Thursday, December 15, 2011

Putting On That Mind That Was Also in Christ Jesus (Phil 2:5)

There is much talk of getting rid of the mind in order to achieve enlightenment and mastery. The goal should not be to "get rid of the mind". Your mental body is one of your "Four Lower Bodies": Etheric, Mental, Emotional and Physical, and the mind is a function of the mental body. Suicide in any of the Four Lower Bodies is not lawful and will only set you back on the Path. You must learn to love yourself.

The goal should be to raise your vibration in order to contact your Higher Christ-Krishna Mind (Phil 2:5). Your point of contact with that Higher Mind is through the Unfed Threefold Flame, the Spirit of the Son of God (Gal 4:6) within your Heart of hearts, the Secret Chamber of the Heart Chakra, the "Open Door" to the kingdom of God within you (Luke 17:21).

Your rate of vibration determines your state of consciousness. Sin or negative karma, is energy that is vibrating at a very low level and therefore cannot complete the circuit and return to God. It is dark, stagnant, putrid energy that weighs you down with its burden. The Science of the Spoken Word which is the science behind Mantra, utilizes the power of the WORD (Logos, Son, Vishnu) to unleash higher vibrations that begin to resonate within your being and thus raising all to a higher vibration.

Repeating mantras is not just saying words. You must engage your heart and mind with the Word. You must draw on the Fire that God has placed in your Unfed Threefold Flame and project it out of your heart by the power of the Throat Chakra as you intone the Word.

The names of God, when intoned as a mantra, release the power of God encapsulated in that name. The AUM and OM when intoned as a mantra are like a homing beacon and signal to God your surrender to his will. Intoning the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, affirms God's Presence within you here below just as God is above and you begin to resonate the vibration of God within you and the vibration of your consciousness begins to rise to a new level. As you are able to sustain that level of consciousness and build on it, you rise higher and higher into the arms of your True Christ-Krishna Self.

When you find a mantra that particularly resonates for you and you make it your own, you become one with it and it becomes one with you and a necessary healing of the soul takes place. There are many mantras and decrees which are worded formulas designed for a specific need and purpose. There are the mantras to the 33 Manifestations of Avalokitesvara as Kuan Yin of which this is an example .

The mantra OM MANI PADME HUM (hail the jewel in the lotus) is further described here . The Golden Mantra to Padma Sambhava, also called the Vajra Guru Mantra is further described here Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum.

And of course, the Violet Flame Mantra, "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires" is a mantra of liberation and freedom that transmutes and frees lower vibrating energy so that it can express its true higher vibration. This is another Violet Flame Mantra .

This mantra to the Holy Christ Flame is specifically intended to help you "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5)
“O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life”

1. O mighty threefold flame of life,
Thou gift of God so pure,
Take my thoughts and energy
And make them all secure.

2. Under bond of brotherhood
And understanding fair,
Send thee forth unto my soul
The gift of holy prayer.

3. Communication’s strands of love,
How they woo by heaven’s law
A tender blessing for the good,
Releasing holy awe

4. That draws me near the throne of grace
To now behold thy sacred face
And without fear dispense aright
The passions of pure God-delight
Which set me free from all that’s been
The sinful nature of all men.

5. Christ, raise me to self-mastery,
The living passion of the free.
Determination, now arise
And lift me ever to the skies!

6. I AM, I AM, I AM
Enfolding life and being all
With the God-command
“Amen!” that shatters human pall.

7. I AM, I AM, I AM
The free—no bondage holds me back;
I AM the fullness of Love’s law
Supplying every lack,
And consecration in full measure
Is my will and God’s own pleasure.

8. Saint Germain and Jesus dear,
Hold my hand with Morya’s here
And let the love of Mary then
Be the wings to raise all men.

9. Until they all unite in Love
To serve that purpose from above
That comes to earth at any hour
Responding to the call of Power;
Send thy shining Wisdom then
That is God’s love
Expanded for all men.

I thank thee and I accept this done right now with full power. I am this done right now with full power. This is the full manifestation of the Law of Love that raises me to my eternal victory, now and forever! (*From the ascended master Zarathustra s dictation, published in the Pearls of Wisdom® vol 8 no 50, December 12, 1965

The key to raising your vibration is faithful, consistent, constant, daily recitation of the mantras. Each day you are presented with a new packet of your karma which you are intended to transmute and liberate. Mat 6:34 "...Sufficient unto the day [is] the evil thereof." By faithfully transmuting each days "evil" (energy veiled in darkness), we gradually and safely raise our vibration and consciousness to a higher and higher level until we are no longer operating out of our lower mind, but we are operating out of our Higher Christ-Krishna Mind.

Friday, November 18, 2011

What Happens When We "Die". Is That All There Is?

In reality there is no "Death". The soul is a living potential temporarily housed in four vessels, four lower bodies, while in "physical" incarnation for the purpose of gaining mastery in the correct (righteous) use of God's energy. Time and Space provide artificial coordinates for the soul to navigate in while growing in wisdom and knowledge and righteousness.

The four lower bodies vibrate at different frequencies but are all considered part of our "physical" body. They are:

Etheric body; the highest vibrating vessel is our Fire body. This is the body of Memory and contains all of the records of all our incarnations. The chakras are the organs of the etheric body and act as step down transformers for the energy of God which we receive from the heart of God over the Crystal Cord which is also called the Crystal River of the Water of Life (Rev 22:1). The soul is tethered to our "physical" bodies at the Seat of the Soul chakra which is half way between the base of the spine and the navel. When we get a "gut" feeling, an intuitive sense or warning, it may be from our soul or Higher Self trying to inform, warn or instruct us.

Mental body; our Air Body is the body of mind and cognition. The brain is like a computer and storage device which the mind uses but it is not the only such. The heart and the gut also have neurons for processing and storing information. This is our "lower mind". Our Higher Mind is also called our Holy Christ-Krishna Self which resides just above us in vibration in another dimension. Within the Secret Chamber of the Heart chakra burns an Unfed Threefold Flame (Blue Flame=Power=Father=Brahma, Yellow Flame=Wisdom=Son=Christ-Krishna=Vishnu, Pink Flame=Love=Holy Spirit=Shiva) which is also known as the Spirit of the Son of God (Gal 4:6). This Flame is our "Portal" or "Open Door" to the kingdom of God within us (Luke 17:21). When the soul unites with this Flame in stages, it puts on that Christ-Krishna Mind (Phil 2:5) and the individualized Presence of God, the Mighty I Am Presence, draws closer to us.

Emotional (Astral) body; our Water body is the body of desire which should reflect God's desires in and through us. Emotion means "energy in motion". If we are able to maintain calm in our emotions then the emotional body will reflect the "image" of God and our Great Causal Body of Light. If we allow our emotional body to be disturbed and upset then it can quickly become like a "raging sea", tumultuous, tempestuous, angry and ferocious. It's angry waves will lash out at others trying to "upset" them. There is tremendous power in the ocean and in our desire body and the misuse of energy resulting from an "out of control" emotional body results in serious negative karma.

Physical body; our Earth body gives us mobility and the ability to manipulate "material" substance. It is the body that we most identify with because it is the body that we can "see". Because the brain is a physical instrument, more attention is paid to it than to the Higher or lower mind which uses it. The center of Higher intelligence is actually the heart, and the Flame within our Heart of hearts, as I stated earlier.

The Physical Plane is the place of experimentation and change. Here is where we perform our experiments in life using the energy of God. The impartial and impersonal laws of Karma and Re-incarnation provide a tutorial function to instruct the soul on the results of it's experiments, both positive and negative. The soul experiences the "effects" of its "sowings" by the conditions it encounters in subsequent incarnations both in the state of its four lower bodies and in the circumstances and situations it encounters during those incarnations.

When the Physical body is at rest in sleep, or deep meditation, the soul is free to travel in either the Etheric body or in the Astral body. When the soul departs the Physical body in these sojourns it is said that it is "dead" to the Physical body. Thus the expression "I die daily" (1 Cor 15:31) refers to this departure. Since there really is no time or space, the soul may travel instantly to far distant locals, even other planets or the sun, and return. The state of consciousness of the soul and the purpose intended for it, determines whether the soul travels in the Etheric or in the Astral body.

The Etheric Plane (Heaven) contains 33 levels of light, of frequency, of dimension from Devacon (wish fulfillment) to just below the Ascended Octaves of Eternal Life, Light and Freedom. Beings like us who have graduated from the planetary schoolrooms and have re-united with their God Presence are known as Ascended Masters and may bear the title of God or Goddess of a particular virtue of God. These great beings of Light maintain Spiritual Retreats and Universities of the Spirit within the Etheric Plane and located over specific physical landmarks. Our soul may travel to these Retreats while the physical body is at rest or during the interim between incarnations that we call "death". Here our soul will be tutored and we may even receive instruction and inspiration for an invention or something that will better life in the physical plane. Some scientists have even recalled awakening with the solution to mathematical or other problems they and their group have been wrestling with.

The Astral Plane was intended to reflect the pure desires of God but instead has become a sewer of dark emotional disturbances such as anger, hatred, lies, murder, insanity, rage, etc. There are 33 levels of darkness in the Astral Plane which range in degree and vibration from Purgatory to the Pit of Hell. This is the place of nightmares. Nothing good can ever come out of the Astral Plane. There are no schools there and there is no continuity of experience. It is a constantly fluctuating, roiling, disturbing place where you may never see the same souls twice. There are no family units or any other form of social unit. No spiritual progress can be made while there.

Each of the four lower bodies, except the Etheric Fire Body, has a decay rate; they wear out and must be shed. The shedding of these bodies is what we superstitiously call "death". The soul "migrates" to that plane and dimension equivalent to its spiritual development and attainment (or lack thereof). This is the meaning of Rev 22:11 "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still." The soul will remain detached from the physical body for a period of very short duration to many hundreds or thousands of years. The soul must re-incarnate in karmic circumstances and among souls who have similar karmic patterns which they must work out together. The timing of the return of the soul into incarnation is very precise and has lately been greatly disturbed and interfered with by the practice of abortion and infanticide. Regardless of the state of the "bodies", they are the bodies that the soul must incarnate in to balance their karma.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Correcting Some Misconceptions

The following is a post from an individual which encompasses many misconceptions about Christianity and the bible.

"Christianity- The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree..."

Here is my answer.

You state a lot of the misconceptions and misunderstandings of Christianity very well.

Jesus was not his own Father. We are all part of the Father. We are all made of the same "God stuff". Most people "think" themselves separate from God. They make themselves separate from God; they cut themselves off from God. Jesus came to show us, to demonstrate to us, and to admonish us to "wake up" and realize that the Father is in us, just as he was in Jesus. Luke 17:21 "...the kingdom of God is within you." We are One. When we are totally congruent with and realize that we are really God, then yes, what you really see is God. Jesus knew himself as One with God and in beholding him you were beholding God.

The transubstantiation of the Bread and the Wine, the Sacred Eucharist, in the ritual of communion is a mystical process. It is not "symbolic" but actual. Physical substance can be charged and infused with the Light of any Ascended Master in answer to our call. Jesus charged clay with his Light to heal the eyes of a blind man. In the ritual of communion, Jesus "charges" the Bread with the vibration of his Spiritual Light Body and the Wine (grape juice is fine and preferred) with the vibration of his Holy Spirit Essence (Blood). When we eat that Bread (Body) and drink that Wine (Blood) we take into ourselves those essences. What you eat you become. By this process we are intended to "put on" and "Become" our own Christ and "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5).

Thoughts are energy, a vibration, and can be transmitted telepathically. There are many forms of prayer: A desire of the heart; a silent formulation of thought in the mind; a spoken cry or call or mantra or decree; a song; a chant, a mantra. When you lift your thoughts to God (God in an Ascended Master such as Jesus), you establish a connection over which that Master may return his or her Light to you to answer your need. It is like making a phone call but most people hang up (stop praying) before the connection is made and therefore they do not receive the answer. Like the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, there must be something for the Master to multiply. Your prayer, your call gives the Master some of your energy which he multiplies and returns to you.

Evil is Energy Veiled in darkness. We have entombed ourselves in a sarcophagus of negative, evil energy. When we say a mantra such as the Violet Flame Mantra: "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires", we give our energy so that it can be multiplied and return to us as Violet Fire which is God's Universal Solvent and Cosmic Eraser. By continuously giving the mantra you establish a flow which begins to transmute and transform your evil, dark, negative energy back to light. You begin to become "lighter" and free of burdens.

The story of Adam and Eve is an allegory (Gal 4:24). Serpent is the name of a certain fallen angel who used his cunning to deceive and trick Eve into performing a disobedient act. Adam and Eve were advanced initiates in a Mystery School that existed on the now sunken continent of Lemuria (Mu). Their disobedience caused them to be cast out of that Mystery School called Eden. Taking in the "knowledge of good and evil" introduced the state of "relativity" into their consciousness; relative good and relative evil. Evil is a temporary state but giving it our attention gives it power over us. In our present state of returning to the Pure Edenic Consciousness, we must be able to behold God Good and its opposing force of evil in order to challenge and transform that evil back to light.

What is truth? (John 18:38). Pilate wanted to know and we all need to know. What is truth and how do we discern it?

There is Absolute Truth in Reality and there is relative truth in relativity. We exist in the planes of relativity where nothing is constant except change. Truth is the Light of Absolute Reality, the standard by which we try to transform our relative realities to conform with Reality. We are in a process of discovering who we Really Are. As we gain new knowledge of truth we have the ability to transform ourselves to conform with that truth.

How do we know the "Truth"? Luke 17:21 "...the kingdom of God is within you"; and "God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts..." (Gal 4:6). Therefore the Truth exists within us and acts as a tuning fork that vibrates in harmony with truth when we hear the truth. We therefore say things like "that rings true", or "that feels right", or "that sounds strange" or "that smells fishy". The individualized Presence of the "I AM THAT I AM", the Mighty I Am Presence is just above us (in vibration and location) as well as our Higher Mind, the Holy Christ Self. These are the Reality of who we are becoming and they guide us in that "still small voice" which I have also heard as a booming voice. We may feel a burning in our hearts as the Disciples did when Jesus appeared to them after his Resurrection (Luke 24:32) and opened the scriptures to them as they walked.

Also, our soul resides at the point between the navel and base of the spine called the Seat of the Soul Chakra. When we get a "gut feeling" it is our soul trying to alert us about the truth or falsity of a matter, or about some "danger". We may get a "feeling" that we should take our umbrella with us, even though the sky is blue. If we ignore that "voice", that prompting, we usually end up regretting it. It may not actually rain. That umbrella may be needed to ward of an attack from an animal. Or it may be useful in reaching something or carrying something; we don't know. We are learning to be obedient because 1 Sam 15:22 " obey [is] better than sacrifice, [and] to hearken than the fat of rams."

What is Death?

Death is a stage of transformation and rejuvenation for the soul. The soul does not die when the house it wore wears out. Death itself is not real but a process, a stage, a delineation point. It takes a minimum of 14,000 years for the soul to become One with the Word from whence it came.

Before the Fall of the Angels and the subsequent Fall of Man, we had a vast amount of energy pouring into us constantly over the Crystal River of the Water of Life, the "Crystal Cord" (Rev 21:1). This Crystal Cord was nine feet in diameter and descended from the Heart of God, through the Lamb (our Holy Christ Self, Higher Mind) and into our Heart of hearts. The Energy that we received over the Crystal Cord sustained an Unfed Threefold Flame of Power, Wisdom and Love that engulfed our entire being. With that amount of energy at our disposal we were able to live for hundreds and even thousands of years in one "physical body" which is actually four bodies superimposed over one another (fire, air, water and earth). We were able to precipitate all of our needs directly from Universal Substance (Energy) and did not need to labor by the sweat of the brow. We were able to levitate ourselves and other objects. All of the miracles performed by Jesus were common place among all men and women and we will be able to perform them again as he promised (John 14:12).

Because we had misused that great light and power given to us, causing us a great karmic burden and our "Fall", to prevent our self destruction the Cosmic Councils decreed the Word that curtailed the amount of energy that we could receive directly from God Source. That Crystal Cord was reduced from nine feet in diameter to the diameter of a human hair. The Threefold Flame was reduced to 1/16th of an inch and the lifespan of our "physical bodies) was shortened to three score and ten (70 years). The periodic shedding of the bodies became the norm and the "superstition of death" replaced our natural knowledge of everlasting life as we "forgot" our birthright and heritage. Ignoring God's Laws resulted in our ignorance of who we are and where we came from.

The bodies terrestrial and celestial spoken of by Paul (1 Cor 15:40) describe the four lower bodies of man, the Higher Self (Christ Self), and Mighty I Am Presence (the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM individualized for every child of God). We have an etheric (fire) body, a mental (air) body, an emotional (water)a body and a physical (earth) body. When the physical body is at rest in sleep the soul can travel in either the etheric body of the emotional (Astral) body. There are 33 planes, dimensions, levels of the Etheric Plane and of the Astral Plane. The Etheric Plane ascends upwards in vibration from Devacon (wish fulfillment) to just below the Ascended Octaves of Eternal Life and Light. The Astral Plane descends in vibration from Purgatory to the absolute darkness of the Pit of Hell. Where we go in sleep and in the transitory period we call "death" depends on our level of spiritual development or lack of it.

The Laws of Karma (cyclic return of energy) and Re-incarnation (cyclic return of the soul into physical existence) are our Tutor, our Teacher, since we have free will in our use of God's Light Energy. They "teach" us by allowing us to experience the results of the correct and incorrect uses of that energy. We experience, in the abilities and disabilities of our bodies (physical, emotional and mental), the results of our use of energy. Our karma dictates every aspect of our present and future "physical" lives. It is only while in physical form that we have the ability to change and each physical embodiment is an opportunity to transform ourselves from unreality to Reality, from corruptible to incorruptible, from mortal to immortal (1 Cor 15:53-54).

Death is a lie, a misnomer, an illusion because we no longer "See" the soul when it leaves physical form (though there are some who are able to "see"). Souls who leave the body suddenly through accident, war or other calamity and who do not have "spiritual awareness" often find themselves confused when they can no longer enter or even find their "physical" body. They may wander about in the Astral Plane thinking that they are still "physically alive" for a very long time. It may be a few years or even a thousand years before another "physical" body can be given to the soul. In the Astral Plane there is no continuity, no family structures, no recurring familiar land marks. It is a place of confusion and turmoil, the place of nightmares.

In the Etheric Plane there exist worlds that are more real than this physical world. There are Universities of the Spirit and Spiritual Retreats that exist under the guidance of our Elder Brothers and Sisters, the Ascended Masters, the Gods and Goddesses, who have become One with Christ and with God. They tutor and instruct us in preparation for further advancement on the Path to Oneness. They may challenge our concepts of who we are by putting us together with other souls who are our polar opposite. We may grate and rub against each other in those Retreats until we knock the "chips off of our shoulders". We are diamonds in the rough who become polished in the process as the chips fall where they may.

The Meaning of Sacrifice

This is the meaning of Sacrifice. The sacrifice that God wants is not your blood or the blood of another or of an animal. God wants you to sacrifice your human ego so that he can give you his Divine Ego. He wants you to sacrifice your lesser self so that he can give you his Greater Self. You give to God your nothing and he gives to you his All. This sacrifice is achieved through through selfless service to God in men, through prayer and fasting and especially through invocation to the Light of God by means of such mantras as "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires' which draws the Light of the Violet Flame, God' Universal Solvent and Cosmic Eraser, into you and out to the world for the dissolving of sin (negative karma, misused energy.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Diamond in the Rough

Are there days when you feel like a worthless lump of coal? Are there days when the pressures of life just seem unbearable? Are there days when you just can't take the heat? Are there days when you just want to collapse and give up? The difference between a lump of coal and a diamond is a matter of degree; the result of the pressure and heat it was subjected to which caused the structure of the coal to collapse in upon itself until it formed an even stronger bond among the atoms it is composed of making it become transparent, lustrous and full of valuable properties.

What is a lump of coal? I checked out Wikipedia. "Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock normally occurring in rock strata in layers or veins called coal beds or coal seams. The harder forms, such as anthracite coal, can be regarded as metamorphic rock because of later exposure to elevated temperature and pressure. Coal is composed primarily of carbon along with variable quantities of other elements, chiefly hydrogen, with smaller quantities of sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen. Coal begins as layers of plant matter accumulating at the bottom of a body of water. For the process to continue, the plant matter must be protected from biodegradation and oxidization, usually by mud or acidic water. This traps their carbon in immense peat bogs that are eventually covered over and deeply buried by sediments. Under this compression the plant material is metamorphosed into coal: over time, the chemical and physical properties of the plant remains are changed by geological action to create a solid material."

So coal is life, energy, which is transformed and stored in a different form. As it is, that life energy can be released to enable other life and other forms of energy. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It is transformed. Coal was formed of dead, decaying life under pressure.

In our many lifetimes we have used and transformed the Light Energy that we have been given either directly from God our Source or indirectly from the Sun and other forms of life. The energy that we have used is stamped with our unique identity. When that energy is used for some positive good, it is transformed from an unqualified energy to a qualified energy with a distinct vibrational frequency pattern the color of one of the bands of the rainbow. That rainbow light is energy with a particular power and virtue that is identified by its coloration. It rises back to the Original Source, God, and is stored in our treasure house in heaven, our Great Causal Body of Light.

But, we have also misused a tremendous amount of energy. The Light Energy that we have misused becomes impure and darkened. That energy cannot return to Source so it remains "stuck" here on earth. It gets stuck as a weight about us that hangs like a ball and chains, or an inverted kettle drum full of dark sludge that hangs from our heart downward, or it becomes, among the electrons and nucleus of the atoms of our being, like molasses in a barrel of marbles. We get sluggish, dull of hearing and dull of sight, dull of mind and dull of soul; we become just plain dull and lusterless because our light cannot shine through. Our bodies become subject to decay, disease and death. We become like a lump of coal.

The pressures of life, the pain, the sorrows, the conditions we bear in our bodies, the calamities of life, etc. are natures slow transmutative forces that are slowly working out the impurities of our misused energy. Over many lifetimes we gradually transform our darkness back into light by this slow, grinding process. Eventually the Diamond Crystal of the Mind of Christ, that is the Core of our being, begins to shine through. This has been the Way of transformation since the fall of man.

Now, with the advent and dawning of the Age of Aquarius we have been given a New Dispensation with new understanding and new tools for transformation. The Seventh Ray of the Rainbow is the Violet Ray which is God's Universal Solvent and Cosmic Eraser. When it is called forth into the physical dimensions it burst forth as a Spiritual Fire and Flame of the Holy Spirit. When it enters the world and our bodies it rapidly and intelligently begins the work of transmuting our darkness back to light. It frees our souls and minds so that we can perceive and incorporate in ourselves higher (frequency) concepts and higher patterns of the perfection of our Inner Christ. As more and more patterns and frequencies of perfection replace the transmuted patterns and frequencies of darkness, we become free and more powerful beings. The Boulder of Negativity that blocked the passage to the kingdom of God within us (Luke 17:21) is not only rolled away but is consumed and we step forth from our entombed being as the Risen Christ.

The mantra, the "I Am" affirmation which invokes this miraculous and liberating Violet Flame Energy is this: "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires". The name of God given to Moses on Mt Sinai is "I AM THAT I AM" (Exd 3:14) and that name contains the Power of God, AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. Since the kingdom of God is within us (Luke 17:21), when we say "I am" we are saying "God in me is". When we say the Violet Flame mantra we are saying "God in me is a being of violet fire, God in me is the purity God desires." Our God is a consuming fire (Deu 4:24) and therefore we are using the Power of Truth to liberate ourselves from our darkness. The Lump of coal transforms from a Diamond in the Rough to the full manifestation of the Diamond Shining Mind of God in the Christ, the Son (Sun), that we have become.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

What is "Sin" and how can we free ourselves from its power over us?

To understand what sin is, we need to take a deeper look at it. The following is from Wikipedia and then I will comment after.

"A sin (also called peccancy) is an act that violates a known moral rule. The term sin may also refer to the state of having committed such a violation. Commonly, the moral code of conduct is decreed by a divine entity[citation needed], i.e. divine law. Sin may also refer to refraining from action or simply desiring to act in violation of a moral norm. Fundamentally, sin is rebellion against, or resistance to, the direction of supreme authority, and enmity toward, avoidance of, or hatred of the good.[1][2][3] Sin may also refer to something within human nature that has a proclivity to sin (see concupiscence).

"Sin" is often used to mean an action that is prohibited or considered wrong. In some religions (notably in Christianity), sin can refer not only to physical actions taken, but also to thoughts and internalized motivations and feelings. Colloquially, any thought, word, or act considered immoral, selfish, shameful, harmful, or alienating might be termed "sinful".

An elementary concept of "sin" concerns acts and elements of mundane earthly living that one cannot take into transcendental living. Food, for example, while a necessary good for the (health of the temporal) body, is not of (eternal) transcendental living and therefore its excessive savoring is considered a sin.[4][5][6][7] A more complex concept of "sin," elaborated from Catholicism, deals with a distinction between destructive (deadly) sins (mortal sin) and the merely dishonorable (harmful) sins of careless human living (venial sin) frequently tolerated by societies as a whole, or even encouraged by various cultures. In that context, mortal sins (sacrilege, murder, mortal violence, devastating calumny, hatred) are said to have the dire consequence of mortal penalty, while sins of careless living (gluttony, casual or informal sexuality, constant play, inebriation, gambling) have been philosophically regarded by some as essential spice for "transcendent" living, even though these may be destructive in the context of human living (obesity, drunkenness, vagrancy, infidelity, child abandonment, criminal negligence). See Asceticism, Stoic philosophy, Epicurean philosophy, and Hedonism.

Common ideas surrounding sin in various religions include:

Punishment for sins, from other people, from God either in life or in afterlife, or from the Universe in general.
The question of whether an act must be intentional to be sinful.
The idea that one's conscience should produce guilt for a conscious act of sin.
A scheme for determining the seriousness of the sin and the importance of responsibility.
Repentance from (expressing regret for and determining not to commit) sin, and atonement (repayment) for past deeds.
The possibility of forgiveness of sins, often through communication with a deity or intermediary; in Christianity often referred to as salvation. Crime and justice are related secular concepts."

The question we must ask is "what is the common thread, what is the one common thing in all of this commentary?"

The answer is: ENERGY, but specifically NEGATIVE ENERGY. Whether you are talking about a physical action, a mental thought or an emotional feeling it takes energy, it uses energy, it affects energy. Another word for energy is light. Christ is the Word, the Logos, the Son, the Light that lights every man (and woman) that comes into the world (John 1:9).

Mat 4:4 "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." The Word of God is Power and that power is contained in the Light of God. 1 John 1:5 "This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." It is also written, Deu 4:24 "For the LORD thy God [is] a consuming fire, [even] a jealous God." So we see then that our God is Light and Fire and the Son of God, the Word, Christ, is that Light. Light is self-luminous, conscious, intelligent energy. We receive that Light via an umbilical cord, the Crystal Cord, which extends from the Heart of the Father (our Mighty I Am Presence; the Presence of God "I AM THAT I AM idividualized for each of us), through the Heart of the Lamb (our own beloved Holy Christ Self) and into the Unfed Threefold Flame within our own Heart of hearts (the Secret Chamber of the Heart chakra). Rev 22:1 "And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb."

We were created in the image and likeness of God. Gen 1:26 "And God said , Let us make man in our image , after our likeness : and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air , and over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." 1 John 3:2 "Beloved , now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear , we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." Gal 4:6 "And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father." We have not yet become all that we were meant to be for we have not yet put on that mind which was also in Christ Jesus (Phil 2:5). But the Spirit of the Son of God within our Heart of hearts is calling to us to "come up higher" and it will help us put on that Christ mind because 1 Cor 12:27 "Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular." We were all created in the image and likeness of the Light (Christ) and we each have a unique function in that one body of Christ.

We are in the process of putting on our unique Christ Mind so that we may do those things which Jesus did and even greater things (John 14:12). In order to fulfill these promises we must learn righteousness, the right-use-ness of God's ENERGY, God's LIGHT. 2 Sam 22:21 "The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness: according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me." In other words, because he used God's Light and Energy correctly; heart, head and hand; he was rewarded. Mat 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

But what happens when we "sin" and misuse God's Light and Energy. When we misuse God's Light Energy, we put a veil of darkness over that Light. Energy that is Veiled in darkness is E-Vil or evil. Mat 6:23 "But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great [is] that darkness!" The eye that is evil has a propensity to do evil acts, to think evil thoughts, to feel evil towards others and that is sin (darkened energy).

Isa 1:18 "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."

The name of God given to Moses on Mt Sinai (Exd 3:14) as a testament and memorial forever is "I AM THAT I AM". This name is an affirmation of True Being: "AS ABOVE SO BELOW; I AM". This Name of God is Power in the Word and when spoken releases the Light of God. Luke 17:21 "...the kingdom of God is within you" and when you say "I am" you are really saying "God in me is". God affirms whatever you say after saying "I am" as your reality, your "truth". But we often take God's Name in Vain by saying NEGATIVE things like: angry, sick, tired, bored, a sinner, unworthy, incapable, an ignoramous and things like that. That is misusing the Power and Light of the Name of God, I AM THAT I AM, and that is a sin (darkened energy). Jesus often used the Name of God "I AM" in positive affirmations of TRUTH such as: John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth and the life", John 11:25 "I am the Resurrection and the Life", John 10:9 "I am the door:" . We can also affirm these Truths within ourselves, rightly using God's energy.

When the Light of God passes through the crystal of the Mind of Christ it bursts forth as the Rays of the Rainbow. Each Ray of Light has specific qualities, powers and virtues. The Seventh Ray is the Violet Ray (Flame, Fire, Light) which is the New Wine of the Covenant, the Blood of Christ and has the powers, qualities and virtues of Freedom, Forgiveness, Mercy, Sacred Ritual, and Sacred Alchemy. The Violet Flame is God's Universal Solvent and Cosmic Eraser with the power to Forgive sins (negative energy) so that energy can be free. Using God's Name, I am, as an affirmation we can affirm God's Liberating Violet Fire in us to free us from our sins like this: "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires." We are affirming that "God in me is (I am) a being of violet fire, God in me is (I am) the purity God desires." If we then make this affirmation a Song that we sing to God Above and to God Below (within us) we begin to experience the Liberating Joy of God in our lives. Sing it or say it often, say it in sets of three in honor of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Say it when taking a shower, washing the dishes, cooking a meal, driving the car, or whenever you can spare a part of your attention from the task at hand. If you can say it, uninterrupted, for fifteen minutes at a time you will begin to experience a Great Transformation in your being and you will be coming closer to putting on that Mind which was also in Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bodies Terrestrial and Bodies Celestial and How One Differs From Another

1Cr 15:40 "[There are] also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial [is] one, and the [glory] of the terrestrial [is] another." 2Cr 12:2 "I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven." 1Cr 15:31 "I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily."

Now if Paul was "out of his body" when he met the man in the third heaven, what body was he out of and what body did he wear when he was out of his other body? And just where is the third heaven? And, if Paul died daily, then how did he die and how did he resurrect himself again on a daily basis? Please bear with me as I answer these questions.

The soul and spirit are not the body but are "housed" in the vessels that we call the body for the purpose of incarnation. The soul "wears" four interpenetrating vessels that relate to the four elements of fire, air, water and earth. These are our "terrestrial bodies". The fire body is also called the etheric body and this is the memory body where the "records" of our life journey is stored. The air body is also called the mental body where the functions of the mind are performed in conjunction with the physical brain. The water body is also called our emotional or desire body and is sometimes known as the astral body. The earth body is our physical body and the one that we most identify with and think of as "us". The glory, the light, of each body is the vibrational rate or frequency of that body.

Now what body was Paul "out of" and how does that relate to "dying daily"? When our physical body is at rest in sleep, the soul is still fully functioning and is able to travel "out of" the physical body in one of the other bodies; usually either the etheric body or the astral body. When the soul leaves the physical body, the soul is in effect "dead" to that body but still alive in the other body. When the soul returns to the physical body upon awakening, the soul in effect "resurrects" the physical body again.

Now there are 33 levels or dimensions of frequency of the Etheric Plane (Heaven) that ascend from Devacon (Wish Fulfillment, levels 1-6) to the 33rd level just below the Ascended Octaves of Eternal Light and Life. There are spiritual Retreats and Universities of the Spirit in the Etheric Plane (Heaven) where our souls receive instruction and are tutored. And there are 33 levels or dimensions of frequency of the Astral Plane that descend from Purgatory (levels 1-6) to the Pit of Hell at the 33rd level of depravity. The Astral Plane was meant to reflect the pure desires of God but it has become a polluted sewer of ungodly desires and emotional upheaval. The Astral Plane is the place of nightmares. Our soul travels in that body which correlates with our souls spiritual development, or lack of it; or which provides the lesson our soul needs to learn. After his crucifixion, Jesus spent three days preaching to the souls caught in the Pit of Hell.

Rev 22:11 "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still."

When our earthly sojourn is done and our soul may no longer return to the physical body, the soul will remain in that body and in that dimension of being relating to what it has accomplished spiritually while in the earth. This is what we have superstitiously called "death". If the soul has not used up its allotted time for soul evolution, the soul will be allowed to incarnate into a new set of bodies. The memory of past incarnations will be blocked as a mercy to the soul so that it will not be burdened by the memory of things done or not done in a previous "life". Attainment earned in past lives will be available to draw on and that is why some children, such as a Mozart or Beethoven, are able to compose music from an early age. And some souls may bear the burden of neglect from a previous life which will manifest as some sort of disability. And some souls, such as the man born blind, take on burdens that are not theirs in order to assist others. Jhn 9:2 "And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?

Now we also have "celestial bodies", bodies of light. Jhn 14:2 "In my Father's house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." Mat 6:20 "But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal." We have a Great Causal Body of Light which is both our treasure house in heaven and the many mansions of our Father's house. This Causal Body is composed of concentric rings of light and fire the colors of the Rainbow (wheels within wheels). This is our home of Light and the Rainbow was the sign given to Noah to comfort him and to remind him of where his true home lay. The Causal Body surrounds the Presence of God, The Mighty I AM Presence, the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM (which Moses saw when it burned in the bush that was not consumed) which is individualized for every son and daughter of God. We also have a Higher Mind, the Christ Mind which is our unique Holy Christ Self and a "member in particular" in the One body of Christ (1 Cor 12:27).

Each moment of our life, we receive Light from the Father to nourish us. Mat 4:4 "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Jhn 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The Word is Christ, the Light, Jhn 1:9 "[That] was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." In our etheric body there are spiritual organs just as our physical body has physical organs. The organs of the etheric body are known by their Sanskrit name, "chakra" which means wheel. A chakra is a whirling vortice of light which acts as a step down transformer for the pure light of God that we receive in order to distribute that light to the other bodies. There are 7 major chakras (7 churches in the body of man) from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. And there are 144 minor chakras, 5 Secret Ray chakras, and a very special chakra called "The Secret Chamber of the Heart" which St Teresa of Avila called "The Interior Castle".

Within the Secret Chamber of the Heart (our Heart of hearts) there abides the Spirit of the Son of God (Gal 4:6) that is an Unfed Threefold Flame of Power (blue, Father), Wisdom (yellow, Son) and Love (pink, Holy Spirit). This Flame is our "open door", our "Portal" to the kingdom of God within us (Luke 17:21) and it is the means by which we put on that mind which was also in Christ Jesus (Phil 2:5).

The light that we receive from the Father is his gift to us and is ours to use according to our free will. As we use that light, our identity is stamped upon it. As we use that light to perform our Sacred Labor and use that light righteously, then that light is "qualified" by vibration as a frequency of light the color of one of the rainbow rays. That light is free to complete the circuit to God and is stored in our Causal Body as our treasure in heaven.

But, if we misuse that light, that energy of God, in riotous living, then we cast a pall upon it and darken it and it becomes veiled in darkness (energy veiled or e-vil, which is evil). Mat 6:23 "But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great [is] that darkness.?" Since that evil, that darkened light belongs to us, only we have the power to free it. It must cycle back to us for redemption, and when it does then it can cause us great burdens and calamities until it is expiated by pain and suffering, service to life, prayer and invocation or by scientific affirmations and mantra which draw to us the light of God; particularly the Violet Light (Ray, Flame, Fire) of the Rainbow which is God's Universal Solvent and Cosmic Eraser. Using the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, as Jesus did to affirm Truth, we can say "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires" to affirm the Truth of God's Violet Light to wash our sins (evil) and make them white as snow. That light and energy is now free to return to God and also be stored in our treasure house in heaven, our Great Causal Body of Light.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Cause and Effect of Insanity and Suicide - Denial of God

There is a saying that he whom God would destroy he first makes insane. God takes no pleasure in the Second Death of the wicked. God has extended the opportunity for eternal life to all who would avail themselves of the opportunity. God is Eternal Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness. But God is ultimately merciful to himself since all creation is composed of his Light, Energy, Consciousness and has Innate Intelligence.

God has allotted a period of time for reunion with Him. Those who have no soul can apply to God and petition Him for a soul. Those who have no Threefold Flame or who have snuffed out their Threefold Flame can petition to have it re-ignited. There is abundant opportunity for all in the adoption of sons (Rom 8:15 and Rom 8:23). But, the opportunity does not last forever.

God has suffered. Yes God is self-sacrificing, selfless service to all life that is God. His children are intended to become one with his Only Begotten Son, the Christ of whom we are all one body and members in particular (1 Cor 12:27). When parts of life turn God's Light to darkness (energy veiled or evil), God suffers and Christ is crucified again and again. God bears this all out of Love for the creation but He cannot allow it to last forever by a back door endowment of eternal life.

Life in the Matter Cosmos consisting of all of the systems of worlds throughout Cosmos is temporary and ever changing. The Matter Cosmos is the Womb of the Divine Mother and the planets are school rooms for the development of souls. God would endow his children with His All. He would make us One with Him; endowing us with His All Power in heaven and in earth as we exercise dominion over all of the creation. We surrender our "nothing", our limited self consciousness, and God gives us the All of His Cosmic Consciousness. That is the deal.

Those souls who continue in their rebellious refusal to accept God's Gift of Eternal Life come to an end that is called The Second Death. In previous posts I have explained that there is no "death". While the soul is evolving it may wear many different bodies. Each time we go to sleep our soul may travel out of the physical body in either the Astral (emotional, water) or Etheric (memory, fire) body in one of the 33 levels of the Astral or Etheric Planes. When the soul is out of the physical body in sleep, that is a daily "dying" to that body ("I die daily", 1 Cor 15:31). When the physical body is no longer a fitting habitation for the soul, the soul may no longer return to it (Rev 22:11) and it remains at the highest or lowest level of its development.

Eventually, everything returns to God one way or another. We either Ascend in our Christ Consciousness or our opportunity for eternal life is terminated in the Second Death. The process of both events is the same. We stand on a Dias and the Light of God as His All Consuming Fire (Deu 4:24, Hbr 12:29) descends upon us. If we have balanced at least 51% of our karma (negative energy) then we will Ascend and be permanently fused to our own individualized Presence of God, our own Mighty I Am Presence, and we will then continue to balance the remaining 49% of our karma from the Ascended state. If on the other hand, all of our light (or most of it) has been turned to darkness (Mat 6:23) then when that Light and Fire of God descends upon us, then we will be Totally Consumed, cancelled out, and all light, energy, and consciousness that was part of that one is demagnetized, repolarized and recycled to the Great Central Sun and the pool of unmanifest energy. It is a free will choice. God is not attached. It is our decision and ours alone.

The Definition of Insanity and Suicide is separation from God. The original suicide was committed by Lucifer. The absence of the pure light of God creates insanity. The more darkness, the greater the insanity. God does not make us insane. We make ourselves insane by turning God's Light to darkness. Insanity is no excuse. Ignorance (ignoring God's Laws) is no excuse. The soul made its choice and the end is known from the beginning.

We have been given the blessing of the knowledge and use of God's Universal Solvent, His Cosmic Eraser, the Violet Transmuting Flame of the Holy Spirit. We have been given a mantra to invoke and draw down that Violet Flame to us in order to free ourselves gradually from the darkness that we have blinded ourselves with. The mantra is this: "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires". It is an affirmation using God's Name "I AM THAT I AM", that affirms that where God is in me, there he is as his violet flame turning darkness back into the purity that he desires. This mantra can be given any time; taking a shower, washing the dishes, walking the dog, driving to work or an errand, cooking a meal, etc., etc. The more you do it the more you are cleansed by it. A pump can pump a great quantity of water through a hose by pumping a very small quantity rapidly with each stroke of the engine. Our heart and voice engaged as one is the pump that pumps the Violet Flame in, through and around us and then out into the world to cleanse and free us from all negativity. Do it or not, the choice is yours. Give it with the Messenger and those in attendance at this lecture on You Tube