I have spoken elsewhere, here, on my blog, about the Creation Story and how the Children of God are "members in particular" (1 Cor 12:27) in the one Body of Christ, the Only Begotten of the Father, with a divine destiny to be Christ and a God or Goddess of a particular Office and Function in God and over the Creation as God's Just Stewards and Handmaids. To prepare for the coming of his Children, God first created Cosmic Beings, Elohim, Builders of Mind and Builders of Form and a Nature Kingdom where the Children of God could develop into their Christ Potential.
The Elemental Kingdom serves under the Builders of Form and the Seven Mighty Elohim and their Twin Flames (Hercules and Amazonia; Apollo and Lumina; Heros and Amora; Purity and Astrea; Cyclopea and Virginia; Peace and Aloha; Arcturus and Victoria). The direct Hierarchs of the Elements over the Elementals of Fire (Salamanders), Air (Sylphs), Water (Undines) and Earth (Gnomes) are: Fire, Oromasis and Diana; Air, Aires and Thor; Water, Neptune and Luara; Earth, Virgo and Pelleur. These together compose the Nature Kingdom. The Hierarchs of the Elements, the Builders of Form, and the Elohim are all Ascended or Cosmic Beings.
The Elementals do not have a soul and they do not have a Threefold Flame. They will only attain immortal life if the entire planet Ascends, otherwise they have a limited lifespan of about 800-900 years. They are responsible for maintaining the purity and balance of their respective Elements. They hold the earth together and provide and perform all of the intricate things that make the planet a habitable place for the Children of God. The Angels also assist and guide the elementals as do the Angel Devas.
We each have a Body Elemental which assists us in forming our body in the womb and performs all of the autonomic functions of the body (digestion of food, respiration, elimination of toxins, etc). Our Body Elemental will Ascend with us when we Ascend.
Prior to the fall of the angels in the Great Rebellion of Lucifer, mankind lived in the same body for up to 2,000 years and had great powers; levitation, precipitation (of all necessities of life such as food, shelter, clothing, etc) from Universal Substance, healing, etc. After the Fall mankind were seduced by the cunning and deceit of the fallen angels and began to misuse their powers. Fallen angels created their "robotic" race using genetics and cloning and imprisoned elemental life into Ani-Mal (evil animation), Animal forms. Then also began grotesque experimentations of mixing man and animal genes to create half man, half animal forms, etc.
When mankind's Karma for the misuse of God's Energy became so great that they bordered on self annihilation, the Four and Twenty Elders and Great Solar Lords met in Great Cosmic Councils to debate the fate of earth and of the inhabitants of the earth. They could not directly interfere in mankind's Free Will so they decided to reduce the Power of mankind to do evil (create the "energy veil"). They reduced the amount of Light flowing over the umbilical cord called the Crystal Cord (Rev 22:1 "And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb."). The Crystal Cord used to be nine feet in diameter and was reduced to just the diameter of a human hair. The Seed of Christ, the Unfed Threefold Flame, "the Spirit of his Son" (Gal 4:6) within the Secret Chamber of the Heart, the Heart of hearts, was reduced to just one sixteenth of an inch. It was just enough to sustain "physical life".
This drastic reduction in the Light Energy flowing to the children of God resulted in an instantaneous decent in Vibration as if falling off of a very high and steep cliff. They found themselves in Very Dense bodies, the bodies of "cave man". They could no longer levitate or precipitate their needs from Universal Substance but needed to live off of the land and the things on the land including the animals (of air, land and sea). Mankind's rebellion and misuse of God's light; their ignoring of the Laws of God; resulted in their total Ignorance of God and the things of God as they became denser and denser. They Devolved into an animal like state as a result of their karma for the creation of animals and the imprisonment of the elementals in those forms.
The requirement for a planet to maintain its purpose and existence is that at least one soul Ascend each year from the planet. When mankind were no longer able to meet this requirement, the Cosmic Councils again met and determined that the earth and its inhabitants should be destroyed and be no more. At he last possible moment, the Hierarch of our Twin Planet, Venus, the Beloved Ascended Master Sanat Kumara, also known as the Ancient of Days, Kartikeya, and Ahura Mazda, stepped forward and volunteered to come to earth to Keep the Flame of Life on behalf of the earth and her evolutions until some could be awakened and raised up again. At this time, 144,000 souls of Venus also stepped forward and volunteered to come with Sanat Kumara to assist him in what would be an exile of millions of years. The Spokesman of the 144,000 was the soul that we now know as Gautama Buddha. I am one of those 144,000. We were required to embody among the "cave man" children of God wearing the same bodies that they wore. We ate the same food that they ate and therefore we have had an evolutionary "need" to also eat meat.
All of the world's religions were Sponsored by Sanat Kumara as the "only God that the children of earth would know" as a result of their rebellion against God. Sanat Kumara, in consultation with Cosmic Councils, released Dispensations of Gradual Knowledge to help guide the children of God out of their Darkness. Millions of years have gone by. Continents and Civilizations have risen and fallen. Civilizations with far greater technologies and knowledge than currently on the planet existed and disappeared. The Teachings of the World's Religions released over the past 6,000 years is just another attempt over a long series of attempts to re-establish God's Laws with the Children of God. Each time, these attempts have been thwarted by the Fallen Angels and their robotic creation who are still in the earth. But, their time is approaching and end. They have had millions of years to repent and many have repented and are now a band of angels called "The Restored Angels" but many continue in their recalcitrant rebellion and will soon "be no more", along with their robotic creation.
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