Are there days when you feel like a worthless lump of coal? Are there days when the pressures of life just seem unbearable? Are there days when you just can't take the heat? Are there days when you just want to collapse and give up? The difference between a lump of coal and a diamond is a matter of degree; the result of the pressure and heat it was subjected to which caused the structure of the coal to collapse in upon itself until it formed an even stronger bond among the atoms it is composed of making it become transparent, lustrous and full of valuable properties.
What is a lump of coal? I checked out Wikipedia. "Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock normally occurring in rock strata in layers or veins called coal beds or coal seams. The harder forms, such as anthracite coal, can be regarded as metamorphic rock because of later exposure to elevated temperature and pressure. Coal is composed primarily of carbon along with variable quantities of other elements, chiefly hydrogen, with smaller quantities of sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen. Coal begins as layers of plant matter accumulating at the bottom of a body of water. For the process to continue, the plant matter must be protected from biodegradation and oxidization, usually by mud or acidic water. This traps their carbon in immense peat bogs that are eventually covered over and deeply buried by sediments. Under this compression the plant material is metamorphosed into coal: over time, the chemical and physical properties of the plant remains are changed by geological action to create a solid material."
So coal is life, energy, which is transformed and stored in a different form. As it is, that life energy can be released to enable other life and other forms of energy. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It is transformed. Coal was formed of dead, decaying life under pressure.
In our many lifetimes we have used and transformed the Light Energy that we have been given either directly from God our Source or indirectly from the Sun and other forms of life. The energy that we have used is stamped with our unique identity. When that energy is used for some positive good, it is transformed from an unqualified energy to a qualified energy with a distinct vibrational frequency pattern the color of one of the bands of the rainbow. That rainbow light is energy with a particular power and virtue that is identified by its coloration. It rises back to the Original Source, God, and is stored in our treasure house in heaven, our Great Causal Body of Light.
But, we have also misused a tremendous amount of energy. The Light Energy that we have misused becomes impure and darkened. That energy cannot return to Source so it remains "stuck" here on earth. It gets stuck as a weight about us that hangs like a ball and chains, or an inverted kettle drum full of dark sludge that hangs from our heart downward, or it becomes, among the electrons and nucleus of the atoms of our being, like molasses in a barrel of marbles. We get sluggish, dull of hearing and dull of sight, dull of mind and dull of soul; we become just plain dull and lusterless because our light cannot shine through. Our bodies become subject to decay, disease and death. We become like a lump of coal.
The pressures of life, the pain, the sorrows, the conditions we bear in our bodies, the calamities of life, etc. are natures slow transmutative forces that are slowly working out the impurities of our misused energy. Over many lifetimes we gradually transform our darkness back into light by this slow, grinding process. Eventually the Diamond Crystal of the Mind of Christ, that is the Core of our being, begins to shine through. This has been the Way of transformation since the fall of man.
Now, with the advent and dawning of the Age of Aquarius we have been given a New Dispensation with new understanding and new tools for transformation. The Seventh Ray of the Rainbow is the Violet Ray which is God's Universal Solvent and Cosmic Eraser. When it is called forth into the physical dimensions it burst forth as a Spiritual Fire and Flame of the Holy Spirit. When it enters the world and our bodies it rapidly and intelligently begins the work of transmuting our darkness back to light. It frees our souls and minds so that we can perceive and incorporate in ourselves higher (frequency) concepts and higher patterns of the perfection of our Inner Christ. As more and more patterns and frequencies of perfection replace the transmuted patterns and frequencies of darkness, we become free and more powerful beings. The Boulder of Negativity that blocked the passage to the kingdom of God within us (Luke 17:21) is not only rolled away but is consumed and we step forth from our entombed being as the Risen Christ.
The mantra, the "I Am" affirmation which invokes this miraculous and liberating Violet Flame Energy is this: "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires". The name of God given to Moses on Mt Sinai is "I AM THAT I AM" (Exd 3:14) and that name contains the Power of God, AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. Since the kingdom of God is within us (Luke 17:21), when we say "I am" we are saying "God in me is". When we say the Violet Flame mantra we are saying "God in me is a being of violet fire, God in me is the purity God desires." Our God is a consuming fire (Deu 4:24) and therefore we are using the Power of Truth to liberate ourselves from our darkness. The Lump of coal transforms from a Diamond in the Rough to the full manifestation of the Diamond Shining Mind of God in the Christ, the Son (Sun), that we have become.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
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