Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Muslims Say That God Does Not Have Children and There Is No Christ... This Is A Misunderstanding

When Muslims say that Almighty God (Allah, I AM THAT I AM, Jehovah, Brahman, Tao, Ahura Mazda, etc as he is known by many names) does not have children because God is not material and God does not have sex; you are creating God in your "material" image and in your "material" likeness and that is shameful my friend. God does not have "sex" but sex was created by God for his children as a way to experience some of the bliss of creation. But mankind has made sex a base and almost senseless experience.

 Muslims are also the children of Abraham and come under the Hebrew Torah as well as the Q'uran. You, as Muslims, recognize Jesus as a Prophet of God and therefore his Message in the Bible also applies to you. Since the Fall of the Angels and the subsequent Fall of Man, mankind has been cut off from God. It was by the grace of the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, and the 144,000 souls of light who came with him, that the earth was saved from destruction and continues to be a platform for the evolution of souls. It is from Sanat Kumara that all of the worlds major religions were founded as he sent various members of the 144,000 such as Encoch, Zarathustra, Gautama Buddha, Moses, Lao Tzu, Jesus Christ, Muhammad and many others to guide the children of the Light back to that Light.

 God is a Spirit. God is Fire (Deu 4:24, Hbr 12:29) and God is Light (1 John 1:5). God is the Father of Spirits (Hbr 12:9). God created us in his image and in his likeness (Gen 1:26), male (Spirit) and female (soul) made he them. We are a soul and Sprit, even "the Spirit of his Son" (Gal 4:6). Christ means Light and Christ is the Word, the Logos, by which God created the Creation. All of the Creation is composed of God's Light which is Self Luminous, Innately Intelligent, Conscious Energy. The children of God are the Children of the Light. The soul must unite with the Beloved, the Bride Groom, "the Spirit of his Son" (Gal 4:6), the Holy Christ Flame, the Unfed Threefold Flame of Power (Blue, Father), Wisdom (Yellow, Son) and Love (Pink, Holy Spirit). When the soul unites with that Spiritual Flame which is a Spirit Spark, God's Seed, then the soul has "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5), and Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and your Higher Self which is your Holy Christ Self descends upon you and becomes One with you and you are therefore your Unique Christ Self. As a Christ in the world you are then able to do those things which Jesus did and even greater things (John 14:12). At the conclusion of your physical life, having become Christ, you are eligible for the ritual of the Ascension whereby your Christed Soul rises to the Heart of the Father individualized for every son and daughter of God, the Mighty I Am Presence, where you become permanently fused with God and you are a God in God.

 God is Fire, a Flame, a Spirit. When you take a Candle (Father) and light a billion other candles from that One Flame you did not have sex and you did not diminish the original Candle. One times One times One times One is still One. There is only the One. We are all One in God as emanations of his One Flame. The Material Planes are the Womb of the Divine Mother. Our bodies (temples of the Holy Spirit) are the bodies of the Mother. The Flame of Father resides within the temple of our being as an Unfed Threefold Flame; it burns but it does not consume. That Flame of God is the Light (Christ) of God. The Flame emanations of God are Christ Seeds which we must grow and expand until we become a SUN (SON) of God.

 Lucifer refused to accept the Children of God, the Christs of God, as his superiors. In his pride, he denied the existence of the Children of God and refused to acknowledge them. To this day the fallen angels of his bands and their robotic creation refuse to acknowledge the Children of God and therefore DENY that God has children as you have so done. How has it come to pass that Islam and for that matter Christianity and Judaism have been PERVERTED so that they deny the Christ in the children of God??? Those fallen angels are the "false brethren" (Gal 2:4) who have taken over the positions of authority and power in the various religions and have DIVIDED us with their false doctrines and dogmas. It is THIS HATRED (this anti-love, anti-Christ) that has entered and set us against one another. Muhammad prayed to be delivered from the anti-Christ and it should be the prayer of every Muslim, Christian and Jew.