Friday, February 26, 2010

My Response to Deepak Chopra

This is my response to Deepak Chopra, Author, Sirius/XM radio host:

“Only Spirituality Can Solve The Problems Of The World”

Posted: February 24, 2010 10:22 AM on The Huffington Post at

First let us define the "Problem". There are two creations in the earth: the Creation of God and the creation of Lucifer and the fallen angels that Jesus called “the tares among the wheat”. I go into more detail on my blog at

"Our God is a consuming fire", "God is Light and in him is no darkness at all". "I AM THAT I AM" is the name that God gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai as a testament and memorial forever but he is also known by Yahweh; Yud He Vuv He; Jehovah; Elohim, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva; Allah; the Tao; the Atman and others. God is infinite and each name is a key to a certain aspect of his being and identity.

God was; a whole unto himself. God began the Creation process by in-dividing himself into a polarity of positive and negative, male and female, Alpha and Omega. From Alpha and Omega came the Son (Word, Logos, Christ, Sound) and the Holy Spirit (Breath). These are the archetypes of Creation; the building blocks. Everything in Creation is composed of God's Light, Energy and Consciousness and has Innate Intelligence. To prepare for the Creation of his children, God created Cosmic Beings, Elohim, Archangels, Angels, Seraphim, Cherubim, and elemental builders of form: fire = salamanders, air = sylphs, water = undines, and earth = gnomes.

When all was in readiness God began to create souls in his image and likeness using the archetype of the Son (Christ). The Universal Christ is One Body and each soul has a unique Christ Personality that is One in that Universal Body of Christ. The Divine Destiny of the Children of God is to have dominion over all of the Creation. There are multiple stages in the development of the soul to prepare it for the awesome power and responsibility that is to be theirs. The soul is the non-permanent aspect of God that may become Permanent when it accomplishes the task of first becoming its Christ Identity (the Higher Mind) and then re-uniting with the Presence of God individualized for each Son and Daughter of God, the Mighty I Am Presence, in the ritual of the Ascension.

The soul evolved for eons in Spirit (Father) as it put on skeins of God's Light, Energy and Consciousness much as a pearl is formed of patinas of substance by an oyster. The soul must then put on "bodies of flesh" to continue its evolution in the planes of Matter (Mother). In the "physical" planes the soul wears four lower bodies: etheric (fire, memory), mental (air, lower mind), emotional (water, desire), and physical (earth). These four lower bodies have a decay rate and therefore the soul must periodically shed them in the transition we superstitiously call "death" and then re-incarnate into a new body.

The etheric body has organs just as the physical body does and they are called chakras (wheels) which are whirling vortices of energy that act as step-down transformers for Spiritual Energy from the Father. Within the Secret Chamber of the Heart chakra (next to the heart chakra located over the physical heart) God has placed an Unfed Threefold Flame as his abiding Presence with us. This Threefold Flame is our portal (the open door that no man can shut) to the kingdom of God that Jesus said was within us. It is our connection point to our Christ Mind that St. Paul admonished us to "put on".

It takes a minimum of 14,000 years for the soul to accomplish the task of "putting on" Christ, but it often extends to hundreds of thousands and even millions of years because of a little thing called karma (the cyclic return of positive and negative energy). We call negative karma "sin". Karma and re-incarnation are the teaching tools of our Father-Mother God and should be not be considered as punishment. We have free will and total dominion in the earth. We are solely responsible for everything that does or does not happen here. Karma gives us feedback as to how we are doing in learning righteousness (the right use of God's energy). We experience the effects of our karma in the experiences and conditions of body, mind and soul that we experience from lifetime to lifetime.

Everything is energy. Good and bad karma are the qualities of energy expressed through us and it carries our identity stamp. Good karma is a blessing to us and completes the cycle and returns to God to be stored in our "treasure house in heaven", the Great Causal Body. Negative karma is dense, stagnated, putrefied, calcified energy and cannot return to God. It remains stuck, like molasses, in the space between the atom and electron which slows it rate of spin (frequency, vibration). Negative karma is the source of every calamity and problem that befalls man (illness, wars, famine, plague, pestilence, pain, storms, earthquakes, floods, etc). It is our energy and it has to return to us for redemption, but on its way back it gathers more of itself like a snowball. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. What goes around comes around. . It is an impersonal action of the Law to teach and not to punish us. We should bless it and be thankful for it because when it returns we have the opportunity to liberate ourselves.

Before that negative karma hits us in the physical with a blow that can take us out of embodiment, we have the opportunity to "transmute" and change it back to light by an action of the Holy Spirit invoked by mantra (sound, the Word, sacred word = sword).The Violet Flame of the Holy Spirit is God's Cosmic Eraser with the power to transmute negative energy back to light. The mantra used to invoke the Violet Flame uses the name of God, I Am That I Am, like this: "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires". I Am That I Am is an affirmation of being; as above so below (everything is God). When we say, "I am", we are saying and affirming that "God in me is". When we add a statement of a quality after saying "I am", we are affirming that as our reality. If we say things like "sick", "tired", "angry", "poor", "unworthy", "a sinner", we are taking God's name in vain and affirming negativity and making negative karma. When we say "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires" we are affirming that God in us is the quality of the Holy Spirit Violet Fire that can transmute and free negative energy into the purity that God desires (cause, effect, record, and memory). Thus we gain in power and mastery over the energy of God.