"My question is that who is the creator of the Matter and what is the purpose of creation of the Matter" Ayaz.
The "PURPOSE" of the Creation is for God to explore the infinitude of his being. In order for him to expand his awareness of himself, he created "compartments" of himself with the same aspects and attributes of himself for infinite expansion and awareness. Every part of the Creation has the "Potential" to expand God's self awareness of himself.
Who is the Creator and how does he Create?
Deu 4:24 "For the LORD thy God [is] a consuming fire..." God is Pure Spirit and that Spirit is a Flame of Fire.
God is Light and when God desired to bring forth the Creation he spoke the WORD " Let there be light: and there was light." (Gen 1:3) When the ineffable, unknowable, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Almighty God desired to create he established a Pattern for that creation. In order to create there must be a Polarity. And so, God created a Circle of Oneness as a part of himself. To create the needed polarity he divided the Circle in half (the Tai Chi) with a positive-negative, masculine-feminine aspect by drawing a line from the Top (12 o'clock) to the Bottom (6 o'clock). The Masculine aspect at the Top is an Impersonal Impersonality called Father. The Feminine aspect at the Bottom is a Personal Personality called Mother (Mater).
Again God divided the Circle by drawing a line from the East to the West; the 3 o'clock line to the 9 o'clock line. On the 3 o'clock line is an Impersonal Personality called the WORD which is the SON of God (CHRIST); the Light Manifest as the One Body of Christ from which we were all formed. Christ is the Light that lights every man that comes into the world (John 1:9). On the 9 o'clock line is a Personal Impersonality called the BREATH, the Holy Spirit of God or Holy Ghost.
The Circle of Oneness was thus divided by a Cosmic Cross into the Four Quadrants of Matter. There is a Spiritual Cosmos inhabited by Spiritual Beings and there is a Matter Cosmos inhabited by Material Beings. The Material Cosmos is made up of four distinct vibrational divisions (quadrants): Etheric (Fire, Memory) from 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock; Mental (Air, Mind) from 3 o'clock to 6 o'clock; Emotional (Water, Desire, also called the Astral Plane) from 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock; and Physical (Earth, Matter) from 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock.
All cell division in the plant and animal kingdoms follows this Divine Pattern of Creation.
All of the Creation, in Spirit and in Matter, is composed of God's Light which is Self Luminous, Innately Intelligent, Conscious Energy. Everything is Energy and that energy manifests in an infinite array of vibrations, frequencies and oscillations according to the Matrix held in the Mind of God. Our eyes see within a limited "visible spectrum" and our ears hear within a limited "audio spectrum"; but audio or video, it is all energy vibrations.
We were created in the "image and likeness of God" (Gen 1:26). We are a Spirit Spark of the Fire of God; a "chip off the old block".
The body of man is the "temple" of the Holy Spirit, the Fire Breath of God. 1 Cor 6:19 "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" Within this "temple of man" God has placed himself and thus it is said that "the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21). In this "temple of man" he has also placed "the Spirit of his Son" (Gal 4:6) which is an Unfed Threefold Flame whose "Petals" have the attributes of Father (Power, Will, a Blue Flame); Son (Wisdom, Illumination, a Yellow Flame); and Holy Spirit (Divine Love, Creativity, a Pink Flame). This "Spirit of his Son", this Unfed Threefold Flame is the Beloved Bridegroom; the masculine aspect of our being. This Flame is also called "the Holy Christ Flame".
The Soul is the living potential of God to become a Unique God Aspect of God. The soul is the child of God and as the feminine aspect of our being, it is "the Bride of Christ". When the soul and Spirit (bride and bridegroom) unite then they become "a new creature" (2 Cor 5:17). We are no longer a hewn man "human" but a God man, a God Manifestation and we have "let that mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5).
Man is intended to be a manifestation of God IN God. We develop in a Material framework until the soul and Spirit unite. But, we also have a Spiritual Manifestation which we also must unite with. We have Four Lower Bodies (Fire, Air, Water and Earth) while we are developing in the Matter Cosmos. We also have Three Higher Bodies; our Holy Christ Self (Higher Mind), our Mighty I Am Presence (the Presence of God individualized for every child of God), and our Great Causal Body of Light which is the "many mansions" of God (John 14:2) where our treasures (of light) are stored (Mat 19:21).
When the soul and Spirit have united, then the Holy Christ Self may descend upon us and become One with us. We then walk the earth as that "new creature", Christ, and we are Carlton the Christ, or Mary the Christ just as Jesus was Jesus the Christ. One with Christ, we are then able to do those things which Jesus did and even greater things (John 14:12). Our "I Am Presence", the Father, may also overshadow us and "the Father worketh hitherto and I work" (John 5:17). When we have fulfilled our reason for being and have balanced at least 51% of the energy that we have misused (sin), then we may Ascend to that Mighty I Am Presence to become permanently fused with it. We are then fully a God within Almighty God. It is then that we are truly "Born Again". In fact, until we are born in Spirit as an Ascended Master, a God of a certain portion of God's Consciousness, we are only an embryonic manifestation. It is the free will of the soul which determines whether it shall "BE" or "NOT BE"; whether it shall be a permanent part of God or whether it shall perish in the Second Death. The soul must choose life and not death. "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live" (Deu 30:19).
Ayaz M Bro Carlton Newman you have repeated my own posted question, and your long description is irrelevant to my post, please try to understand my simple question, thank you. January 31 at 12:06pm · Like · 1
Gorden F the very second paragraph of your essay contradicts the perfect nature of god as he is completely aware of himself he doesnt need to "explore" his potential as that would be opposing perfect which is against god's character January 31 at 12:38pm · Like · 1
Carlton Newman Bro Ayaz yes I re-posted your question and my response to it so that others may benefit who may not have seen your original post. I have answered your question as fully and completely as this limited space will allow. Of course there is much more to understand if you have the desire to pursue that understanding.
Gorden F, what do you know of the "perfect nature of God". God does not conform to our limited understanding. God is Self Expanding his Self Awareness constantly. The Physical Creation is only an appendage to the entirety of the Spiritual Dimensions. It is a Womb in which God in embryo becomes God through a process of self transformation. The Fire of God is the animating Spirit within us that impels and compels our search and our progress toward self realizing our self as a God Self Identified Being.
Man is a "manifestation" of God in an embryonic form. We are tested and tried until we learn to use the Energy of God correctly. The laws of Karma and Re-incarnation are the Tutors of our soul which give us "feedback" on how we have used that Energy.
Now there is also a creation which is Not of God. It is a robotic creation of the fallen angels who used their knowledge of the creation to spawn an opposing race of beings to assist them in their warfare against the children of God. Jesus called these "the tares among the wheat". They are a godless, soulless race with no connection to God except that the fallen angels manipulated the substance of God to create them. They have no sense of guilt, shame, remorse, regret, nor any sense of compassion or honor. They do not have free will but are compelled to act at the "psychic" command of the fallen angels. They move about independently like ants from an ant hill, but are totally subject to the Collective Consciousness of the Ant Hill. They will "swarm" on command and individually they will not really know why they are compelled to act as a mob. They just know that they "must" obey and take part.
January 31 at 3:13pm · Like
Carlton Newman The Self Luminous, Innately Intelligent, Conscious Energy that is God's Light is in all of his Creation. Jesus said that he could raise up sons unto Abraham out of the very stones of the ground. He was speaking of Elemental Life: Fire (salamanders), Air (sylphs), Water (undines) and Earth (gnomes).
The great Archangel Michael began his existence as an elemental in charge of a single blade of grass. His faith, devotion and courage enabled him to pass through the human domain on his way to becoming the Prince of the Archangels and Captain of the Hosts of the Lord.
Flowers "know" to create nectar with an odor that will attract to it a bee or moth or other "creature" that will help pollinate it. Some species of pine trees "know" that their seed will germinate only after a fire has released it from its cone. Some butterflies "know" to create large spots on their wings that appear as eyes to a predator bird. Some snakes "know" how to mimic the coloration of other poisonous snakes to discourage attacks. As so it goes throughout nature. The Intelligent Light in all of the Creation guides every part of the creation. January 31 at 4:21pm · Like
Carlton Newman Maybe a "visual" will help. The power of Sound is the power of creation. While this video only shows the power of Sound as it impacts on physical substance, the principles are similar spiritually. God's Light is "invocative" meaning it can be invoked and directed according to our will and the Will of God.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05Io6lop3mk Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 1 of 3) These original films of Cymatics experiments were made in the 1960's by Swiss scientist, Dr. Hans Jenny. January 31 at 4:22pm · Like
Gorden F mr Carlton Newman i would say that was a pathetic attempt to try to put your self on par with god when you should realise one thing that you couldnt, there is a difference between humans and god because we have limitations and god doesnt which is why he is god and we are not for surely if we all were then each of us would dispute among ourselves for a part of creation which is what the quran tells us so dont try to put yourself at equal with god because you are not, many have come claiming to be gods but they were all imposters and there consequences were severe and as for the fact that you say one can use the power of god is totally idiotic as none have any power but through god and what god has given them and they cannot transgress these limits youre concept of god is weak and misguided so do yourself a favour and find out the truth and understand it. February 1 at 1:44am · Like · 1
Ali W carlton ur article is based on beleif and the very grounds of such beleife is close to insanity u quoted absolutely wrong about god created matter to understand his capability. U meant he created sumthing n than later on tried to understand it hehehe weired n a true gossip February 1 at 11:08am via mobile · Like · 1
Carlton Newman Gorden F you are making God in YOUR image and likeness and not vice versa (the other way around). While in the earth we are not yet fully united with God. Our soul (Bride)l and our Spirit (Bridegroom) have not yet united as One. Rumi speaks of the pursuit of the soul for her Beloved. When the soul and Spirit unite then we are made "a new creature" (2 Cor 5:17), a Christ Man. Until this union takes place we are limited by our karma, the cyclic return of our positive and negative uses of God's energy.
When the soul and Spirit have united then we have greater access to our Three Higher Bodies of Light: The Higher Mind (Christ Mind), the Mighty I Am Presence (the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM Exd 3:14) and our Great Causal Body (Solar Body of Light). It is then that we will be able to do in the earth what Jesus did and even greater things (John 14:12).
When we Ascend and are "Fused" with our Mighty I Am Presence then we are no longer a "man" but a "God" in Almighty God as we are now a permanent part of God. We are no more the limited but the Limitless. We then have All Power in Heaven in Earth to execute that unique and particular Office of God reserved for each of us.
Man in his limited and ignorant state disputes with one another over the "crumbs" of power in the world. The God man knows that all power and energy is God's and that he is merely a steward of those powers and energies entrusted to him. February 1 at 5:46pm · Like
Gorden F you got this corrupt concept of god from a book that is corrupt and no, god is like no one which is what islam teaches mr Carlton Newman you are trying to put god at your equal which is shirk and a henious crime against god so repent and return to the right path instead of falling for the devil February 2 at 4:10am · Like · 1
Carlton Newman God is my Father and I am one of his sons. When I grow up I want to be just like my Father; that is what my Father showed me that I will be. I did not get this from a book. I got this from personal experience (and guidance from my Guru) just as all of the saints, prophets and mystics did. Rumi was not taught it except by his attunement with God just as Muhammad did and just as Jesus, Buddha, Zarathustra (Zoroaster) and others did. And you can also realize this truth within yourself IF you will stop denying it.
Believe it or not, it is actually blasphemous to declare the opposite, that you are not the son of God and that you will not be a God in God when you grow up (ascend). The major problems that we have on the earth today are a result of the denial of our Truth.
Even Muhammad prayed to be delivered of the anti-Christ. What is anti-Christ? It is the denier of who you are as a son or daughter of God. The anti-Christ wants you to believe that you are a miserable sinner and unworthy to be God. That is how they destroy souls; by getting them to deny their purpose for being. February 2 at 8:56pm · Like
Thomas B So you still writing the lie about mankind being the sons and daughter of Allah or that's it's wrong to be anti a king of the Jews (Christ) being given some special status other than a prophet... May-be you will fool some-one so keep it up... (:>) February 3 at 4:38am · Like · 2
Ali W how could u be like god the one u never saw n can not see how could u adopt his attributes. Ur beleif is foolish sorry to say but cant find another word February 3 at 5:58am via mobile · Like
Gorden F so which servent of satan did teach you that, to attribute partners or relatives to allah is the biggest sin in his eyes, i donot deny the truth, i deny falsehood, mr Carlton Newman it looks like you were decieved by satan so snap out of this delusion you are in and see the truth February 3 at 1:33pm · Like · 1
Carlton Newman You have two choices and two choices only. You are either God or you are not God; there is NO middle ground. And, it is your choice and your choice only. I have clearly presented the choices but I cannot choose for you. You have free will and your free will is supreme, not even God can or will override you decision.
Everything goes back to God; one way or another. Either you choose to BE and ascend back to God to become an Immortal, God Free Being. Or, you choose Not to Be and end up going through the Second Death where your identity is cancelled out and all of the energy that was a part of you is demagnetized, re polarized and recycled back to the Great Central Sun. Energy is neither created nor destroyed; it is transformed. February 3 at 6:02pm · Like
Carlton Newman http://tsl.org/2010/11/who-are-you-the-identity-of-the-true-self/ Who Are You? - The Identity of the True Self . Who are you? Really. The understanding of the Self is the most important insight that any individual can have in life. February 3 at 6:18pm · Like
Gorden F well mr Carlton Newman im not got but a creation of his and that is the truth, whereas you consider yourself to be on equal with god and therefore are committing shirk so you are the one who needs to make the tight choice Monday at 3:28am · Like · 1
Carlton Newman John 5:18 "Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God." Monday at 5:42pm · Like
Gorden F Your never proclaimed divinity in your bible so stop trying to make him god Tuesday at 5:24am via mobile · Like
Carlton Newman I have not made him God. Christians, not understanding Jesus or his mission, put him on a pedestal and made him God. Jesus said that he was the Son of God and that is true. There is ONE Christ and all children of God are "members in particular" (1 Cor 12:27) in that one body of Christ. Jesus restored our connection to God and in doing so restored our sonship to God.
The Ascension is not automatic and neither is attaining the status of a Son of God. We are the children of God and when our soul has united with our Spirit, the "Spirit of his Son" (Gal 4:6), then there is a "quickening" which takes place and we are "a new creature", we are no longer a "child" of God but we are a Son of God which is an entirely different status. The "embryonic child" has proven his mastery over time and space and energy and is preparing now for the next step after Sonship, which is the Ascension. In the Ascension the Son is permanently fused with the Father, the Mighty I Am Presence and the Son is again changed into a new and different status as a God in Almighty God. Tuesday at 10:52pm · Like
Gorden F im going to ask you what does son mean? if you do a henious crime as calling someone the son of god then try to asnswer my question Yesterday at 3:14am · Like · 1
Ali W y there s been only 1 son of god none other in the history dear carlton newman Yesterday at 7:41am · Like · 1
Thomas B Laughing... I love Facebook friends... (:>) Yesterday at 8:03am · Like · 1
Carlton Newman Our God is a consuming fire (Deu 4:24). A Son of God is a "SUN" of God. We are not this flesh and blood body; that is only a shell, a temporary house for the soul. The body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit (Fire Breath of God) (1 Cor 6:19). We are not this flesh and blood body; that is only a shell, a temporary house for the soul. The body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit (Fire Breath of God) (1 Cor 6:19). We are fire of God's fire; made in his image and likeness (Gen 1:26).
ADAM, Christ, is the First Born Son of God; the Archetype of the Creation in whose fashion we were formed. Christ is the Word (Logos), the Light that lights every man that comes into the world (John 1:9). There is only One Christ and every child of God is a "member in particular" (1 Cor 12:27) in that one body of Christ. Each child of God is a unique manifestation meant to contribute a unique talent, gift, divine portion; a unique identity in Christ. Just as our physical body is made of many trillions of cells; each with a unique function; so are we in the Body of Christ.
One times one times one times one times one (unto infinity) is still ONE. One flame on a candle can ignite an infinite number of other candles without diminishing its own flame. From God's THRONE (Three In One, the Threefold Flame of God), God has endowed each child of God with its own Threefold Flame. The Petals of the Threefold Flame are Blue (Father, Power, Divine Will), Yellow (Son, Wisdom and Illumination), and Pink (Holy Spirit, Divine Love and Creativity). In most people that Flame is 1/16th of an inch. Each increment of its growth bestowes greater and greater powers to the child of God. The Threefold Flame in Jesus encompassed his entire body and therefore he had tremendous powers (some of which he demonstrated). 21 hours ago · Like
Gorden F when does SON become SUN? isee its a grammatical error christians hhave been following 11 hours ago · Like
Carlton Newman It is not a grammatical error. It is a matter of cycles and the Progressive Revelations of God to his children. Until early in the 20th Century the mysteries of God could not be spoken of plainly; the planet was under the Occult (Hidden) Dispensation. With the dawning of the Age of Aquarius we have entered a new era of understanding God and his works by the Grace of the Comforter who Jesus spoke of as coming to reveal all things (John 14:26). The Comforter has indeed come and through the Mission of the Two Witnesses (Rev 11:3) the Mysteries of God have indeed been revealed. Jesus has come again with a cloud of witnesses composed of the Ascended Sons and Daughters of God, Elohim, Archangels, Angels and Cosmic Beings including our Father-Mother God of this system of worlds, Helios and Vesta of the Sun, and Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun and even Almighty God himself. We now have a greater understanding of the Mission of Jesus Christ (and of the founders of the other major religions) so that we can now build on that Foundation. What was only spoken of in allegory, metaphor, and parable can now be spoken plainly. Religion had become a dividing force under the influence of the fallen angels and their robotic creation. We can now see that the world's religions show us a Mosaic Picture of our God. It is when you put the pieces of the puzzle presented by the various religions that we gain a greater perspective of who we are and our purpose here in the earth.
- Gorden F no matter what you say SUN will never become SON
Gorden F the fact is that there is only one true religion and that is islam, if you combine every good thing and remaining truth from every religion you end up with islam, it is the truth and is uncorupted and challenges anyone to bring something even as close to perfect as islam is- Yusuf B Carlton, u say that religions show us a mosaic picture of our God.. but how can u be sure that your version of truth is not part of this mosaic and therefore u might just be far away from truth? Have u talk to God? If yes, whats your proof? If not, then why should we take any of your words seriously?14 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Ali W carlton pls dont restrict god into such tiny things u know god is beyong the limitation of human u r a human ur brain cells do not work even in full capacity how could u be so sure to to b so well known to god ur logics are restricted to humen observation and study and analysis but these r man made things whenerver God is the the creator of everything u or rest of humen knew ever so be carefull brother - Carlton Newman The TRUTH and the FACT is that the only True Religion is LOVE. Each of the world's seven major religions were intended to teach the heart to LOVE its God.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
― Rumi
God (Allah) is in our Heart of hearts as the Source of our ability to LOVE. God is LIGHT and the Seven Rays of the Rainbow are Seven Powers, Qualities, Attributes of that Light. Each of the religions is based on one of those Rays and the qualities contained therein.
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
― Rumi
“Knock, And He'll open the door
Vanish, And He'll make you shine like the sun
Fall, And He'll raise you to the heavens
Become nothing, And He'll turn you into everything.”
― Rumi
The LIGHT of the Seventh Ray of the Rainbow is the Violet Ray. The Violet Flame is God's Universal Solvent and Cosmic Eraser which is able to Liberate and Free us from the burdens and the stains of sin. You do not have to abandon your religion or your beliefs in order to enjoy the benefits of God's Light. God's Light shines on the just and the unjust. We can invoke God's Light of the Seventh Ray of the Violet Flame by simply saying with LOVE: "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires".
NOTE: Some others entered the discussion and it got kind of side tracked with long postings by a Christian trying to prove that Christianity was better than Islam and the back and forth after that.. Then, the one who originally posed the question that started this thread came back with this comment.
- Ayaz Ive been going through the question of Carlton Newman since long, none has replied him accordingly, the difficulty is that everyone argues from his own holly books, there should be an answer to his question by an open and general logic, may we reply him by common logic ?
- Ayaz ,,,,Actually this was my question posted through the status update column in the very begining when i joined this group, instead answering to my question bro Carlton Newman owned it later i wonder.
- Carlton Newman Ayaz I thought that your question was a very thoughtful one and deserved a greater exposition on it, and that is why I reposted it. What are you still questioning?
- Carlton Newman When the Bible and Koran were written we had to take many things on faith. We did not know what caused the wind to below or the seasons to change. We did not know how our bodies transformed food into energy that our bodies could use. We did not know the cause of disease from bacteria and viruses or that simply washing our hands could keep us healthy. There were many, many things we did not know.
We now know that our body is made of cells which are made of atoms which are made of smaller particles (such as electrons, protons, neutrons, etc) which are made from energy "waves"waves which have no form. And, we now know that (at the quantum level) those energy "waves" oscillate from a physical to a non-physical matrix and back again repeatedly. At the quantum level there is no distinction between "forms" such as a rock, or a table or a fish or a man. There is no distinction between a Jew, or a Muslim, or a Christian, etc. Everything is ONE. Everything is ENERGY oscillating at various frequencies.