Friday, February 18, 2011

The Cause and Effect of Insanity and Suicide - Denial of God

There is a saying that he whom God would destroy he first makes insane. God takes no pleasure in the Second Death of the wicked. God has extended the opportunity for eternal life to all who would avail themselves of the opportunity. God is Eternal Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness. But God is ultimately merciful to himself since all creation is composed of his Light, Energy, Consciousness and has Innate Intelligence.

God has allotted a period of time for reunion with Him. Those who have no soul can apply to God and petition Him for a soul. Those who have no Threefold Flame or who have snuffed out their Threefold Flame can petition to have it re-ignited. There is abundant opportunity for all in the adoption of sons (Rom 8:15 and Rom 8:23). But, the opportunity does not last forever.

God has suffered. Yes God is self-sacrificing, selfless service to all life that is God. His children are intended to become one with his Only Begotten Son, the Christ of whom we are all one body and members in particular (1 Cor 12:27). When parts of life turn God's Light to darkness (energy veiled or evil), God suffers and Christ is crucified again and again. God bears this all out of Love for the creation but He cannot allow it to last forever by a back door endowment of eternal life.

Life in the Matter Cosmos consisting of all of the systems of worlds throughout Cosmos is temporary and ever changing. The Matter Cosmos is the Womb of the Divine Mother and the planets are school rooms for the development of souls. God would endow his children with His All. He would make us One with Him; endowing us with His All Power in heaven and in earth as we exercise dominion over all of the creation. We surrender our "nothing", our limited self consciousness, and God gives us the All of His Cosmic Consciousness. That is the deal.

Those souls who continue in their rebellious refusal to accept God's Gift of Eternal Life come to an end that is called The Second Death. In previous posts I have explained that there is no "death". While the soul is evolving it may wear many different bodies. Each time we go to sleep our soul may travel out of the physical body in either the Astral (emotional, water) or Etheric (memory, fire) body in one of the 33 levels of the Astral or Etheric Planes. When the soul is out of the physical body in sleep, that is a daily "dying" to that body ("I die daily", 1 Cor 15:31). When the physical body is no longer a fitting habitation for the soul, the soul may no longer return to it (Rev 22:11) and it remains at the highest or lowest level of its development.

Eventually, everything returns to God one way or another. We either Ascend in our Christ Consciousness or our opportunity for eternal life is terminated in the Second Death. The process of both events is the same. We stand on a Dias and the Light of God as His All Consuming Fire (Deu 4:24, Hbr 12:29) descends upon us. If we have balanced at least 51% of our karma (negative energy) then we will Ascend and be permanently fused to our own individualized Presence of God, our own Mighty I Am Presence, and we will then continue to balance the remaining 49% of our karma from the Ascended state. If on the other hand, all of our light (or most of it) has been turned to darkness (Mat 6:23) then when that Light and Fire of God descends upon us, then we will be Totally Consumed, cancelled out, and all light, energy, and consciousness that was part of that one is demagnetized, repolarized and recycled to the Great Central Sun and the pool of unmanifest energy. It is a free will choice. God is not attached. It is our decision and ours alone.

The Definition of Insanity and Suicide is separation from God. The original suicide was committed by Lucifer. The absence of the pure light of God creates insanity. The more darkness, the greater the insanity. God does not make us insane. We make ourselves insane by turning God's Light to darkness. Insanity is no excuse. Ignorance (ignoring God's Laws) is no excuse. The soul made its choice and the end is known from the beginning.

We have been given the blessing of the knowledge and use of God's Universal Solvent, His Cosmic Eraser, the Violet Transmuting Flame of the Holy Spirit. We have been given a mantra to invoke and draw down that Violet Flame to us in order to free ourselves gradually from the darkness that we have blinded ourselves with. The mantra is this: "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires". It is an affirmation using God's Name "I AM THAT I AM", that affirms that where God is in me, there he is as his violet flame turning darkness back into the purity that he desires. This mantra can be given any time; taking a shower, washing the dishes, walking the dog, driving to work or an errand, cooking a meal, etc., etc. The more you do it the more you are cleansed by it. A pump can pump a great quantity of water through a hose by pumping a very small quantity rapidly with each stroke of the engine. Our heart and voice engaged as one is the pump that pumps the Violet Flame in, through and around us and then out into the world to cleanse and free us from all negativity. Do it or not, the choice is yours. Give it with the Messenger and those in attendance at this lecture on You Tube