FIRST, let us define who "WE" are and who "THEY" are. Hatred is the perversion of love and God is Love. Rumi and all of the Mystics of every religious tradition realized love; the love of the Divine Spouse, the Beloved. This Beloved is "the Spirit of his Son" (Gal 4:6), the Seed of Christ, the Word, Logos, the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world (John 1:9). This Spirit is a Spark of God's Fire (Deu 4:24), an Unfed Threefold Flame; Blue, Yellow and Pink; Power, Wisdom and Love; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Every seed produces after its own kind. We were created in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26). This Flame in our hearts is the masculine aspect of our potential God being while our soul is the feminine aspect. The soul is the Bride of Christ; the Christ Flame within our hearts. When the soul unites with her Christ she has "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5) and walks the earth as a Christ, a "member in particular" (1 Cor 12:27) in the one body of Christ and able to do those things which Jesus did and even greater things (John 14:12). When that Christed soul then Ascends back to God, it becomes one with God; a God in God; with all power in heaven and in earth to command while performing the duties of the Office of a Son of God; a Just Steward in the kingdom of God; a Handmaid of the Lord. The Seed Potential has realized its Potential in God.
The great Archangel, Lucifer, refused to bend the knee and acknowledge these Sons and Daughters of God; these Christs of God. In command of legions of angels (who did not have free will) he fought against God's Heavenly Hosts under the command of Archangel Michael. Lucifer, his chief lieutenants Satan, Serpent, and Bielzebub, and his legions of angels were cast out of heaven into the denser "Matter" planes. Matter is Mother. The Entire Matter Cosmos is the Womb of the Divine Mother wherein the embryonic children of God form and mature into their Christ State.
The Hatred of the fallen angels is absolute against God in all aspects; Father, Mother, Son (Christ) and Holy Spirit. All women are representatives of the Divine Mother and all men are representatives of God as Father. They have a particular enmity against the Woman and her Seed (Gen 3:15, Rev 12:17). The warfare against God vis a vis the Children of God in the Matter planes (Earth) has continued to this day. This is System Wide throughout Cosmos. To assist them in their warfare against the children of God, the fallen angels used their knowledge of the creation, and genetics, to clone a robot race of "humans" who are godless, soulless beings who have no free will. They are lawless, contemptuous, and arrogant; lacking any sense of guilt, shame, remorse, regret, compassion or any Christ virtue. They are controlled by telepathic command from their Overlords, the fallen angels. They are the "Useful Idiots" who give "Numbers" in support of the fallen angels to overwhelm the children of God. They are like ants from an ant hill who are totally obedient and subservient to the Socialist Collective of the ant hill. They move about independently but their identity is fused with the Collective Consciousness; they are expendable. Collectively, "THEY", the fallen angels and their robotic creation that Jesus called "the tares among the wheat", are called the fallen ones.
These fallen ones seek power, dominance and control over the children of God; by hook or by crook. They exude a certain "aura" of authority and "look like" leaders. They have vast intellects and computer like brains but they lack the Common Sense of the Christ Mind and that makes the proud and arrogant. They like to "lord it" over others and have nothing but contempt for the children of God. They gravitate to positions of power in every walk of life; religious, political, educational, legal, media, entertainment, the sciences, medicine, industry, etc. They use "solar plexus" energy to "push" their way around; it is like being hit in the gut and it causes a wobbly, butterfly, feeling of instability. They corrupt the institutions of the children of God from within. When God sends an advanced Son of God as a Prophet or Teacher to help guide his children out of their self imposed darkness, these fallen ones corrupt and distort that Teaching.
The children of God become the unwitting "tools" of the fallen ones when they misuse God's light and turn it to darkness. The entire Creation is composed of God's Light which is Self Luminous, Innately Intelligent, Conscious Energy. When light is misused, its vibration is diminished and less lustrous and becomes "veiled" in a dark patine. Energy "veiled" in darkness is "energy veiled" or "evil" for short. That "evil energy" still has intelligent consciousness. It can form itself into an "entity" with mal intent. When enough of it has amalgamated into a entity "deified" with a conscious identity, it is "deified evil" or a "devil" for short. People who become addicted to a behavior or a substance are under the influence of a "devil" that uses that substance or behavior to entrap unwary children of God. Evil and the forces of evil; the fallen ones and all of the various devils, demons and entities cannot exist in the light. They live off of the energy that is turned to darkness by the children of God. In other words, they are like ants who "milk" aphids for their sustenance. The Gadarene Demoniac (Luke 8:26-37) was possessed by a Legion of these devils when Jesus met him and cast them out of him. Those devils gain control over the person and cause them to seek more and more of the substance of their addiction, even causing them to commit crimes to obtain it.
Fanaticism is a symptom of demon and devil possession. Religious fanatics are particularly vile and dangerous because they "believe" that what they do (murder, rape, plunder, etc) is at the command of God and they do it to please their god which is actually a demon or fallen angel. They use religion as a guise to forcibly move society into domination by the Socialist Collective of the Ant Hill of the Fallen Angels. They corrupt the Teaching of Love brought to the children of God by the Prophet, the Messenger, the Christed One and turn it into a mechanism to obtain subservience, domination and control over the children of God. Their presence is marked by cruelty and inhumane treatment designed to instill fear in the populace.
So, what can we do about this? Now that you know the Truth, the Truth can set you free. If we can turn God's light to darkness by a misuse of our free will, we can also use God's Light to free his light and ourselves from that darkness. When God's Light is refracted through the crystal prism of the Mind of Christ, it separates into the Seven Rainbow Rays of Light ad Fire. Each Color Ray of God's Light has particular qualities, powers and virtues. The Blue Ray is the Ray of God's Power and Will, Protection, Perfection and Law. The Great Archangel Michael is the Archangel of the Blue Ray and that is why he is known as the Captain of the Lord's Host and the Defender of the Woman and her Seed. He cast those fallen ones out of heaven and he can Bind, Confound, Confute and Judge them in the earth. But, he can only do so at our command. We are the authority in the earth and Heaven cannot interfere in our affairs unless we Command and Demand that they do so (Isa 45:11, Job 42:4). The simple call: "Archangel Michael, Help Me, Help Me, Help Me!!!" will immediately bring Archangel Michael and his legions to your aid. Their are other prayers and decrees that will keep him near you always.
God's Universal Solvent and Cosmic Eraser is the Violet Ray of the Rainbow of God's Light. This Violet Ray, Light, Fire and Flame is composed of God's Blue Ray of Power and his Pink Ray of Love and the various violet hues come from an intensity of one or the other Ray. The Violet Flame has the power to penetrate matter and release it from darkness and thus liberating the light imprisoned therein. Using the Name of God given to Moses in Exd 3:14 as "I AM THAT I AM" or "I AM", we can invoke the Violet Flame into action. This name of God is an affirmation of True Being: "AS ABOVE, SO BELOW; I AM". Luke 17:21 "...the kingdom of God is within you" and when you say "I am" you are really saying "God in me is"; so be careful what you say after saying "I am" because God will affirm "that" in you as your reality. You can also affirm "I am that I am": "God in me is, here below, just as God in me is, there above". Jesus knew this and that is why he affirmed things such as: "I am the way", "I am the truth", "I am the life", "I am the resurrection". We can also make these affirmations of truth. We can also AFFIRM that "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires", meaning "God in me is a being of violet fire, God in me is the purity God desires". God's Violet Flame then begins the action of releasing the light from its darkness within you and in the world. You can say a variation on the theme like this: "the earth is a planet of violet fire, the earth is the purity God desires", or "my heart is an organ of violet fire, my heart is the purity God desires", or "Mary is a being of violet fire, Mary is the purity God desires", etc.
A fire engine is able to pump a great quantity of water through a fire hose by rapidly pumping a relatively small quantity of water with each "stroke" of the engine.. When we engage the Flame, "the Spirit of His Son", within our Heart of hearts with our voice in giving the Violet Flame Affirmation (mantra) we become the "Pump" which begins to pump the Violet Flame from the Heart of God into, through and out from us to wherever it is needed. The more repetitions of the affirmation spoken with a "voice of authority" (as in commanding soldiers to march), the more violet flame that we pump to where it is needed. The Violet Flame has power over All Matter, including nuclear radiation. The Violet Flame can render nuclear radiation harmless. So do not limit yourself. Wherever you see darkness, or a need, direct God's Violet Flame into it.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
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