Thursday, December 15, 2011

Putting On That Mind That Was Also in Christ Jesus (Phil 2:5)

There is much talk of getting rid of the mind in order to achieve enlightenment and mastery. The goal should not be to "get rid of the mind". Your mental body is one of your "Four Lower Bodies": Etheric, Mental, Emotional and Physical, and the mind is a function of the mental body. Suicide in any of the Four Lower Bodies is not lawful and will only set you back on the Path. You must learn to love yourself.

The goal should be to raise your vibration in order to contact your Higher Christ-Krishna Mind (Phil 2:5). Your point of contact with that Higher Mind is through the Unfed Threefold Flame, the Spirit of the Son of God (Gal 4:6) within your Heart of hearts, the Secret Chamber of the Heart Chakra, the "Open Door" to the kingdom of God within you (Luke 17:21).

Your rate of vibration determines your state of consciousness. Sin or negative karma, is energy that is vibrating at a very low level and therefore cannot complete the circuit and return to God. It is dark, stagnant, putrid energy that weighs you down with its burden. The Science of the Spoken Word which is the science behind Mantra, utilizes the power of the WORD (Logos, Son, Vishnu) to unleash higher vibrations that begin to resonate within your being and thus raising all to a higher vibration.

Repeating mantras is not just saying words. You must engage your heart and mind with the Word. You must draw on the Fire that God has placed in your Unfed Threefold Flame and project it out of your heart by the power of the Throat Chakra as you intone the Word.

The names of God, when intoned as a mantra, release the power of God encapsulated in that name. The AUM and OM when intoned as a mantra are like a homing beacon and signal to God your surrender to his will. Intoning the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, affirms God's Presence within you here below just as God is above and you begin to resonate the vibration of God within you and the vibration of your consciousness begins to rise to a new level. As you are able to sustain that level of consciousness and build on it, you rise higher and higher into the arms of your True Christ-Krishna Self.

When you find a mantra that particularly resonates for you and you make it your own, you become one with it and it becomes one with you and a necessary healing of the soul takes place. There are many mantras and decrees which are worded formulas designed for a specific need and purpose. There are the mantras to the 33 Manifestations of Avalokitesvara as Kuan Yin of which this is an example .

The mantra OM MANI PADME HUM (hail the jewel in the lotus) is further described here . The Golden Mantra to Padma Sambhava, also called the Vajra Guru Mantra is further described here Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum.

And of course, the Violet Flame Mantra, "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires" is a mantra of liberation and freedom that transmutes and frees lower vibrating energy so that it can express its true higher vibration. This is another Violet Flame Mantra .

This mantra to the Holy Christ Flame is specifically intended to help you "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5)
“O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life”

1. O mighty threefold flame of life,
Thou gift of God so pure,
Take my thoughts and energy
And make them all secure.

2. Under bond of brotherhood
And understanding fair,
Send thee forth unto my soul
The gift of holy prayer.

3. Communication’s strands of love,
How they woo by heaven’s law
A tender blessing for the good,
Releasing holy awe

4. That draws me near the throne of grace
To now behold thy sacred face
And without fear dispense aright
The passions of pure God-delight
Which set me free from all that’s been
The sinful nature of all men.

5. Christ, raise me to self-mastery,
The living passion of the free.
Determination, now arise
And lift me ever to the skies!

6. I AM, I AM, I AM
Enfolding life and being all
With the God-command
“Amen!” that shatters human pall.

7. I AM, I AM, I AM
The free—no bondage holds me back;
I AM the fullness of Love’s law
Supplying every lack,
And consecration in full measure
Is my will and God’s own pleasure.

8. Saint Germain and Jesus dear,
Hold my hand with Morya’s here
And let the love of Mary then
Be the wings to raise all men.

9. Until they all unite in Love
To serve that purpose from above
That comes to earth at any hour
Responding to the call of Power;
Send thy shining Wisdom then
That is God’s love
Expanded for all men.

I thank thee and I accept this done right now with full power. I am this done right now with full power. This is the full manifestation of the Law of Love that raises me to my eternal victory, now and forever! (*From the ascended master Zarathustra s dictation, published in the Pearls of Wisdom® vol 8 no 50, December 12, 1965

The key to raising your vibration is faithful, consistent, constant, daily recitation of the mantras. Each day you are presented with a new packet of your karma which you are intended to transmute and liberate. Mat 6:34 "...Sufficient unto the day [is] the evil thereof." By faithfully transmuting each days "evil" (energy veiled in darkness), we gradually and safely raise our vibration and consciousness to a higher and higher level until we are no longer operating out of our lower mind, but we are operating out of our Higher Christ-Krishna Mind.