What is a God Man or God Woman (GURU)?
As shown in the attached picture (you may have to copy and paste the link into your browser) called The Chart of the Presence, we all have a "Presence of God" called the Mighty I Am Presence individualized for each of us (the upper figure in the Chart) and we also have a Holy Christ Self (the middle figure in the Chart) which is the Mediator between our God Presence and our Soul which is shown wearing its Four Lower Bodies; Etheric, Mental, Emotional and Physical (represented as the lower figure in the Chart). The soul is shown surrounded by a Mighty Tube of Light which descends from the heart of God at the Call of the soul. This Tube of Light is a mighty forcefield of protection with walls of light three feet thick and nine feet in diameter extending three feet below the feet of the lower figure. Within the Tube of Light is the Violet Flame of Freedom and Forgiveness which bathes the soul with its soothing and liberating light.
Surrounding the Upper Figure, the Mighty I Am Presence, which is the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM (Exd 3:14) are concentric spheres of rainbow light called The Great Causal Body (our "treasure house in heaven"). This body of light contains the energy of all of our good words and works according to the vibrational frequency of our correct uses of God's Light Energy. Each band of light represents specific virtues, qualities, attributes and powers associated with that band of light. I.E. the blue band is the band of God's Will, Power, Law, Protection, Perfection, and Divine Plan.
Because of our disobedience to God which resulted in the Fall of Man (subsequent to the fall of the angels who corrupted man), we cut ourselves off from the two Upper Figures and the protection and guidance they afforded us. Left to our own devices we fell lower and lower in vibration until we became as "cave men", totally ignorant of God and his Laws and even of the knowledge and use of fire. Mankind had allowed the Spark of God's Fire, an Unfed Threefold Flame (Blue, Yellow and Pink), "the Spirit of his Son" (Gal 4:6) within their Heart of hearts (the Secret Chamber of the Heart Chakra, an organ of the Etheric Body), to be snuffed out. With that Spirit Spark of God gone out, the children of God no longer had access to the kingdom of God within them (Luke 17:21) and so all of their works were evil; that is, they were continuously misusing what little light they had and "veiling" that light "energy" with darkness. "Energy veiled" is "evil".
A GURU is one who has restored (if he had lost it) his connection with his Holy Christ Self and Mighty I Am Presence and has "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5). This soul is then able to function "in place of" or "on behalf of" the Holy Christ Self of disconnected souls as a Mediator, Prophet, Teacher, Guide, Seer, helping to guide souls in re-establishing their own connection to God and Christ. There had been many such ones with varying degrees of "attainment in Christ" until the coming of Jesus Christ who manifested the Fullness of the Godhead Bodily and was able to re-kindle that Spirit Spark in the hearts of man. Jesus had become ONE with his Holy Christ Self and Mighty I Am Presence as all three figures of the Chart merged into one in the physically incarnated Son, Jesus. Because the Father was able to work directly through the incarnated soul of Jesus, Jesus was able to reconnect us to our own Holy Christ Self and I Am Presence through his own Sacred Heart Flame. That is essentially how Jesus "Saved Us". We must now complete the "Work" of fully re-establishing our own connection with God and Christ until we become one with our own Holy Christ Self and Mighty I Am Presence and are then able to do those things which Jesus did and even greater things (John 14:12).
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