Thursday, October 6, 2011

What is truth? (John 18:38). Pilate wanted to know and we all need to know. What is truth and how do we discern it?

There is Absolute Truth in Reality and there is relative truth in relativity. We exist in the planes of relativity where nothing is constant except change. Truth is the Light of Absolute Reality, the standard by which we try to transform our relative realities to conform with Reality. We are in a process of discovering who we Really Are. As we gain new knowledge of truth we have the ability to transform ourselves to conform with that truth.

How do we know the "Truth"? Luke 17:21 "...the kingdom of God is within you"; and "God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts..." (Gal 4:6). Therefore the Truth exists within us and acts as a tuning fork that vibrates in harmony with truth when we hear the truth. We therefore say things like "that rings true", or "that feels right", or "that sounds strange" or "that smells fishy". The individualized Presence of the "I AM THAT I AM", the Mighty I Am Presence is just above us (in vibration and location) as well as our Higher Mind, the Holy Christ Self. These are the Reality of who we are becoming and they guide us in that "still small voice" which I have also heard as a booming voice. We may feel a burning in our hearts as the Disciples did when Jesus appeared to them after his Resurrection (Luke 24:32) and opened the scriptures to them as they walked.

Also, our soul resides at the point between the navel and base of the spine called the Seat of the Soul Chakra. When we get a "gut feeling" it is our soul trying to alert us about the truth or falsity of a matter, or about some "danger". We may get a "feeling" that we should take our umbrella with us, even though the sky is blue. If we ignore that "voice", that prompting, we usually end up regretting it. It may not actually rain. That umbrella may be needed to ward of an attack from an animal. Or it may be useful in reaching something or carrying something; we don't know. We are learning to be obedient because 1 Sam 15:22 " obey [is] better than sacrifice, [and] to hearken than the fat of rams."

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