father in the ritual of the ascension.

Things were going well until the Archangel Lucifer, in his arrogant pride, refused to recognize the Christs of God as being over him in authority. Lucifer had bands of angels under his command. There was war in Heaven and Saint Michael the Archangel, the Prince of Angels and Captain of the Lords Hosts, and his Angels fought with Lucifer and his angels. Lucifer and his angels were cast out of heaven and into the "physical" domains. This is when things started to get "messed up" in the earth.

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