Thursday, October 6, 2011

Correcting Some Misconceptions

The following is a post from an individual which encompasses many misconceptions about Christianity and the bible.

"Christianity- The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree..."

Here is my answer.

You state a lot of the misconceptions and misunderstandings of Christianity very well.

Jesus was not his own Father. We are all part of the Father. We are all made of the same "God stuff". Most people "think" themselves separate from God. They make themselves separate from God; they cut themselves off from God. Jesus came to show us, to demonstrate to us, and to admonish us to "wake up" and realize that the Father is in us, just as he was in Jesus. Luke 17:21 "...the kingdom of God is within you." We are One. When we are totally congruent with and realize that we are really God, then yes, what you really see is God. Jesus knew himself as One with God and in beholding him you were beholding God.

The transubstantiation of the Bread and the Wine, the Sacred Eucharist, in the ritual of communion is a mystical process. It is not "symbolic" but actual. Physical substance can be charged and infused with the Light of any Ascended Master in answer to our call. Jesus charged clay with his Light to heal the eyes of a blind man. In the ritual of communion, Jesus "charges" the Bread with the vibration of his Spiritual Light Body and the Wine (grape juice is fine and preferred) with the vibration of his Holy Spirit Essence (Blood). When we eat that Bread (Body) and drink that Wine (Blood) we take into ourselves those essences. What you eat you become. By this process we are intended to "put on" and "Become" our own Christ and "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5).

Thoughts are energy, a vibration, and can be transmitted telepathically. There are many forms of prayer: A desire of the heart; a silent formulation of thought in the mind; a spoken cry or call or mantra or decree; a song; a chant, a mantra. When you lift your thoughts to God (God in an Ascended Master such as Jesus), you establish a connection over which that Master may return his or her Light to you to answer your need. It is like making a phone call but most people hang up (stop praying) before the connection is made and therefore they do not receive the answer. Like the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, there must be something for the Master to multiply. Your prayer, your call gives the Master some of your energy which he multiplies and returns to you.

Evil is Energy Veiled in darkness. We have entombed ourselves in a sarcophagus of negative, evil energy. When we say a mantra such as the Violet Flame Mantra: "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires", we give our energy so that it can be multiplied and return to us as Violet Fire which is God's Universal Solvent and Cosmic Eraser. By continuously giving the mantra you establish a flow which begins to transmute and transform your evil, dark, negative energy back to light. You begin to become "lighter" and free of burdens.

The story of Adam and Eve is an allegory (Gal 4:24). Serpent is the name of a certain fallen angel who used his cunning to deceive and trick Eve into performing a disobedient act. Adam and Eve were advanced initiates in a Mystery School that existed on the now sunken continent of Lemuria (Mu). Their disobedience caused them to be cast out of that Mystery School called Eden. Taking in the "knowledge of good and evil" introduced the state of "relativity" into their consciousness; relative good and relative evil. Evil is a temporary state but giving it our attention gives it power over us. In our present state of returning to the Pure Edenic Consciousness, we must be able to behold God Good and its opposing force of evil in order to challenge and transform that evil back to light.

What is truth? (John 18:38). Pilate wanted to know and we all need to know. What is truth and how do we discern it?

There is Absolute Truth in Reality and there is relative truth in relativity. We exist in the planes of relativity where nothing is constant except change. Truth is the Light of Absolute Reality, the standard by which we try to transform our relative realities to conform with Reality. We are in a process of discovering who we Really Are. As we gain new knowledge of truth we have the ability to transform ourselves to conform with that truth.

How do we know the "Truth"? Luke 17:21 "...the kingdom of God is within you"; and "God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts..." (Gal 4:6). Therefore the Truth exists within us and acts as a tuning fork that vibrates in harmony with truth when we hear the truth. We therefore say things like "that rings true", or "that feels right", or "that sounds strange" or "that smells fishy". The individualized Presence of the "I AM THAT I AM", the Mighty I Am Presence is just above us (in vibration and location) as well as our Higher Mind, the Holy Christ Self. These are the Reality of who we are becoming and they guide us in that "still small voice" which I have also heard as a booming voice. We may feel a burning in our hearts as the Disciples did when Jesus appeared to them after his Resurrection (Luke 24:32) and opened the scriptures to them as they walked.

Also, our soul resides at the point between the navel and base of the spine called the Seat of the Soul Chakra. When we get a "gut feeling" it is our soul trying to alert us about the truth or falsity of a matter, or about some "danger". We may get a "feeling" that we should take our umbrella with us, even though the sky is blue. If we ignore that "voice", that prompting, we usually end up regretting it. It may not actually rain. That umbrella may be needed to ward of an attack from an animal. Or it may be useful in reaching something or carrying something; we don't know. We are learning to be obedient because 1 Sam 15:22 " obey [is] better than sacrifice, [and] to hearken than the fat of rams."

What is Death?

Death is a stage of transformation and rejuvenation for the soul. The soul does not die when the house it wore wears out. Death itself is not real but a process, a stage, a delineation point. It takes a minimum of 14,000 years for the soul to become One with the Word from whence it came.

Before the Fall of the Angels and the subsequent Fall of Man, we had a vast amount of energy pouring into us constantly over the Crystal River of the Water of Life, the "Crystal Cord" (Rev 21:1). This Crystal Cord was nine feet in diameter and descended from the Heart of God, through the Lamb (our Holy Christ Self, Higher Mind) and into our Heart of hearts. The Energy that we received over the Crystal Cord sustained an Unfed Threefold Flame of Power, Wisdom and Love that engulfed our entire being. With that amount of energy at our disposal we were able to live for hundreds and even thousands of years in one "physical body" which is actually four bodies superimposed over one another (fire, air, water and earth). We were able to precipitate all of our needs directly from Universal Substance (Energy) and did not need to labor by the sweat of the brow. We were able to levitate ourselves and other objects. All of the miracles performed by Jesus were common place among all men and women and we will be able to perform them again as he promised (John 14:12).

Because we had misused that great light and power given to us, causing us a great karmic burden and our "Fall", to prevent our self destruction the Cosmic Councils decreed the Word that curtailed the amount of energy that we could receive directly from God Source. That Crystal Cord was reduced from nine feet in diameter to the diameter of a human hair. The Threefold Flame was reduced to 1/16th of an inch and the lifespan of our "physical bodies) was shortened to three score and ten (70 years). The periodic shedding of the bodies became the norm and the "superstition of death" replaced our natural knowledge of everlasting life as we "forgot" our birthright and heritage. Ignoring God's Laws resulted in our ignorance of who we are and where we came from.

The bodies terrestrial and celestial spoken of by Paul (1 Cor 15:40) describe the four lower bodies of man, the Higher Self (Christ Self), and Mighty I Am Presence (the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM individualized for every child of God). We have an etheric (fire) body, a mental (air) body, an emotional (water)a body and a physical (earth) body. When the physical body is at rest in sleep the soul can travel in either the etheric body of the emotional (Astral) body. There are 33 planes, dimensions, levels of the Etheric Plane and of the Astral Plane. The Etheric Plane ascends upwards in vibration from Devacon (wish fulfillment) to just below the Ascended Octaves of Eternal Life and Light. The Astral Plane descends in vibration from Purgatory to the absolute darkness of the Pit of Hell. Where we go in sleep and in the transitory period we call "death" depends on our level of spiritual development or lack of it.

The Laws of Karma (cyclic return of energy) and Re-incarnation (cyclic return of the soul into physical existence) are our Tutor, our Teacher, since we have free will in our use of God's Light Energy. They "teach" us by allowing us to experience the results of the correct and incorrect uses of that energy. We experience, in the abilities and disabilities of our bodies (physical, emotional and mental), the results of our use of energy. Our karma dictates every aspect of our present and future "physical" lives. It is only while in physical form that we have the ability to change and each physical embodiment is an opportunity to transform ourselves from unreality to Reality, from corruptible to incorruptible, from mortal to immortal (1 Cor 15:53-54).

Death is a lie, a misnomer, an illusion because we no longer "See" the soul when it leaves physical form (though there are some who are able to "see"). Souls who leave the body suddenly through accident, war or other calamity and who do not have "spiritual awareness" often find themselves confused when they can no longer enter or even find their "physical" body. They may wander about in the Astral Plane thinking that they are still "physically alive" for a very long time. It may be a few years or even a thousand years before another "physical" body can be given to the soul. In the Astral Plane there is no continuity, no family structures, no recurring familiar land marks. It is a place of confusion and turmoil, the place of nightmares.

In the Etheric Plane there exist worlds that are more real than this physical world. There are Universities of the Spirit and Spiritual Retreats that exist under the guidance of our Elder Brothers and Sisters, the Ascended Masters, the Gods and Goddesses, who have become One with Christ and with God. They tutor and instruct us in preparation for further advancement on the Path to Oneness. They may challenge our concepts of who we are by putting us together with other souls who are our polar opposite. We may grate and rub against each other in those Retreats until we knock the "chips off of our shoulders". We are diamonds in the rough who become polished in the process as the chips fall where they may.

The Meaning of Sacrifice

This is the meaning of Sacrifice. The sacrifice that God wants is not your blood or the blood of another or of an animal. God wants you to sacrifice your human ego so that he can give you his Divine Ego. He wants you to sacrifice your lesser self so that he can give you his Greater Self. You give to God your nothing and he gives to you his All. This sacrifice is achieved through through selfless service to God in men, through prayer and fasting and especially through invocation to the Light of God by means of such mantras as "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires' which draws the Light of the Violet Flame, God' Universal Solvent and Cosmic Eraser, into you and out to the world for the dissolving of sin (negative karma, misused energy.